turanszkij / WickedEngineDungeonGenerator

Simplistic 3D random dungeon generator powered by Wicked Engine [obsolete]

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Simplistic 3D random dungeon generator powered by Wicked Engine

Start WickedEngineGame.exe and press HOME to bring up the console where you can execute Lua scripts. To generate a random dungeon and explore it in third person mode, type this: dofile("game.lua") After that press ENTER key to execute command. After a short loading time, you will see that the dungeon is loaded, so press HOME again to put away the console. You can navigate the character with the WASD keys, and look around with the mouse. Generate a new dungeon by pressing the ENTER key.

Please have a look at the scripts which will be commented thoroughly to have an idea of Wicked Engine scripting interface.


Simplistic 3D random dungeon generator powered by Wicked Engine [obsolete]


Language:Lua 100.0%