tweakoz / tinyfpga_bx_usbserial

USB Serial on the TinyFPGA BX

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

TinyFPGA BX USB Serial


Luke Valenti's USB module, as adapted by Lawrie Griffiths and others. Luke's code was created with the purpose of providing a "bit banged" USB port to SPI bridge for his (awesome) TinyFPGA boards.

The original is here -

Lawrie Griffiths dug into the dark innards of this code and did the bulk of the work to change it to being a USB - SERIAL bridge, looking to the user like a serial port, rather than an SPI master. He also created some great examples. His work is here -

However there were a couple of problems:

  • arachne-pnr would give spotty results, sometimes not working at all. This is easy to understand when considering that arachne-pnr does not place in such a way as to minimize timings! NextNPR is a must.
  • the original code has a few places where it violates Verilog rules (mostly fixed by smunaut and submitted as a pull request tinyfpga/TinyFPGA-Bootloader#21)

This Project

This project makes the above changes, and fixes one or two other small issues. Importantly, it also replaces the front end to the code with a pipeline interface. This last thing is what makes this project more fork-y and less pull-request-y with respect to Lawrie's repo.

The key to the streaming pipeline interface is that there are three ports: data, valid, and ready. A sender will place new data on the data port and raise the valid flag. If a receiver is ready to receive, it will raise the ready flag. So in any connection there will be two signals generated by the sender (data and valid) and one by the receiver ready. And here's the key part if valid and ready are both raised at the same time the data is considered to be transfered. This interface can clunk along - the sender raising valid now and then, and provided the ready signal is raised, data will flow, but pretty amazingly, this interface can really rock - if there is data to be had at every clock cycle, just leave valid and ready on and one word of data will flow at each clock.

This works pretty well and has been tested at full speed using some Python code.

The USB code alone (with virtually no other functionality at all) uses 15% of the device's LUT's. Here's the NextPNR output:

Info: Device utilisation:
Info: 	         ICESTORM_LC:  1171/ 7680    15%
Info: 	        ICESTORM_RAM:     2/   32     6%
Info: 	               SB_IO:     9/  256     3%
Info: 	               SB_GB:     8/    8   100%
Info: 	        ICESTORM_PLL:     1/    2    50%
Info: 	         SB_WARMBOOT:     0/    1     0%

Technically, it is failing timing. NextPNR reports that the critical path is the clock signal and that the design isn't guaranteed to run faster than 38.30MHz. We're running a good bit faster than that but it seems to work. Perhaps there's a simple fix for this? Is it common to have the clock be the critical path? I thought that the clock was the thing that was used to determine the critical path. Not sure here.


The interface to the code looks like the following:

usb_uart_i40 u_u_i40 (
  .clk_48mhz  (clk_48mhz),
  .reset      (reset),

  // pins
  .pin_usb_p( pin_usb_p ),
  .pin_usb_n( pin_usb_n ),

  // uart pipeline in
  .uart_in_data( uart_in_data ),
  .uart_in_valid( uart_in_valid ),
  .uart_in_ready( uart_in_ready ),

  // uart pipeline out
  .uart_out_data( uart_out_data ),
  .uart_out_valid( uart_out_valid ),
  .uart_out_ready( uart_out_ready ),

Note that there are no baud rates, start, stop or parity specifications as this is only a pretend UART.


You will need a 48Mhz clock. This can be generated by pll from the TinyFPGA BX's 16Mhz oscillator.

		.DIVR(4'b0000),		// DIVR =  0
		.DIVF(7'b0101111),	// DIVF = 47
		.DIVQ(3'b100),		// DIVQ =  4
	) uut (

In this project, the pll is contained in its own module (pll.v) that is created by the IceStorm project tool icepll.

Amazingly, the 48MHz signal can also be generated by dividing down a faster clock. Using an icepll configured pll at 192MHz, a 48MHz signal can be derived the simple way, by divider, and (possibly unnecessarily) put through the global buffer network for distribution. This worked for a few experiments, but probably requires more development and testing to confirm. Perhaps it can be done better.

wire clk_192mhz;
wire clk_locked;

// Use an icepll generated pll to give us 192MHz
pll pll192( .clock_in(pin_clk), .clock_out(clk_192mhz), .locked(clk_locked) );

reg [4:0] reset_counter = 0;

// Generate the slower clock
reg       clk_48mhz_logic;
reg [1:0] clk_divider;
always @(posedge clk_192mhz ) begin
    if ( ~clk_locked ) begin
        clk_divider <= 0;
    end else begin
        case (clk_divider)
            0: begin
                clk_48mhz_logic <= 1;
                clk_divider <= 1;
            1: begin
                clk_divider <= 2;
            2: begin
                clk_48mhz_logic <= 0;
                clk_divider <= 3;
            3: begin
                clk_divider <= 0;

// This clock has to go places.  Put it through a global buffer
wire clk_48mhz;
SB_GB gbc(
    .USER_SIGNAL_TO_GLOBAL_BUFFER (clk_48mhz_logic),
    .GLOBAL_BUFFER_OUTPUT ( clk_48mhz ) );

Device Pins

The pins in the interface to the module (pin_usb_p and pin_usb_n) are the raw device pins, the direction control logic is internal to usb_uart_i40. The original usb_uart module is retained below to facilitate reuse in other architectures.

