tw4l / website-static

The Harvard Library Innovation Lab website

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Install and Run

  1. Install Docker or Docker Toolbox and fire it up.

  2. git clone

  3. cd website-static

  4. Fire up the web server and build the site: make

  5. Check out what you built:

  6. To rebuild the website and experience your changes: run make again, and refresh your browser window.

  7. When you are done playing, run make down. Then:

  • Docker: quit the Docker app too, if you like
  • Docker Machine: run docker-machine stop, if you like

Or, For More Control

If running make doesn't suit your work-style (takes too long, etc.), you have more fined-grained commands at your disposal.

make up (or docker-compose up -d) starts two containers in the background:

  1. a container for building the site
  2. a webserver configured to serve up development and production builds of site.

Those containers need to be running for you to build, re-build, or view the website.

You have three options for building/re-building the website:

  • make listen or docker-compose exec jekyll grunt will build the dev ("expanded", non-minified, non-optimized) version of the site, then will start listening for changes to the app and assets/src directories. It will rebuild on each save/change. The initial build after cloning the repo will be the slowest. Each subsequent rebuild should be shorter. To stop the process, press control + c. For the dev version of the site, head to http://localhost:8080/.
  • make dev or docker-compose exec jekyll grunt build:dev will build the dev ("expanded", non-minified, non-optimized) version of the site, and then return. For the dev version of the site, head to http://localhost:8080/.
  • make prod or docker-compose exec jekyll grunt build:prod will build the production (compressed) version of the site, and then return. For the prod version of the site, head to http://localhost:8081/.

When you are done, use make down or docker-compose stop to stop your containers.

If something is wrong with your environment and you'd like to blast away your docker images and start completely fresh, run docker-compose down --rmi local. The next time you attempt to start your containers, Docker will build you a new image automatically.

Working on the build environment

If you change any of the contents of the build-environment directory (for instance, if you change any configurations in gruntfile.js), you need to rebuild the docker image.

  • option 1 (best for iterating locally): run make rebuild_image or docker-compose build or docker-compose up -d --build
  • option 2 (best for when you are finished): increment the tag for lil-website in docker-compose.yml. This ensures that an automatic rebuild is triggered for all users, when they pull in your changes.

If you need to update the Gemfile: update it. Comment out RUN bundle config --global frozen 1 from the Dockerfile. Run make rebuild_image followed by make gemfile_lock_from_container. Uncomment that line from the Dockerfile, make rebuild_image again... And you're done.

Periodically, you might want to run docker images to see if you have accumulated a lot of cruft. Clean up manually, or try running docker-compose down --rmi local.

Writing Blog Posts (Docker not required)

Head to to write your post in the on-screen editor. Use the editor's buttons, if you want the preview to work correctly. (Manually-entered markdown is fine, but won't render correctly here in the preview.) Detailed instructions are below the editor, if you are into that kind of thing.

Hit the editor's "Preview/Download" to check your work.

When you are satisfied, hit the "Download" button to download your draft, and follow the simple instructions to upload your draft to Github.


The Harvard Library Innovation Lab website


Language:HTML 55.2%Language:CSS 32.2%Language:JavaScript 8.1%Language:Ruby 2.6%Language:Shell 1.4%Language:Makefile 0.5%