tuna-f1sh / node-daqmx

A Node.js wrapper for the National Instruments DAQmx C API

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


I wanted to combine National Instruments data acquisition hardware with Node.js. This is not a 1-to-1 wrapper of the DAQmx C API. I have re-interpreted some of the structures to make using DAQmx a little easier, but tried to be faithful to the original concepts.

If you need the full API, considering using node-ffi to load nicaiu.dll (from the daqmx driver installation) to access all the C API functions.


The following examples assume the add-on is loaded into the variable 'daqmx'.


node-gyp rebuild # in root directory of repo
node-gyp install

Or just run npm install

This is a fork of kcdodd's repository to bring it upto date and provide 64bit support. By default it is for 64bit, to use it with a 32bit system, change line 7 in 'binding.gpy' to:

"libraries": [ "C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\Shared\ExternalCompilerSupport\C\lib32\msvc\NIDAQmx.lib" ]


To get a list of currently available devices.

var devs = daqmx.devices();


Returns an array of objects of each device with properties: E.G.

    name: "Dev1",
    productType: "USB-6000"
    name: "Dev2",
    productType: "PCI-6071E"

AI Voltage Task

The minimal configuration to acquire a sample must have defined the channels to acquire on, and the timing of the samples. Specifying the channels separately as an array will cause the read to return a 2D array, where the first index is the channels (in the same order), and second index is sample #. There can typically be only one task of each type running per physical device because of how the signals are digitized. There's usually only 1 ADC (or DAC), which is split between the channels.

// read 10 samples from 2 channels at 10,000Hz sample rate
var task = new daqmx.AIVoltageTask({

    device: "Dev1",

    channels: [{terminal: "ai0"},{terminal: "ai3"}],

    sampleTiming: {
        rate: 10000.0,
        samplesPerChannel: 10


var x = task.read(); // infinite timeout

//var x = task.read(10.0); // 10 second timeout


Alternately, if the terminals are consecutive, they can be specified in a single input. E.G. the following will acquire from 4 terminals (ai0, ai1, ai2, ai3).

var task = new daqmx.AIVoltageTask({

    device: "Dev1",

    channels: [{terminal: "ai0:3"}],

    sampleTiming: {
        rate: 10000.0,
        samplesPerChannel: 10

The reading of samples can also be done in the Node.js io loop so that it doesn't block the program execution.

// do a read asynchronously
var readAsync = function(callback) {

        // call canRead() tests if all samples can be read
        if (task.canRead()) {
            var data = task.read(0.0); // should read immediately

            // not ready so wait until next tick


The AIVoltageTask can be configured with most of the abilities available. These examples are translated from the examples supplied in the DAQmx documentation.

To do continuous sampling of a single channel using the internal clock and a digital start trigger:

var task = new daqmx.AIVoltageTask({

    name: "myAIVoltageTask", // optional name for task, default ""

    device: "Dev1", // physical device name

    channels: [{ // array of objects specifying the channels to acquire
        terminal: "ai0", // physical terminal name
        assignName: "someChannelName" // optional name for channel
        minVal: -10.0, // optional, default -10.0
        maxVal: 10.0 // optional, default 10.0

    sampleTiming: { // timing for individual samples
        terminal: "OnboardClock", // optional, default is 'OnboardClock'
        rate: 10000.0, // sample rate in Hz
        triggerSlope: "falling", // optional, default rising
        sampleMode: "continuous", // optional, default finite
        samplesPerChannel: 10 // max number of samples to read per round

    startTiming: { // optional timing for when to start the task
        type: "digital", // analogue, or digital
        terminal: "PFI0",
        triggerSlope: "falling" // optional, default rising

To do a finite sample of a single channel using an external clock, and an external analogue start trigger including hysteresis.

var task = new daqmx.AIVoltageTask({

    name: "myAIVoltageTask",

    device: "Dev1",

    channels: [{
        terminal: "ai0",
        minVal: -10.0,
        maxVal: 10.0

    sampleTiming: {
        terminal: "PFI7",
        rate: 10000.0,
        triggerSlope: "rising",
        sampleMode: "finite",
        samplesPerChannel: 10

    startTiming: {
        type: "analog",
        terminal: "APFI0",
        triggerSlope: "rising", // optional, default rising
        triggerLevel: 1.0, // analogue trigger only in volts
        hysteresis: 1.0 // optional for analogue trigger only, default 0.0


A Node.js wrapper for the National Instruments DAQmx C API


Language:C++ 83.6%Language:JavaScript 14.4%Language:Python 2.0%