tuxpower / terraform-aws-gitlab-runner-scale

Gitlab runners created via Lambda check

Home Page:https://registry.terraform.io/modules/cmdlabs/gitlab-runner-scale/aws/latest

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

GitLab runners in Autoscaling

Minimal cost scalable linux GitLab runners deployed into AWS.


This module creates a set of GitLab runners via an autoscaling group. The autoscaling group scales depending on the number of GitLab pending jobs and the "load" on the instances.

A lambda is in charge of collecting GitLab related metrics and pushing to CloudWatch to trigger the scaling policies based on pipeline activity. The function can be triggered by either running on a timer using an EventBridge rule and / or triggered by a GitLab webhook calling out to the lambda function url.

The autoscaling group makes use of lifecycle hook to ensure that every time a runner is asked to terminate by the scaling-in operation, it completes the assigned job before deregistering from GitLab and terminating. A timeout configuration is provided to ensure runners are not stuck in a loop waiting to terminate costing money.

New runners take ~3-4 minutes to register with GitLab. This is due to:

  • Time for CloudWatch alarm to trigger (~10 seconds),
  • Time for AutoScale to be triggered from alarm (~10 seconds),
  • Delay in instance launch (~1 minute),
  • Time to execute CloudInit to bootstrap instance with required tools and register the runner (~2-3 minutes). This can be sped up by providing a asg.image_id with the required tooling already bootstrap.

The runner executors can be either:

Only one can be used, if you need to make use of the different executor a separate deployment is required.

Operating System Support

Currently only linux based x86_64 (amd64) operating system are supported for the runners. The code has been tested against the following but is likely to work with other variants and versions:

  • Amazon Linux (2)
  • RedHat (9)
  • Debian (11)
  • Ubuntu (22.04)


The module can be deployed multiple times into a VPC or AWS account depending on your use case. Multiple use cases may include using different runner types for specific tags or separation of IAM permissions.

NOTE: Both strategies can be used in parallel within the same deployment.


GitLab runners using GitLab webhook

GitLab is configured with the endpoint of the lambda function. On events in GitLab the server calls out to the webhook which triggers the execution of the lambda. This method is effective and minimal as there are no unnecessary executions of the lambda function and it is faster to respond to the need for additional runners.

Polling via EventBridge

GitLab runners using EventBridge polling

EventBridge in AWS is configured to run at a set rate and trigger the lambda function. This method is useful when you cannot use webhooks to call the function URL (possibly for security) or want to batch trigger runner creation / termination.

GitLab Tokens

In order for both the runner (EC2) to register and the lambda to check the queue we need to use tokens from GitLab.

gitlab.api_token_ssm_path and gitlab.runner_registration_token_ssm_path are both manually created paths in AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store. Use the default KMS key or ensure the lambda and EC2 have access to decode the parameter.

  • api_token_ssm_path: Is a Project Access Token with read_api as Guest permissions created in the repository the runner checks the job queue. Ensure sufficient expiry is provided for the token. NOTE: To use the Guest role here the Public pipelines in Settings -> CI/CD -> General pipelines must be ticked. Otherwise Reporter role can be used.
  • runner_registration_token_ssm_path: Is found by navigating to Settings -> CI/CD -> Runners -> registration token of the repository the runner will connect to.

Manually upload these into AWS with a given Name (path) within Parameter Store and update the values of api_token_ssm_path and runner_registration_token_ssm_path respectively.

Cost Estimation

Both methods are cost effective for managing the runners due to the low (if not zero) cost of running the lambda function to check the job queues. Spot instances can also be be used to reduce running EC2 cost.

Cost indications are effective as of 17/11/2022.


Running the lambda via (In the ap-southeast-2 region):

  • x86 architecture
  • 1 request per minute
  • 2000ms duration
  • 128mb memory allocated
  • 512mb ephemeral storage (default)

With the free tier this would cost $0.00 a month.

