twanh / IRM_wk5-RUG-wiki

Count all occurrences of the article "de" in the Dutch Wikipedia page of the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (this is a project for Introduction to Research Methods -- milestone 5)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Counting de

Counting the article 'de' in the Wikipedia article of the RUG.

Quick start

  • Use the ./download script to download the current version of the Wikipedia article of the RUG.
  • Use the ./count_de script to count the occurrences of the dutch article 'de' in the downloaded file.

Note: see bellow for more detailed instructions.


Clone this repository and change directory into it:

$ git clone && cd IRM_wk5-RUG-wiki

Make the download and count_de scripts executable.

$ chmod +x download
$ chmod +x count_de


If you have completed the installation process you can now use both the download and count_de scripts to get the data and count the occurrences of 'de'.

Getting the input data

Using the download script the input data can be downloaded. It automatically downloads the text contents of the Wikipedia article of the RUG.

Note that this repository currently has one data file pre downloaded (wikipedia_rug_15_03_2022.txt) and it's information is available in the current collected data section.

Usage of ./download

$ ./download [filename]

The filename option can be used to save the file to a custom location. If no filename is given the output is saved to wikipedia_rug_[current date].txt where [current date] is the current date (formatted as: dd_mm_yyyy).

Example without filename

$ ./download
Downloading wikipedia page for the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
using url:
Downloaded the wikipedia page, saved as wikipedia_rug_15_03_2022.txt

Example with filename

$ ./download wiki_rug.txt
Downloading wikipedia page for the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
using url:
Downloaded the wikipedia page, saved as wiki_rug.txt

Counting the article 'de'

Using the count_de script the word 'de' can be counted in a text file, and more specifically in the downloaded data files.

Usage of ./count_de

$ ./count_de [filename]

The filename option can be used to count the occurrences of 'de' in a specific (text) file.

If the filename option is left blank or is not a file, the script looks for all files starting with wikipedia_rug_ and uses the file with the most recent date suffix to count the word 'de' in.

Example without filename

$ ./count_de
Count of 'de' (case insensitive) in wikipedia_rug_15_03_2022.txt:
Count of 'de' (case sensitive) in wikipedia_rug_15_03_2022.txt:

Example filename

Note: the example.txt file is just to demonstrate the idea and does not exist within this repository.

$ ./count_de example.txt
Count of 'de' (case insensitive) in example.txt:
Count of 'de' (case sensitive) in example.txt:

Current collected data

filename date # 'de' (case insensitive) # 'de' (case sensitive)
wikipedia_rug_15_03_2022.txt 15-03-2022 251 217


The versions of important software used:

  • OS: Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS x86_64
  • Kernel: 5.13.0.-30-generic
  • Bash version: GNU bash, version 5.0.17(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
  • Default shell: zsh, with version zsh 5.8 (x86_64-ubuntu-linux-gnu)


Count all occurrences of the article "de" in the Dutch Wikipedia page of the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (this is a project for Introduction to Research Methods -- milestone 5)


Language:Shell 100.0%