twolfe18 / tutils

Java library for efficient NLP data structures

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tutils (Travis' Utils)

This is library of the utility code that I find myself re-using across my NLP projects. There are many things that I'm adding to this library, but the most stable and useful component of tutils right now is the Document class, and as such I will start with documentation for just this component. If you find other parts useful, you are free to use them, but they are not necessarily stable and are definitely note documentated.

A point about why: If you have experience with NLP and you are used to tasks like POS tagging, parsing, and NER tagging, you may be confused as to why you would spend much time on the data structures for NLP. As far as representing the data for these tasks, you can pretty much get away with running a simple tokenizer and storing an array of strings representing the words in a sentence (perhaps with an extra array of strings if you've run POS tagging first).

  • sections (e.g. email headers, titles, captions, etc)
  • semantic annotations: hierarchical NER, coref, relation extraction, SRL, semantic parsing, entity linking
  • system combination: may want to be able to use more than one POS tagger for features
  • when tokenization fails: some languages (e.g. Chinese) have ambiguous boundaries and some have rich morphology

tutils reads Concrete

Concrete is a data interchange format (schema) designed to support easy collaboration and data serialization for NLP researchers developed at the JHU HLTCOE. It is based on Apache Thrift, and thus comes with language bindings in a variety of languages, including Java. You might wonder why I'm not using the Concrete Java classes directly; there are a few reasons.

  • This is my own personal interface. Concrete was not always stable and it is nice to have an interface that I control which I can program against.
  • Ergonomical reasons. For a variety of reasons ranging from how thrift works to Concrete's need to be able to represent multiple theories (versions of a type of annotation overtop of the same data), using Concrete directly can require a lot of boilerplate and indirection. I have sought to make this library a little easier to use and more efficient.
  • This is a proving ground for things that may make it into Concrete. I contribute to Concrete, but sometimes an idea/implementation needs to be validated before it is committed into a more conservative project like Concrete. This project lets me do that. For Document in particular though, I believe this is about as mature as Concrete is and would recommend anyone who doesn't need Concrete compliance to use Document instead.
  • tutils is code, Concrete is data. Lisp aphorisms aside, there is a lot you can do with code that you can't do with just data. This was a major design decision made by Concrete that tutils doesn't follow. This decision was made so that all languages (at least those supported by thrift) were treated equally, but it limits what you can do because thrift only supports structs. tutils is a full blown java library.

ints over Strings

NLP applications process text, meaning they have to deal with strings as the primary input. Nearly all machine learning (ML) algorithms require integer indexing (e.g. vector spaces for linear classifiers and inputs to neural nets). The most common way to reconcile these two views of the data is usually called an Alphabet (which is at least as old as mallet, but I suspect it is much older than that), which is essentially a Map<String,Integer> and a Map<Integer,String> (the latter of which is usually implemented as an ArrayList<String>). Many libraries will store Strings and do the int lookup on the fly. This is slow since this operation often takes place in your tightest loop (feature extraction), and can easily result in a 2-10x slowdown. tutils tries to avoid this by pushing back this operation as early as possible (when a Document is created) so that it is not done in performance-critical regions. An Alphabet is kept in Document for things like debugging, but in general all operations (including taking products of features) are designed to avoid using Strings as much as possible.

Bottom-up not top-down

When you have a hierarchy of entities (e.g. Document > Section > Paragraph > Sentence > Token), it may seem natural to make these nested in an OOP or even relational DB sense. tutils uses an approach that is related to the relational DB approach, but I'll describe the downsides of doing this in an OOP way to highlight some pitfalls.

  • If you are interested in leaves you have to do a lot of internal node boiler plate.
  • You may need to create dummy internal nodes to represent an annotation.
  • If annotations don't fully agree, it is not clear how to represent the data.
  • When you have multiple theories, you double the depth of the tree and the number of indirections.

Other points (TODO):

  • everything is a tree
  • data structures stay the same, semantics of the data varies

Everything is a tree


Eliminating the overhead introduced by Java/OOP

OOP language that support sub-typing (i.e. most if not all of them) add some overhead for each object, and Java even more so due to things like how locking is implemented. For a wrapper around data, this is not really appropriate. You don't need extensive polymorphism or abstraction with your data: you just need the data. As such, data in tutils is primarily stored as primitive arrays. I have includeded convenience classes like Document.Token and Document.Constituent for cases where the conveience is worth the overhead of using a class, but you can use Document without these, where each method is not much more than an array access which can be easily inlined.

Structure of arrays (over array of structures)

This is a common convention in game programming and other high-performance computing areas. It is usually more efficient to store {X[],Y[],Z[]} than {X,Y,Z}[]. This has to do with memory bandwidth, data locality, and alignment. The easiest way to see this effect in action is to imagine a very fat struct (e.g. Token, which needs to include word, posTool1, posTool2, posGold, nerTool1, lemma, brownCluster, superSense, language, wordShape, etc) and use it in a piece of code which only reads one of these fields (e.g. contains(word) or matches(simpleNP) or hist(language)). If you have an array of structs, you need to read every field into memory even though you are only going to use one of those fields. This means more memory bandwidth is required and more cache evictions will take place, which will lead to slower code (I will not get into the SIMD/alignment argument for structure of arrays because I don't think it is relevant to Java). The take-home message is that if you use structures of arrays (SoA), you can get speedups according to what fraction of the data members your code uses: the less data read the faster the code. While this may sound like wishful thinking and/or premature optimization, even very simple benchmark can verify that this phenomenon is real and affects JVM programs.

Why Java?

You may look at my code an wonder why I landed on Java. 1) I know it well, 2) the JVM is great, 3) the tooling is great, 4) my employer likes it, and 5) some other folks in NLP use Java a lot. If you hate Java a lot, you could probably write a regular expression converting Document from Java to C/C++/C#.


Java library for efficient NLP data structures


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