turian / audio-discrimination-crowdsource

Web service to crowd-source audio discrimination data

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Web service to crowd-source audio discrimination data.


Audio researchers need subjective evaluation of audio models. For example, does this model or this model produce better sounding speech?

This repo allows you to run listening experiments so that people can say "audio A" is better than "audio B" and collect those annotations.


Users are given instructions about the kind of audio they will be listening to, and what kind of annotation they should make.

When they begin work, they are presented with a listening task. They are presented with an MP3 to listen to (from an S3 endpoint probably) in a JS audio player. Later we might switch to FLAC or OGG (quality 10). They listen to the audio and must select a radio box choosing their annotation.

For v1, they hear audio that is under 20 seconds long and is three sounds. "AAB", "ABA", "BBA", or "BAB". They are asked to choose whether the first and second sound are the same ("XXY"), or the first and third sound are the same ("XYX").

10% of the time, they are given "gold" tasks so we know the right answer. This allows us to discard the work of annotators that are just clicking randomly.

After 15 minutes of work, the annotators are told to take a break for an hour. This is so they don't get fatigued and start making mistakes.

We want an admin interface to see the quality of the work each annotator is doing. It should also track time worked, so annotators can be paid properly. Lastly, it would be interesting to see how long it takes before the quality of their work goes down, so we can adjust the 15 minute time limit per session.

V2: We will want several different kinds of audio experiments, each of which has a different name in the database. Each different audio experiment will have:

  • A different set of initial instructions.
  • A different list of audio file S3 paths.
  • (Possibly) more than one audio file to listen to, but we can also do one audio file and add silence in between.
  • A different set of radio options to choose between. For example, in a second kind of audio experiment, they might listen to two audio compression algorithms and pick the one with fewer artifacts.


Web service to crowd-source audio discrimination data

Local Dev (Linux ENV)

This is the one time setup before running the app:

mkdir .venv
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
pre-commit install

Follow these steps to run the project on your local machine:

source .venv/bin/activate
export DEVELOPMENT_MODE='local'
export GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID='<your_client_id>'
export GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET='<your_client_secret>'
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py createsuperuser
#python manage.py startapp polls
DEBUG=True python manage.py runserver

Database Population

There is a directory by the name dummydata in the root directory of the project

It contains initial data for each model in our app, each with either .json or .yaml file extension.

To load these data into the database, execute the following command:

python manage.py populatedb

This will populate the database with the all available data inside the dummydata directory.

Deployment to fly.io

Install flyctl

To work with the fly platform, you first need to install flyctl, a command line interface that allows you to do everything from creating an account to deploy to fly.

  • Linux:
curl  -L https://fly.io/install.sh | sh
  • OSX:
brew install flyctl
  • Windows:
iwr https://fly.io/install.ps1 -useb

(If interested, here is the Installation Guide)

  • Once you're done with flyctl installation, add flyctl to path:
export FLYCTL_INSTALL="/home/$USER/.fly"
  • Next authenticate with your fly.io account if you already have one:
fly auth login
  • If you do not have an existing fly.io account, authenticate using:
fly auth signup
  • To make sure everything is working well:
fly apps list

The output of the above command will be empty table since you have no apps launched yet

fly setup

So that different devs have diff app names, please set an environment variable with a unique handle or username in lowercase alphabetic characters:

NOTE: replace "{username}" with the name you like fly.io to use as your username. e.g: export HANDLE=myname

export HANDLE={username}

For free, you can set up just a staging app with postgres. In that case, skip all commands below involving production. If you want a staging AND production app, you will be billed by fly.io.

Now, use the follow commands to create a staging and production app:

export STAGING_APP_NAME=audio-discrimination-crowdsource-$HANDLE-staging
export PRODUCTION_APP_NAME=audio-discrimination-crowdsource-$HANDLE-production

flyctl launch --name $STAGING_APP_NAME --region iad --dockerfile Dockerfile --dockerignore-from-gitignore
flyctl launch --name $PRODUCTION_APP_NAME --region iad --dockerfile Dockerfile --dockerignore-from-gitignore

and answer the questions as follows:

Would you like to set up a Postgresql database now? Yes
Select configuration: Development - Single node, 1x shared CPU, 256MB RAM, 1GB disk
Would you like to set up an Upstash Redis database now? No
Would you like to deploy now? No