Without the free tier $0.19 USD:

Number of requests: 1 per minute * (60 minutes in an hour x 730 hours in a month) = 43800 per month Amount of memory allocated: 128 MB x 0.0009765625 GB in a MB = 0.125 GB Amount of ephemeral storage allocated: 512 MB x 0.0009765625 GB in a MB = 0.5 GB Pricing calculations 43,800 requests x 2,000 ms x 0.001 ms to sec conversion factor = 87,600.00 total compute (seconds) 0.125 GB x 87,600.00 seconds = 10,950.00 total compute (GB-s) Tiered price for: 10950.00 GB-s 10950 GB-s x 0.0000166667 USD = 0.18 USD Total tier cost = 0.1825 USD (monthly compute charges) 43,800 requests x 0.0000002 USD = 0.01 USD (monthly request charges) 0.50 GB - 0.5 GB (no additional charge) = 0.00 GB billable ephemeral storage per function 0.1825 USD + 0.01 USD = 0.19 USD Lambda costs - Without Free Tier (monthly): 0.19 USD

Runner (EC2)

See Amazon EC2 On-Demand Pricing for up to date pricing.

Running the lambda via (In the ap-southeast-2 region):

  • A t3.medium spot instance(s) 5 hours over the month at the average price of $0.0158 is $0.079 a month
  • A t3.medium on demand instance(s) 5 hours over the month at the average price of $0.0528 is $0.264 a month

The spot instance pricing provides a ~70% discount for this instance type.

Python dependencies

Python 3 and pip are required during the apply to download the necessary python dependencies used by the lambda function. The provisioner defines the environment to run the commands in; either local (default) or container. When using local ensure python3 and pip are installed on the local machine. For container ensure a docker compliant cli / container runtime is available and the necessary container will be pulled from the internet during the apply. Both options are provided to allow for those who have access to install tooling locally and the other for those who cannot but have docker.

Design Considerations

During the creation some design decisions were made and are documented. These also include how and why various AWS services have been configured to work within the required use cases.

Function URL vs EventBridge with polling

The lambda can be triggered by either the webhook and or the polling via EventBridge.

The webhook is:

  • Faster to respond to events as it runs ~instantly.
  • Cheaper if the repository / runner activity is low as the lambda will be infrequently executed
  • Could be abused via third parties executing the function without security permissions. See Function URL and security below.

EventBridge is:

  • More predictable in terms of AWS spend.
  • Slow to respond
  • Lower cost if the GitLab project activity is high

Making use of both can provide benefits, for example to ensure that runners are not kept running at night using EventBridge (execute at 9pm UTC every day cron(0 21 * * * *)) while using the endpoint to respond to pipeline events immediately.

Function URL and security

A function url is configured with authorization_type = "NONE", in effect no security is applied so can accessed by anything on the internet. This is because the only other option of AWS_IAM can only be used when the caller provides IAM credentials passed into the request. Unfortunately GitLab webhooks, even when running in AWS, does not have such capability. Custom logic can be added into the function to constrain the incoming IPs but this still requires the lambda to execute. No whitelisting functionality preventing lambda execution exists.

Aside from function overuse (leading to potential higher lambda cost) the function URL does not return any data so this will not cause any exposure of data or private information. The lambda function is limited to 1 parallel execution so it is unlikely to cause additional strain on your GitLab instance.

See url auth for more details.

Lambda concurrency

As mentioned in Function URL and security the lambda is restricted to 1 parallel execution. This is to prevent abuse of the URL but has the impact of possible 429 TooManyRequestsException or Rate exceeded errors in the GitLab webhooks UI. These can be ignored as each execution checks all relevant jobs, regardless of the webhook and this will provide metrics for all required jobs.

See lambda concurrency for more information.

Hours ago check

The lambda function contains a check which can be configured using gitlab.activity_since_hours. It is used to determine if this project has activity (commits) since a specific period, if not, its currently active jobs are ignored. This is an optimisation of API calls to GitLab. If you wish to ignore this check, set activity_since_hours to 8760 (1 year in hours).

Scaling Out

CloudWatch metrics are pushed by the lambda function and monitored with alarms. The lambda function pushes a metric of the number of pending jobs and the autoscaler will deploy instances, maximum 2 at a time. The alarm is configured with a period of 60 seconds with 1 evaluation. This means every minute, if this metric is over the value of 0, trigger into alarm. This allows us to respond to an increase of runners within a maximum of 60 seconds from lambda execution. 60 seconds with 1 evaluation is the shortest period of time to trigger an alarm and is used to ensure scaling out is as fast and responsive as possible. The runners will continue to scale out if the alarm is still in trigger, the max number of instances has not been reached and the previous scale event has passed the warmup. The scale out retrigger time can be decreased by changing the value of asg.scaling_warmup.

