tweag / nixpkgs-graph

Generate a graph from nixpkgs

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Build a graph database of nixpkgs.


This project aims at building a graph database of nixpkgs. Read more on our blog post: "Construction and analysis of the build and runtime dependency graph of Nixpkgs".




./ 481f9b246d200205d8bafab48f3bd1aeb62d775b 0n6a4a439md42dqzzbk49rfxfrf3lx3438i2w262pnwbi3dws72g 


  • the first argument is the revision (the 40-character SHA-1 hash) of a commit
  • the second is the SHA256 hash of its content (same as nix-prefetch-url --unpack).

After running this script you will find in the ./rawdata/ folder:

  • nodes.json: raw data extracted with the Nix evaluation
  • nodes.csv: structured data which can be loaded by most tools
  • first_graph.png: image drawn with networkx
  • first_graph.gexf: data which can be loaded by Gephi
  • first_graph.grapgml: data which can be loaded by Neo4j
  • general_info.json: some basic information (number of nodes, number of edges)

If you want to query the graph with Neo4j using Cypher Shell, a shell.nix is provided:

$ nix-shell
[nix-shell]$ cypher-shell -a bolt://localhost:7687 "MATCH (n) RETURN COUNT(n) as number_of_nodes;"

Manual steps

  1. The provided Nix shell also create a Python virtual environment:

    nix-shell --command "exit"
    source .venv/bin/activate
  2. Run nixpkgs_graph in the command line:

    python3 -m nixpkgs_graph --help

    To get the nixpkgs database in json format, you can use the following code:

    python3 -m nixpkgs_graph build --rev 481f9b246d200205d8bafab48f3bd1aeb62d775b --sha256 0n6a4a439md42dqzzbk49rfxfrf3lx3438i2w262pnwbi3dws72g

    The -rev flag means revision, which is the 40-character SHA-1 hash of a commit. And -sha256 is its SHA256 hash.

  3. Generate the graph and do some basic analysis:

    python3 -m nixpkgs_graph generate-graph --input-file INPUT_FILE --output-folder OUTPUT_FOLDER

    The input file should be the path to the data extracted in the previous step.

  4. To use Neo4j to query the graph:

    • Find the .graphml format file in the output folder.

    • Copy it to the import folder of Neo4j $NEO4J_HOME/share/neo4j/import/.

    • Clear the original graph to avoid duplication:

      cypher-shell -a bolt://localhost:7687 "MATCH (n) DETACH DELETE n;"
    • Use APOC to import it:

      cypher-shell -a bolt://localhost:7687 "call apoc.import.graphml('<filename>.graphml', {})"

      Or in Neo4j browser if you use desktop version:

      call apoc.import.graphml('<filename>.graphml', {})
  • Use some simple commands to test if the graph is successfully imported:

    cypher-shell -a bolt://localhost:7687 "MATCH (n) RETURN n LIMIT 10;"


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.


Eloi Xuan WANG - @GearlessJohn -

Guillaume Desforges - @GuillaumeDesforges -

Project Link:


The following are details about the methods used.

How data is extracted

Each name/value pair in the JSON file represents a package under nixpkgs, and it contains the following information :

  • id: full name with version of the package under nixpkgs,
  • pname
  • version
  • package : path to which the package belongs (like [ nixpkgs python3Package ])
  • buildInputs of the package in which each buildInput has the /nix/store/hash-name(-dev) structure, so we can identifier the node by name.
  • propagatedBuildInputs of the package in which each propagatedBuildInput has also the /nix/store/hash-name(-dev) structure, so we can still identifier the node by name.
  • type = "node" which is used as an identification marker for lib.collect

Example :

  "buildInputs": "/nix/store/c1pzk30ksbff1x3krxnqzrzzfjazsy3l-gsettings-desktop-schemas-42.0 /nix/store/mmwc0xqwxz2s4j35w7wd329hajzfy2f1-glib-2.72.3-dev /nix/store/64mp60apx1klb14l0205562qsk1nlk39-gtk+3-3.24.34-dev /nix/store/6hdwxlycxjgh8y55gb77i8yqglmfaxkp-adwaita-icon-theme-42.0 ",
  "id": "chromium-103.0.5060.134",
  "package": [
  "pname": "chromium",
  "version": "103.0.5060.134"

and another example of depth 1 under python3Packages:

    "buildInputs": "/nix/store/vakcc74vp08y1rb1rb1cla6885ayklk3-zstd-1.5.2-dev ",
    "id": "python3.9-zstd-",
    "package": [
    "pname": "zstd",
    "propagatedBuildInputs":"/nix/store/xpwwghl72bb7f48m51amvqiv1l25pa01-python3-3.9.13 ",
    "version": ""

To get this data, we evaluate a Nix expression designed to yield all the data we want. Note that we use --json --strict when calling nix-instantiate.

The Nix expresison iterates on the key/value pairs of the root attribute set of nixpkgs (and some other selected attribute sets) using mapAttrs. Afterwards, we retrieve the desired sets via lib.collect.

How raw data is processed

For the first version of the graph, we used pandas to process the raw JSON data and networkx to process the graph data.


Analyzing data

Use the networkx.read_gexf() function to read the .gexf file.

This project provides some basic infomatation:

  • number of nodes
  • number of edges
  • top 10 nodes which have the largest number of dependencies
  • top 10 most cited nodes
  • average number of dependencies of a derivation
  • cycles in the nixpkgs graph
  • length of the longest path in the graph

Visualizing the graph

Use Gephi to read and process the generated .gexf for visualization.


Generate a graph from nixpkgs

License:MIT License


Language:Python 71.1%Language:Nix 24.3%Language:Shell 4.6%