Remove the created fly.toml and use the repo's toml configs:

rm fly.toml
sed "s/HANDLE/$HANDLE/g" fly-staging.toml.tmpl > fly-staging.toml
sed "s/HANDLE/$HANDLE/g" fly-production.toml.tmpl > fly-production.toml

Create a random secret key for your Django apps:

flyctl secrets set --app $STAGING_APP_NAME SECRET_KEY="$(python -c 'from django.core.management.utils import get_random_secret_key; print(get_random_secret_key())')"
flyctl secrets set --app $PRODUCTION_APP_NAME SECRET_KEY="$(python -c 'from django.core.management.utils import get_random_secret_key; print(get_random_secret_key())')"

fly deployment

This will do all migrations:


fly deploy -c fly-staging.toml --app $STAGING_APP_NAME


fly deploy -c fly-production.toml --app $PRODUCTION_APP_NAME

If you get an error like this:

	 django.db.utils.OperationalError: could not translate host name "top2.nearest.of.audio-discrimination-crowdsource-HANDLE-staging-db.internal" to address: Name or service not known
	 Starting clean up.

Then change your secrets, for example:

flyctl secrets set --app $STAGING_APP_NAME DATABASE_URL="what you saved in db.txt"
  • Finally, open the app in a browser:
flyctl open --app $STAGING_APP_NAME
flyctl open --app $PRODUCTION_APP_NAME

Messed up, start over

If you mess up and want to delete EVERY SINGLE fly.io app of yours and try again:


Manual app creation

This is a little nicer, but sometimes doesn't work. So just follow the instructions above:

fly apps create --name $STAGING_APP_NAME --network iad
fly apps create --name $PRODUCTION_APP_NAME --network iad

Set-up postgres:

flyctl postgres create -n $STAGING_APP_NAME-db -r iad
flyctl postgres create -n $PRODUCTION_APP_NAME-db -r iad

Towards the end it will tell you your postgres credentials. IMPORTANT: Copy-and-paste this information into db.txt, which is .gitignore'd.

Attach postgres to your apps:

flyctl postgres attach --app $STAGING_APP_NAME --config fly-staging.toml $STAGING_APP_NAME-db
flyctl postgres attach --app $PRODUCTION_APP_NAME --config fly-production.toml $PRODUCTION_APP_NAME-db

OAuth Setup

One-time Google OAuth setup:

  • Visit this link: Google Api
  • Goto OAuth consent screen and setup
  • Go to Credentials and click on CREATE CREDENTIALS > OAuth client ID choose options
    • for local:
      • set Authorized JS origins to
      • set Authorized redirect URIs to and http://localhost:8000/accounts/google/login/callback/
    • for production:
      • set Authorized JS origins to https://audiodiscrimination.com
      • set Authorized redirect URIs to https://audiodiscrimination.com/accounts/google/login/callback/

Theme App

Theme app is a django app consisting of the main theme of the application. This can be reused in other applications as well.

To use the themeapp in the application, following things need to be done:

In settings.py, make sure static settings is configured

STATIC_URL = "/static/"
STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'staticfiles')
    BASE_DIR / 

All assets of the theme needs to keep inside assets folder

Now, for any new html page, we need to do the following:

{% extends 'base.html' %}
{% load static %}

{% block css-block%}
// any extra css here
{% endblock %}

{% block body-block%}
// Main Content of the page here
{% endblock %}

{% block js-block%}
// any extra js here
{% endblock %}

Generate ERD with django extensions

 pip install graphviz
 pip install django-extensions

On Linux use:

sudo apt-get install graphviz
pip install pydotv

Add the following code to settings.py

    'all_applications': True,
    'graph_models': True,

Now execute the following commands:

pip install pyparsing pydot
python manage.py graph_models -a > erd.dot
python manage.py graph_models -a
python manage.py graph_models -a > erd.dot && python manage.py graph_models --pydot -a -g -o erd.png

This will create a file named erd.png with all database structures.


Web service to crowd-source audio discrimination data


Language:CSS 63.9%Language:Python 25.5%Language:HTML 10.1%Language:JavaScript 0.3%Language:Dockerfile 0.2%