twinklecc / radar_sensor_firmware

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Radar Sensor Firmware

Firmware of Calterah SoC radar sensor. It currently support chips are listed below

  • AlpsA

Build System

Build system is organized with GNU Make. It supports both GNU and MetaWare toolchains:

  • GNU toolchain please download release version from here
  • MetaWare is provided by Synopsys Inc.

We do not provide IDE support, here is the reason:

  1. IDE is difficult to maintain large projects especially when building process is highly configurable. Our firmware supports multiple chips with multiple versions, which may used on mulitlple boards with various applications, like BSD, FCW, ACC and so on.

  2. IDE usually hide details such as building options. For example, when you mitigate from one version of IDE to another, there is no garantee you will get same compiling results. Therefore, maintaining a project file for particular IDE is not meaningfule.

  3. Key value of an IDE has two folds: fancy editor and debugger.

    • There are tons of editors with fancy GUI and fancy cross-ref functions
    • Once the image is built, you can choose your favorite debugger. With GNU toolchain, it is easy to setup a debug project with eclipse; with MetaWare, GUI based debug session can be invoked through make command.

How to build

Build code is simple:

  1. Go to source code root
  2. Type make APPL=sensor

After it finishes, you will see a new directory create at your root directory, E.g. obj_alpsA_fpga_v1, where

  1. alps: chip name
  2. A: chip version
  3. fpga: board name
  4. v1: board revision

Inside the directory, you will find image in *.elf together with all temporarily generated files. To get more help, please run make APPL=sensor help

To invoke the debugger

make APPL=sensor TOOLCHAIN=gnu OPENOCD_SCRIPT_ROOT=path/inside/your/gnu/toolchain gui  # GDB console based
make APPL=sensor TOOLCHAIN=mw  gui  # MW GUI based

How build system is organized


Source Code Overview

Under source code root, there three directories:

  1. embarc_osp: source code pull from embarc_osp, where synopsys hosts ARC/IOT related source code. We did some modification to fit into our development structure, which mainly on makefiles. For future development, please keep its source code modifications minimal.
  2. calterah: Calterah's own source code resides in this directory. That means you will work most here
  3. doc: Documentation, which is currently empty


Our building system generally reuse embarc_osp's. Changes are made in following aspects:

  1. Separate configure related to chip from board. This allows us to support multiple chip/revision in a systematic way.
  2. Some drivers related to on-chip peripheral-related IPs are included under each chip. Currently UART driver is brought up.


Inside, it has four sub-directories:

  1. baremetal
  2. freertos
  3. common
  4. include

Our plan is to support both non-OS/OS based applications. Therefore, baremetal and freertos holds OS and APP specific codes, while common and include are code shared by them. are provided for each directory to have more details. Please follow it carefully.


Documentation directory is currently a place-holder. We do not have much to say yet!



Language:C 82.7%Language:C++ 9.6%Language:Makefile 4.5%Language:HTML 1.5%Language:Python 0.9%Language:Assembly 0.8%Language:Shell 0.0%