Plugin Repository:
Latest build:
InteliJ plugin that displays a zoomed out overview or minimap similar to the one found in Sublime into the editor pane. The minimap allows for quick scrolling letting you jump straight to sections of code.
- Works with both light and dark themes using your customized colors for syntax highlighting.
- Worker thread for rendering
- Color rendering using InteliJ's tokenizer
- Scrollable!
- Embedded into editor window
- Complete replacement for Code Outline that supports new Intellij builds.
git clone
cd CodeGlance
# run the tests
./gradlew test
# build the plugin and install it in the sandbox then start idea
./gradlew runIdea
# build a release
./gradlew buildPlugin
The result will be saved as build/distributions/CodeGlance-{version}.zip
- Make sure you have the Plugin DevKit installed.
- Checkout sources from github
- Create a new Intellij Platform plugin project
- Select source directory, chose a plugin sdk (create one that points to your intellij install).
- Mark src/main/java as source root, and src/test/java as test root.
- In order to run tests you will need to find mockito and testing jars. I usually do this with Gradle.
- In module settings set the path to META-INF to src/main/resources
- Hit Run.
- Ctrl-Shift-G to toggle minimap.
- Settings > Other Settings > CodeGlance