tuncb / anka

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Anka is an array programming language, heavily inspired by APL, q and haskell. The main goal is to learn and experiment on language design, interpreters and generally array languages.



* Visual studio 2022
* vcpkg

Use .\anka\anka.sln to build the project


REPL: anka.exe -r

file: anka.exe -f ./example.anka


Rank polymorphism

add[1 2]
add[(1 2 3) (1 2 3)]
>>(2 4 6)
add[10 (1 2 3)]
>>(11 12 13)

Function composition

sum mul[_1 _1] ioata inc 4
>> 55


mul |inc dec| 5
>> 24

Point free programming

avg: {div |sum length|}
avg (1.1 2.2 3.3)
>> 2.2

Current features

  • Interpreter that can load a file.
  • REPL.
  • data types: int, bool, double, (int), (bool), (double)
  • internal functions: ioata, inc, dec, neg, abs, length...
  • basic pipeline support
  • placeholders
  • tuple operations
  • executors
  • single line blocks
  • user defined variables
  • user defined blocks

What you can do now

ioata 5
>>(1 2 3 4 5)
inc 5
ioata inc inc dec 10
>>(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11)
neg dec dec inc (10 11 12 13)
>> (-9 -10 -11 -12)

What is planned

neg mul [_1 _1] (30 20 10)
>> (-900 -400 -100)
avg: div [foldl[add 0] length]
avg (1 2 3 4 5)
>> 3
foldl[add 0] filter[{unequal[0] mod[2]}] (1 2 3 4 5)
>> 9

# calculate function from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGCWlI4A5z4&t=372s
calculate[bottom top]: {
  even: equals[0] mod[2]
  foldl[add 0] filter[even] (bottom..=top)

# some possible implementations for internal functions
filter[predicate]: |predicate: _1|
if[trueFunc falseFunc]: |true: trueFunc false: falseFunc|
count[predicate x]: {
  nr: 0
  nr |predicate: {inc= nr}| x

# final value of variable after performing operations
operate[x]: {
  val: 0
  val |"--X": {dec= val} "X--": {dec= val} "++X": {inc= val} "X++": {inc= val}| x

#hash tables
println |(1: "one" 2: "two" 3: "three" 4: "four" 5: "five")| (1 2 3 4 5)
>> one

#Advent of Code 2022 in APL & BQN Day 1!
# array of arrays
data: ((1000 2000 3000) (4000) (5000 6000) (7000 8000 9000) (10000))
max foldl[add 0] data
# top three
top[3] sort foldl[add 0] data

# Algorithms as a Tool of Thought
equals_to_first_element[x]: foldl[and true] equals[{head x}] x
equals_to_first_element[x]: all equals[{head x}] x
equals_to_first_element: all equals [head identity]
equals_to_first_element: true |false: return[false]|
equals_to_first_element: equals[1] length unique
equals_to_first_element: all equals [...] slides[2]


See .\examples\arrayExamples.anka for ideas for the fully functional future version of the language.

Major features

  • atomic type None for optional support
  • atomic type string
  • atomic type array of string
  • array of arrays
  • multi-line blocks


License:MIT License


Language:C++ 100.0%