tversteeg / chuot

🐭 AGPL licensed Rust game engine for 2D pixel-art games

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🐭 Chuột

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AGPL licensed and opinionated game engine for 2D pixel-art games.


  • Pixel-perfect pixel art rendering with built-in rotsprite rotation shader.
  • Window creation with independent update and render game loop.
  • Hot-reloadable assets, seeing your assets update live in the game when you save them is a great boost in productivity for quickly iterating on ideas.
  • Single-binary, all non-texture assets should be embedded directly, and textures should be diced into a single atlas map embedded in the binary when deploying.
  • Simple bitmap font drawing.
  • Dialogue scripting system.
  • OGG audio playback.
  • First-class gamepad support.
  • In game CPU & memory profiler GUI.


  • Ergonomic API with a focus on quickly creating small games, especially for game jams.
  • Reasonable performance, drawing thousands of animated sprites at the same time shouldn't be a problem.
  • Proper web support, it should be very easy to bundle as WASM for the web.


  • An ECS (Entity component system), although an ECS architecture is great for cache locality and performance, I feel that it's overkill for most small games. Nothing is stopping you to add your own on top of this engine if that's what you want though!
  • 3D, this engine is only for 2D pixel art.
  • Vector graphics, similar to the above, this engine is focused specifically on pixel art with lower resolutions.
  • Reinventing the wheel for everything, when there's a proper crate with good support I prefer to use that instead of creating additional maintainer burden.
  • Support all possible file formats, this bloats the engine.


Using this crate is quite simple, there is a single trait [PixelGame] with two required functions, [PixelGame::update] and [PixelGame::render], that need to be implemented for a game state object.

use chuot::{PixelGame, Context, GameConfig};

struct MyGame;

impl PixelGame for MyGame {
  fn update(&mut self, ctx: Context) {
    // ..

  fn render(&mut self, ctx: Context) {
    // ..

// In main

let game = MyGame;!(), GameConfig::default())?;

Embed all assets into the binary when building.

Must be enabled when building for the web. If disabled all assets will be loaded from disk.

This will dice all PNG assets into a single tiny optimized PNG atlas. On startup this diced atlas will be efficiently uploaded to the GPU as a single bigger atlas, which will be used for all static sprites.


Hot-reload assets from disk when they are saved. Has no effect on the web target. If disabled all assets will be baked into the binary.

dialogue (default)

A thin wrapper around Yarn Spinner. Allows creating hot-reloadable dialogue systems.


A profiler window overlay, implemented with puffin_egui.

Other profiling methods in your game can also be implemented, the profiling crate is enabled even when this feature flag is disabled.

Install Requirements

On Linux you need to install asound2-dev for audio and udev-dev for gamepads:

sudo apt install libasound2-dev libudev-dev


This example will show a window with a counter that's incremented when pressing the left mouse button1. The counter is rendered as text2 loaded from a font in the top-left corner. When the 'Escape' key is pressed3 the game will exit and the window will close.

use chuot::{PixelGame, Context, GameConfig, MouseButton, KeyCode, glamour::Vector2};

/// Object holding all game state.
struct MyGame {
  /// A simple counter we increment by clicking on the screen.
  counter: u32,

impl PixelGame for MyGame {
  fn update(&mut self, ctx: Context) {
    // ^1
    // Increment the counter when we press the left mouse button
    if ctx.mouse_pressed(MouseButton::Left) {
      self.counter += 1;

    // ^3
    // Exit the game if 'Escape' is pressed
    if ctx.key_pressed(KeyCode::Escape) {

  fn render(&mut self, ctx: Context) {
    // ^2
    // Display the counter with a font called 'font' automatically loaded from the `assets/` directory
    // It will be shown in the top-left corner
    ctx.text("font", &format!("Counter: {}", self.counter)).draw();

// In main

// Initialize the game state
let game = MyGame { counter: 0 };

// Run the game until exit is requested!(), GameConfig::default().with_title("My Game"))?;

Rotation Algorithms

In the library it's possible to choose between multiple upscale implementations for the single-pass RotSprite algorithm, see the Rust documentation for more information:

Nearest Neighbor

This doesn't apply any extra rotation effects.

Nearest Neighbor



Scale3x (default)







  • Torcado for the awesome cleanEdge algorithm.
  • gtoknu for the branchless scale2x shader.
  • @damieng for the font behind the default-font feature.
  • KenneyNL for the audio sample in the example.


  1. [Context::mouse_pressed]

  2. [Context::text]

  3. [Context::key_pressed]


🐭 AGPL licensed Rust game engine for 2D pixel-art games

License:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0


Language:Rust 90.0%Language:WGSL 10.0%