tunetheweb / image-actions

A Github Action that automatically compresses JPEGs, PNGs and WebPs in Pull Requests.

Home Page:https://calibreapp.com/blog/compress-images-in-prs

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Image Actions

Image Actions automatically compresses JPEG, PNG and WebP images in GitHub Pull Requests.

  • Fast, efficient and near-lossless compression
  • Uses the best image compression algorithms available: mozjpeg and libvips
  • Configurable and extensible: use default settings or adapt to your needs
  • Runs in GitHub Actions
  • Built by web performance experts at Calibre; a performance monitoring platform

Preview of image-actions Pull Request comment

Table of Contents


Create the .github/workflows/calibreapp-image-actions.yml file with the following configuration:

name: Compress images
    # Run image-actions when jpg, jpeg, png or webp files are added or changed
    # See https://help.github.com/en/actions/automating-your-workflow-with-github-actions/workflow-syntax-for-github-actions#onpushpull_requestpaths
      - '**.jpg'
      - '**.jpeg'
      - '**.png'
      - '**.webp'
    # Only run on Pull Requests within the same repository, and not from forks
    if: github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository
    name: calibreapp/image-actions
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout Repo
        uses: actions/checkout@master

      - name: Compress Images
        uses: calibreapp/image-actions@master
          githubToken: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

The GITHUB_TOKEN secret is automatically generated by GitHub. This automatic token is scoped only to the repository that is currently running the action.. What this means is that by default the Action cannot update pull requests initiated from forked repositories.


By default image actions will compress images so that they’re smaller and will leave your assets looking clear and crisp. If you want to change those defaults, read on.

Previous versions of image-actions used .github/calibre/image-actions.yml for configuration. We suggest that you migrate to the newest configuration format by reading the migration steps below.

Image quality settings

Set custom configuration by adding arguments to the action workflow definition:

- name: Compress Images
  uses: calibreapp/image-actions@master
    githubToken: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
    jpegQuality: '80'
    jpegProgressive: false
    pngQuality: '80'
    webpQuality: '80'
    ignorePaths: 'node_modules/**,build'
    compressOnly: false


  • jpegQuality: Number, integer 1-100, default 80 stored in a string
  • pngQuality: Number, integer 1-100, default 80 stored in a string
  • webpQuality: Number, integer 1-100, default 80 stored in a string
  • jpegProgressive: Boolean, true or false, default false
  • ignorePaths: a comma separated string with globbing support of paths to ignore when looking for images to compress
  • compressOnly: Boolean, true or false, default false

Running just the compression

By default image-actions will add updated images to the current pull request. It is also possible to set the compressOnly option to true to skip the commit, if you want to handle this separately - including for forks - see below.

- name: Compress Images
  uses: calibreapp/image-actions@master
    githubToken: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
    compressOnly: true

Handling pull requests from forked repos

GitHub actions, by default, do not have permission to alter forked repositories. This means this action, by default, only works for pull requests from branches in the same repository as the destination branch.

You can replace the default GITHUB_TOKEN with a personal access token (PAT) which does have permission for forked repositaries, but this introduces other security considerations (which is why it not available by default).

Alternatively you can run this action only for Pull Requests for the current repo, which is advised when not using PATs to avoid wasting time and compute for compressions that will not be committed using the following syntax (as shown in the example yml files in this README):

    if: github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository

It is also possible to run an additional instance of this action in compressOnly mode on pushes to master, and then raise a new pull request for any images committed without being compressed (e.g. from a forked repository pull request). This is shown in the below example which uses the create-pull-request action by @peter-evans to open the new Pull Request (note this only raises a Pull Request if any files are actually changed in previous steps).

name: Compress Images on Push to Master
      - master
    name: calibreapp/image-actions
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout Repo
        uses: actions/checkout@master
      - name: Compress Images
        id: calibre
        uses: calibreapp/image-actions@master
          githubToken: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          compressOnly: true
      - name: Create New Pull Request If Needed
        uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@master
          title: Compressed Images
          branch-suffix: timestamp
          commit-message: Compressed Images
          body: ${{ steps.calibre.outputs.markdown }}

Compressing images on a schedule

It is also possible to run image-actions on a recurring schedule. By using the compressOnly option, in conjunction with create-pull-request action by @peter-evans, a new Pull Request will be raised if there are optimised images in a repository.

name: Compress images at 11pm and open a pull request
    # * is a special character in YAML so you have to quote this string
    - cron: '* 23 * * *'
    name: calibreapp/image-actions
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout Repo
        uses: actions/checkout@master
      - name: Compress Images
        id: calibre
        uses: calibreapp/image-actions@master
          githubToken: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          compressOnly: true
      - name: Create New Pull Request If Needed
        uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@master
          title: Compressed Images Nightly
          branch-suffix: timestamp
          commit-message: Compressed Images
          body: ${{ steps.calibre.outputs.markdown }}

Migrate legacy configuration

  • uses: docker://calibreapp/github-image-actions

    If your calibreapp-image-actions.yml file has a reference to docker:// or GITHUB_TOKEN as follows:

    - name: calibreapp/image-actions
       uses: docker://calibreapp/github-image-actions
         GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

    Update your configuration to:

    - name: Compress Images
      uses: calibreapp/image-actions@master
        githubToken: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
  • .github/calibre/image-actions.yml

    If your repository uses .github/calibre/image-actions.yml for configuration, it should be moved into .github/workflows/calibreapp-image-actions.yml. Then delete the image-actions.yml file.

    ignorePaths is no longer an array and is now a comma separated list. eg: ignorePaths: "node_modules/**,bin"

Local Development

  • Install dependencies: npm install
  • Build project: npm run build or npm run watch for continuous rebuild-on-save
  • Run tests npm run test
  • Confirm a successful Docker build: docker build -t calibreapp/image-actions:dev .

Links and Resources


A Github Action that automatically compresses JPEGs, PNGs and WebPs in Pull Requests.


License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:TypeScript 62.1%Language:JavaScript 23.7%Language:Dockerfile 11.8%Language:Shell 1.9%Language:Ruby 0.5%