See Set the default instance warmup for an Auto Scaling group for more details on scaling warmup.

Scaling In

Scaling in runners makes use of avoiding premature transition within CloudWatch alarms. We are trying to balance keeping runners active without the need to recreate a runner for each job as the warm up time could lead to frustration. The CloudWatch alarm is set to trigger when the runner load is under 80% (math based on number of active runners and jobs in the queue), a period of 60 seconds with N number of evaluations, treating missing data as missing. The AWS alarms include logic to try to avoid false alarms, where the alarm goes into ALARM state prematurely when data is intermittent. Thus, if the lambda places a metric under 80 the alarm will wait N periods before alarming (the latest time possible for it not to go into alarm). If any metric above this threshold is added the alarm "timer" will effectively be reset. This means you need N minutes of inactivity before full scale in, keeping runners available for new jobs. This configuration is set by defining gitlab.runner_idletime (defined in minutes) with no upper limit. The tradeoff with a longer idle time is additional cost of runners when they are not needed. Conversely a lower time may lead to churn of instances leading to a large number of jobs in the queue and longer wait times to execute jobs. The runners will continue to scale in until the alarm is back in the OK or INSUFFICIENT_DATA state or the minimum runner count is reached.

Scale in force

With the use of lifecycle-hooks we ensure that runners are not terminated while a job is running. The autoscaler will, in the event jobs have been completed and fewer are required, scale in the runner group. With the autoscaler we are unable to target a specific instance to terminate. To overcome this a script executing on the runner blocks the termination and notifies the lifecycle hook when the job completes allowing the continuation of the termination. You can set the time to wait and forcible delete the instance using asg.force_instance_deletion_time (in seconds). The impact of a small number here is that long running jobs may be terminated mid execution. If you require long execution times the value can be set to a maximum of 7200 (2 hours). There is no penalty for having a longer period as instances will still be terminated once their job finishes it execution (if the autoscaler scales in).

Python dependency building

The lambda function requires dependant packages which are not bundled with the source code (to reduce space used by the repository). During the plan and apply cycle the dependencies are downloaded and placed with the function code. The code attempts to make this process as simple and quick as possible trying to avoid redownloads. As terraform does not contain a function to check filesystem changes, we sha256 each of the files in the directory recursively. We then join the shas together and sha265 again to ensure we have a single unique checksum. If any module (either not present or changed), requirement or source code is changed the sha265 will also change triggering a rebuild. We ignore the lambda zip file itself to ensure we do not run into a cycle of checksum changes. The downside is the rebuild will trigger twice if a new module is downloaded (the ./.terraform/ directory is created) as the download of the modules on the first run will change the checksum.


The following code illustrates an usage example of this module. Additional examples can be found within examples:

module "gitlab-runner" {
  source = "./"

  asg = {
    associate_public_ip_address = true
    instance_type               = "t3.micro"
    job_policy                  = <<EOF
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Action": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Resource": "*"
    max_size   = 1
    min_size   = 0
    spot_price = "0.0100"
    subnet_ids = ["subnet-xxx", "subnet-xxx", "subnet-xxx"]

  gitlab = {
    api_token_ssm_path                 = "/gitlab/api_token"
    log_level                          = "debug"
    runner_agents_per_instance         = 1
    runner_registration_token_ssm_path = "/gitlab/runner_registration_token"
    uri                                = "https://gitlab.com/"

  lambda = {
    memory_size = 128
    rate        = "rate(1 minute)"
    runtime     = "python3.8"

Module Management

Code format

Ensure the code is correctly formatted using:

terraform fmt -recursive


make format

Manual formatting instructions:

  • Attributes within definitions blocks should alphabetically sorted
  • Docs are regenerated (see below)


terraform-docs.io is used to generate the docs for the module. To download the binary:

curl -Lo ./terraform-docs.tar.gz https://github.com/terraform-docs/terraform-docs/releases/download/v0.16.0/terraform-docs-v0.16.0-$(uname)-amd64.tar.gz
tar -xzf terraform-docs.tar.gz
chmod +x terraform-docs
mv terraform-docs /usr/local/terraform-docs

To regenerate the docs run from the root of the module:

terraform-docs .


make docs

The .terraform-docs.yml contains the required settings.


