twineworks / vertica-9-for-pentaho-kettle

Vertica 9 database metadata for pentaho kettle

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Vertica 9+ compatibility plugin for pentaho-kettle

Kettle 6.x Java 7+ License Maven Central

An plugin for Pentaho kettle (PDI) providing support for modern versions of Vertica. Tested with Vertica 9.

Supported versions of pentaho-kettle

The plugin is built against the most recent versions of Kettle 6.x, 7.x and 8.x.

How to get it?

Grab the latest release from the releases page. You can also get the plugin zip as a maven dependency from maven central.

How to install?

Decompress the release zip to <kettle-dir>/plugins and restart Spoon. The "Vertica 9+" database type will appear in the "Database Connection" dialogs. You still need to supply your own JDBC driver for vertica. The plugin is tested with the official vertica 9 jdbc drivers.

Why would I want this?

Official Vertica support in kettle has not been updated in a while. Among other things, this plugin fixes the following issues:

Where do I report bugs and issues?

Just open issues on github.

How do I build the project?

mvn clean package

It creates the plugin zip in target/vertica-9-for-pentaho-kettle-{version}

How can I contribute?

If you'd like to contribute please fork the project, add the feature or bugfix and send a pull request.


The plugin uses the Apache 2.0 license. Same as kettle.


Open source does not mean you're on your own. The plugin is developed by Twineworks GmbH. Twineworks offers commercial support and consulting services. Contact us if you'd like us to help with a project.


Vertica 9 database metadata for pentaho kettle

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Java 100.0%