twho / leetcode-30-day-challenge-swift

Solutions and unit tests for April and May 30-Day LeetCoding Challenge written in Swift.

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Leetcode 30-Day Challenge April and May Edition

Swift 4.2 License


Articles for April Edition

Articles for May Edition

Updating in progress

Difficulty Legends

Difficulty Easy Medium Hard
Icon 📗 📙 📕

April Challenge

April 1st - April 30th

Day Diffculty Problem Solution
1 📗 Single Number Solution
2 📗 Happy Number Solution
3 📗 Maximum Subarray Solution
4 📗 Move Zeroes Solution
5 📗 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II Solution
6 📙 Group Anagrams Solution
7 📗 Counting Elements Solution
8 📗 Middle of the Linked List Solution
9 📗 Backspace String Compare Solution
10 📗 Min Stack Solution
11 📗 Diameter of Binary Tree Solution
12 📗 Last Stone Weight Solution
13 📙 Contiguous Array Solution
14 📗 Perform String Shifts Solution
15 📙 Product of Array Except Self Solution
16 📙 Valid Parenthesis String Solution
17 📙 Number of Islands Solution
18 📙 Minimum Path Sum Solution
19 📙 Search in Rotated Sorted Array Solution
20 📙 Construct Binary Search Tree from Preorder Traversal Solution
21 📙 Leftmost Column with at Least a One Solution
22 📙 Subarray Sum Equals K Solution
23 📙 Bitwise AND of Numbers Range Solution
24 📙 LRU Cache Solution
25 📙 Jump Game Solution
26 📙 Longest Common Subsequence Solution
27 📙 Maximal Square Solution
28 📙 First Unique Number Solution
29 📕 Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum Solution
30 📙 A String Is a Root-to-Leaf Path in a Binary Tree Solution

May Challenge

May 1st - May 31st

Day Diffculty Problem Solution
1 📗 First Bad Version Solution
2 📗 Jewels and Stones Solution
3 📗 Ransom Note Solution
4 📗 Number Complement Solution
5 📗 First Unique Character in a String Solution
6 📗 Majority Element Solution
7 📗 Cousins in Binary Tree Solution
8 📗 Check If It Is a Straight Line Solution
9 📗 Valid Perfect Square Solution
10 📗 Find the Town Judge Solution
11 📗 Flood Fill Solution
12 📙 Single Element in a Sorted Array Solution
13 📙 Remove K Digits Solution
14 📙 Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) Solution
15 📙 Maximum Sum Circular Subarray Solution
16 📙 Odd Even Linked List Solution
17 📙 Find All Anagrams in a String Solution
18 📙 Permutation in String Solution
19 📙 Online Stock Span Solution
20 📙 Kth Smallest Element in a BST Solution
21 📙 Count Square Submatrices with All Ones Solution
22 📙 Sort Characters By Frequency Solution
23 📙 Interval List Intersections Solution
24 📙 Construct Binary Search Tree from Preorder Traversal Solution
25 📙 Uncrossed Lines Solution
26 📙 Contiguous Array Solution
27 📙 Possible Bipartition Solution
28 📙 Counting Bits Solution
29 📙 Course Schedule Solution
30 📙 K Closest Points to Origin Solution
31 📕 Edit Distance Solution


Solutions and unit tests for April and May 30-Day LeetCoding Challenge written in Swift.

License:MIT License


Language:Swift 100.0%