tvganesh / DeepLearningBook-2ndEd

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Deep Learning from first principles in vectorized Python, R and Octave

Table of Contents

Preface 4 Introduction 6

  1. Logistic Regression as a Neural Network - 8
  2. Implementing a simple Neural Network - 23
  3. Building a L- Layer Deep Learning Network - 48
  4. Deep Learning network with the Softmax - 85
  5. MNIST classification with Softmax - 103
  6. Initialization, regularization in Deep Learning - 121
  7. Gradient Descent Optimization techniques - 167
  8. Gradient Check in Deep Learning - 197
  9. Appendix A - 214
  10. Appendix 1 – Logistic Regression as a Neural Network - 220
  11. Appendix 2 - Implementing a simple Neural Network - 227
  12. Appendix 3 - Building a L- Layer Deep Learning Network - 240
  13. Appendix 4 - Deep Learning network with the Softmax - 259
  14. Appendix 5 - MNIST classification with Softmax - 269
  15. Appendix 6 - Initialization, regularization in Deep Learning - 302
  16. Appendix 7 - Gradient Descent Optimization techniques - 344
  17. Appendix 8 – Gradient Check - 405 References - 475
