A simple Interpreter I don't know Why I am actually doing this :/
1. Clone the repository.
2. Build the project with ./build(only for Linux) script
1. Open command prompt or terminal run the command ./ec filename.ec
2. filename will be the name of your text file
1. Open CMD/Terminal run ./ec
1. How to Create Variables :(
Var1 = Value (data type will be automatically detected during initialisation)
Var2 = Var1
2. How To Print in console
say "Variable Data " Var1 " transfered to new Variable Var2\n" (\n to add next line and \t for tab)
say "Variable Data "+Var1+" transfered to new Variable Var2\n" (This is another way to write thiings > using +)
3. How to get input from user
get var1