tutubalinaev / Fair-Evaluation-BERT

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Fair Evaluation in Concept Normalization: a Large-scale Comparative Analysis for BERT-based Models

Overview: This repository contains additional materials of the paper "Fair Evaluation in Concept Normalization: a Large-scale ComparativeAnalysis for BERT-based Models"


Table 1

This table presents the summary statistics of corpora used in study.

NCBI Disease BC5CDR Disease BC5CDR Chem BC2GN Gene TAC 2017 ADR SMM4H 2017 ADR
domain abstracts abstracts abstracts abstracts drug labels tweets
entity type disease disease chemicals genes ADRs ADRs
terminology MEDIC MEDIC CTD Chem Entrez Gene MedDRA MedDRA
number of pre-processed entity mentions
full corpus 6881 12850 15935 5712 13381 9150
avg. len in chars 20.37 14.88 11.27 8.35 17.28 11.69
% have numerals 5.74% 0.11% 7.32% 62.46% 1.62% 2.52%
train set 5134 4182 5203 2725 7038 6650
dev set 787 4244 5347 - - -
test set 960 4424 5385 2987 6343 2500
refined test 204 (21.2%) 657 (14.9%) 425 (7.9%) 985 (32.9%) 1,544 (24.3%) 831 (33.3%)
number of concepts
train set |T_1| 668 968 922 556 1517 472
test set |T_2| 203 669 617 670 1323 254
refined test |T_3| 140 438 351 642 857 201
|T_1 & T_2| 136 457 368 55 867 218
|T_1 & T_3| 76 226 102 27 401 165
Plot 1

This plot shows differences in evaluation metrics on the refined and full test set of BioSyn and BERT ranking approaches.

Table 2

Tables 2 and 3 contain metrics on cross-terminology evaluation mode. Table 3 contains accuracies, Table 4 differences between in-corpus trained and cross-corpus trained models

Test set Train set
NCBI 72.5 67.6 64.7 67.6 67.2 48.5
CDR Dis 74.7 74.1 73.4 74.9 73.1 58.3
CDR Chem 82.4 84.2 83.8 82.4 82.6 73.9
TAC ADR 74.3 77.5 70.1 83.2 69.9 51.5
BC2GN 83.1 81.7 83.7 82.6 85.8 73.2
SMM4H ADR 27.3 35.6 24.8 30.1 21.9 60.5
Table 3
Test set Train set
NCBI Disease 72.5 -4.9 -7.8 -5.4 -4.9 -24.0
BC5CDR Dis +0.6 74.1 -0.8 -1.1 +0.8 -15.8
BC5CDR Chem -1.4 +0.5 83.8 -1.2 -1.4 -9.9
BC2GN Gene -2.6 -4.1 -2.1 85.8 -3.1 -12.6
TAC ADR -8.9 -5.7 -13.0 -13.3 83.2 -31.7
SMM4H ADR -33.2 -24.9 -35.7 -38.6 -30.4 60.5


We have presented the first comparative evaluation of medical concept normalization (MCN) datasets, studying the NCBI Disease, BC5CDR Disease & Chemical, BC2GN Gene, TAC 2017 ADR, and SMM4H 2017 ADR corpora. We perform an extensive evaluation of two BERT-based models on six datasets in two setups: with official train/test splits and with the proposed test sets that represent refined samples of entity mentions. Our evaluation shows great divergence in performance between these two test sets, finding an average accuracy difference of 15% for the state-of-the-art model BioSyn. We also performed a quantitative evaluation of BioSyn in the cross-terminology MCN task where models were trained and evaluated on entity mentions of various types with concepts from different terminologies. Knowledge transfer can be effective between diseases, chemicals, and genes with an average drop of 2.53% accuracy in the performance on NCBI, BC5CDR, and BC2GN sets. For TAC and SMM4H sets with ADRs from drug labels and social media, BioSyn models trained on four other corpora show a substantial decrease in performance (-10.2% and -33.1% accuracy, respectively) compared to in-domain trained models. To our surprise, these models still outperformed the straightforward ranking baseline on BioBERT representations. We believe that refined datasets with cross-terminology evaluation can serve as a step toward reliable and large-scale evaluation of biomedical IE models.


$ pip install -r requirements.txt


Pretrained Model

We use the Huggingface version of BioBERT v1.1 so that the pretrained model can be run on the pytorch framework.


Datasets and the preprocessing procedures are used the same as in BioSyn. Additionally, we used SMM4H 2017 dataset. We made available all datasets except TAC ADR 2017. TAC2017ADR dataset cannot be shared because of the license issue. But we made available preprocessing scripts.


To get a refined test set from the test set simply run:

$ python process_data.py --train_data_folder /data/ncbi/processed_train \
                         --test_data_folder /data/ncbi/processed_test \
                         --save_to /data/ncbi/processed_test_refined


To train the BioSyn models follow the instructions. BERT ranking doesn't require any training procedure.


To eval BioSyn trained models follow the instructions. To eval the BERT ranking run the command:

$ python process_data.py --model_dir /data/pretrained_models/biobert_v1.1_pubmed_pytorch/ \
                         --data_folder /data/ncbi/processed_test \
                         --vocab /data/ncbi/test_dictionary.txt

Citing & Authors

Tutubalina E., Kadurin A., Miftahutdinov Z. Fair Evaluation in Concept Normalization: a Large-scale Comparative Analysis for BERT-based Models //Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics. – 2020. – С. 6710-6716.link


    title = "Fair Evaluation in Concept Normalization: a Large-scale Comparative Analysis for {BERT}-based Models",
    author = "Tutubalina, Elena  and
      Kadurin, Artur  and
      Miftahutdinov, Zulfat",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics",
    month = dec,
    year = "2020",
    address = "Barcelona, Spain (Online)",
    publisher = "International Committee on Computational Linguistics",
    url = "https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/2020.coling-main.588",
    pages = "6710--6716",



Language:Python 100.0%