Somewhere the USB pull up pin has to be asserted. This is done in the top level code, since usb_uart doesn't manipulate it.

assign pin_pu = 1'b1;

Pipeline Interface

There are two pipeline interfaces to the module, uart_in and uart_out. The former being a pipeline receiver and the latter being a pipeline sender. The naming can be a bit confusing. uart_in is into the module, out of the device, into the host, uart_out is out of the host, into the device, out of the module.

These can just be tied together (as they are in this project) to create a UART loopback.


Development has been done on Ubuntu.

Clone the repo

git clone

and enter the directory

cd tinyfpga_bx_usbserial

And make it!


The make process has got to do a few things so it may take a minute.

If it completes successfully, press the "program" button on the TinyFPGA BX and program it

make prog

If all went well, you will then see a new port which you can connect to with a serial terminal emulator (on Ubuntu the port is /dev/ttyACM0 and a good terminal program is gtkterminal since it doesn't seem to get upset if you forget to disconnect before reprogramming).

For this demo, characters typed are rather unspectacularly just echo'ed back.

make gui

Let's you perform the place and route manually and generate pretty pictures like the one at the top. And this one.


Nothing is required beyond the usual tools needed for TinyFPGA development. This is a command-line makefile project.


Make sure you get NextPNR.



Pipeline Interface

Run slowly, the pipeline is pretty simple. Data is available (valid), receiver (signaling ready) receives it. Wait. Repeat. You can certainly use it in a simple way by de-asserting ready every cycle forcing the interface into a two step (valid ready, valid ~ready). The logic to do this is pretty simple.

Where the pipeline shines is when data is streaming - one in, one out every clock cycle, (as happens in multibyte transfers), but for a simple seeming interface, a pipeline like this can be fiendishly complex to implement. Implementers must have a firm grasp on their ='s vs <='s, know their always @(*)'s from their always @(posedge clk)'s, and really understand combinatorial vs registered signals.

Here's a taste. Consider a pipeline module, m with both upstream and downstream communicating partners. The main area of complexity happens when data is streaming (valid and ready are asserted by all). Every clock, data is flowing from the upstream module into m, and from m into the downstream module below it. Suddenly the downstream module gets busy or is itself held up for some reason and it lowers ready. When this happens module m has to latch the data that it is currently sending (since data is transferred only when both parties agree), hold valid high and wait. Meanwhile the upstream module's data was considered transfered. So the poor module m in the middle has to both latch its data word and store the new overflow one and just hang out. Then when the downstream module finally signals that it's ready (raising the ready line), module m first needs to give it the original data, then the stored overflow data, and only then can it start accepting data again (raising its ready to the upstream module). Getting all this in your head and implemented correctly can take days (or weeks)

Mr ZipCPU talks about pipelining a lot here - . He uses "STB" and "Busy" as his signals, and his development of the subject is pretty nice. I haven't used his code. There are a few places where I have skeptical squint-eye, and so to not end up balling and throwing things every time I implemented something pipeline-y, I ended up writing my own pipeline stub code from scratch.

So, feel free to use this interface, or put another one on it! Maybe someone will create a whole suite of pipelined modules to do stuff...

Command Line

There are rumors that some people don't like command-line tools. If you (or a friend) think you might be one of these people, please feel free to connect this project to your other fancy environment (Apio, PlatformIO) and submit the appropriate files so others may experience these delights.

Accuracy / Mistakes / Etc.

Please feel free to suggest fixes / improvements / changes.

Fixed Issues

32 Character Bug

Turns out that was all me. Fixed now.

Back Pressure Bugs

The OUT EP interface (characters from the host) would stutter a little sometimes when the pipeline signaled ~ready. This is fixed now.

Send Timeout

The IN EP (characters to the host) employed a very aggressive policy for buffer termination. Whenever the pipeline went dry - ~valid it would send the bytes already received, initiating a whole packet turnaround. This is not ideal when a pipeline may stop for a cycle or two periodically. So now when there's a pause, the IN EP waits for up to 8 cycles before dispatching the packet.


USB Serial on the TinyFPGA BX


Language:Verilog 99.0%Language:Makefile 1.0%