Name Version
terraform >= 1.3.0
archive 2.2.0
aws ~> 4.0
local 2.2.3
null 3.2.0
random 3.4.3


Name Version
archive 2.2.0
aws ~> 4.0
null 3.2.0
random 3.4.3


No modules.


Name Type
aws_autoscaling_group.runner resource
aws_autoscaling_lifecycle_hook.hook resource
aws_autoscaling_policy.gitlab_runners_scale_in resource
aws_autoscaling_policy.gitlab_runners_scale_out resource
aws_cloudwatch_event_rule.lambda_push_gitlab_pending_jobs_metric resource
aws_cloudwatch_event_target.lambda_push_gitlab_pending_jobs_metric resource
aws_cloudwatch_log_group.lambda_push_gitlab_pending_jobs_metric resource
aws_cloudwatch_log_group.runner resource
aws_cloudwatch_metric_alarm.gitlab_pending_jobs resource
aws_cloudwatch_metric_alarm.gitlab_reduntant_runners resource
aws_iam_instance_profile.runner resource
aws_iam_policy.lambda_gitlab_metric resource
aws_iam_policy.runner resource
aws_iam_policy.runner_job resource
aws_iam_role.lambda resource
aws_iam_role.runner resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.asg_hook_write_access resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.asg_readonly_access resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.asg_runner_job resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.lambda_gitlab_metric resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.managed_policy_arns resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.ssm_managed_access resource
aws_lambda_function.push_gitlab_pending_jobs_metric resource
aws_lambda_function_url.push_gitlab_pending_jobs_metric resource
aws_lambda_permission.push_gitlab_pending_jobs_metric resource
aws_launch_template.runner resource
aws_security_group.runner resource
aws_security_group_rule.egress_all resource
aws_security_group_rule.ingress_ssh resource
null_resource.build resource
random_string.rule_suffix resource
archive_file.lambda_payload data source
aws_ami.amazonlinux2 data source
aws_caller_identity.current data source
aws_iam_policy_document.lambda_assume_role data source
aws_iam_policy_document.lambda_gitlab_metric data source
aws_iam_policy_document.runner data source
aws_iam_policy_document.runner_assume_role data source
aws_region.current data source
aws_subnet.current data source


Name Description Type Default Required
asg Resource attributes required by the auto scale group configuration
associate_public_ip_address = optional(bool, false)
desired_capacity = optional(number, 0)
executor = optional(string, "docker")
force_instance_deletion_time = optional(number, 600)
image_id = optional(string, "")
instance_type = string
job_policy = optional(any, "")
managed_policy_arns = optional(list(string), [])
log_level = optional(string, "info")
max_size = number
min_size = optional(number, 0)
root_block_device = optional(any, {})
scaling_warmup = optional(number, 240)
spot_price = optional(string, null)
ssh_access = optional(object({
source_cidr = optional(string, "")
key_name = optional(string, null)
}), {})
subnet_ids = list(string)
n/a yes
gitlab Resource attributes required by the lambda and EC2 to connect to gitlab
activity_since_hours = optional(number, 4)
api_token_ssm_path = string
log_level = optional(string, "info")
narrow_to_membership = optional(string, "true")
runner_agents_per_instance = optional(number, 1)
runner_job_tags = optional(string, "")
runner_registration_token_ssm_path = string
runner_idletime = optional(string, "30")
uri = string
n/a yes
lambda Resource attributes for the pending job lambda function. rate also has the special value of 'off' to turn off polling. This is not recomended and is better to use 'rate(1 hour)' to ensure instances are cleaned up
allow_function_url = optional(bool, false)
cors = optional(object({
allow_credentials = optional(bool, false)
allow_headers = optional(list(string), [])
allow_methods = optional(list(string), [])
allow_origins = optional(list(string), [])
expose_headers = optional(list(string), [])
max_age = optional(number, 0)
}), {})
memory_size = optional(number, 128)
rate = optional(string, "rate(1 minute)")
runtime = optional(string, "python3.8")
n/a yes
provisioner Provisioner to use to create the lambda python dependencies; 'container' or 'local' string "local" no


Name Description
lambda_function_url Public URL to be used by the GitLab webhook to trigger runner creation


Gitlab runners created via Lambda check


License:MIT License


Language:HCL 51.9%Language:Python 32.9%Language:Makefile 7.8%Language:Shell 7.5%