twolodzko / base-python-project

Basic python project setup

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Basic python project setup

This project assumes using Unix-like operating system with Python, git and GNU Make installed. It assumes using the default python for the machine, this can be changed by setting the PYTHON variable. To setup a project, copy all the files to desired directory and run make dev.

It assumes the following dev environment:

  • Makefile is used for automation of the dev workflow. The make command runs all the code checks.
  • Git is used for version control, if it is not initialized, make dev will run git init.
  • Python's venv + pip manage the virtual environments and dependencies. The environment can be loaded using the . scripts/ command.
  • The .env file holds environment variables, and is loaded using python-dotenv.
  • pre-commit runs pre-commit-hooks for validating each commit.
  • pytest is used for running the unit tests. It is set up to fail fast and run the previously failed tests first. pytest-cov generates the test coverage report.
  • The code is auto-formatted using black and isort.
  • flake8 is used as code linter, but it ignores the stylistic issues that are fixed by Black.
  • mypy is used for static code analysis and type checking.
  • Each of the steps is configured to fail fast in case of any error.

How to use it.

  1. Click the "Use this template" button in GitHub to create a new repository


    copy all the files to your local machine, to the directory where you want to start a new project.

  2. Run make dev to setup the dev environment. If you want to use a specific version of python, use make dev PYTHON=python3.8, where PYTHON= should point to the name of the Python executable or path leading to it.


  • Any time you edit requirements.txt or requirements-dev.txt, run make update to update all the dependencies.
  • To test the code run make or make allchecks is you want to be more specific. For running individually the black and isort, linter, mypy, or unit tests, use make stylecheck, make lint, make typecheck, make test respectively. If you want to manually fix code formatting, run make stylefix. make coverage would generate the test coverage report. To manually run the pre-commit hooks, run make precommit.


Basic python project setup


Language:Makefile 75.4%Language:Shell 23.4%Language:Python 1.2%