tugrul512bit / VectorizedKernel

Running GPGPU-like kernels on CPU with auto-vectorization for SSE/AVX/AVX512 SIMD Architectures

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Running GPGPU kernels on CPU with auto-vectorization for SSE/AVX/AVX512 SIMD microarchitectures without any platform-dependency but a C++14 compiler that has auto-vectorization for arrays of lengths 4/8/16/32/64.

What does it need?

  • C++14 compiler
  • Auto-vectorization of compiler
  • Auto-vectorization flags -std=c++14 -O3 -march=cascadelake -mavx512f -mavx512bw -mprefer-vector-width=512 -ftree-vectorize -fno-math-errno
  • Or SSE/AVX2 versions if AVX512 is not supported by CPU

How does it work?

  • User writes scalar-looking code (see below sample)
  • createKernel factory function is given a user-lambda function [](auto factory, auto idThread, kernelArgs){} and a blueprint of the kernel parameters Vectorization::KernelArgs<int*>{}
  • Kernel is launched for N times, computed by simd-sized steps (can be bigger than actual SIMD width of CPU for extra pipelining)
  • When N is not integer multiple of simd, the remaining tail is computed with simd=1 automatically
  • User only takes care of the algorithm while each operation is done in parallel in 8,16,32,64,.. steps

What must be given to the lambda function as parameters?

  • first parameter: auto factory (this is used for constructing scalar-looking variables that do compute in parallel)
  • second parameter: auto idThread (this is a scalar-looking parallel variable that holds per-work-item id values that are zero-based, up to N given from run method)
  • all others: actual kernel arguments to be used for GPGPU computations (their blueprint is given like this: Vectorization::KernelArgs<your_arg_type>{} or this: Vectorization::KernelArgs<some_arg,some_other_arg>{} or anything with more template arguments to declare actual kernel arguments after the second parameter of lambda function )

Basic samples are found in wiki: https://github.com/tugrul512bit/VectorizedKernel/wiki.

How do variables' methods work?

  • contiguous memory read/write methods require a pointer to target pointer and an index object: variable.writeToContiguous(ptr,index)
  • scatter/gather operations (similar to the contiguous read/write) requires: variable.writeTo(ptr,index) only difference is each element goes different its own index
  • computation methods require firstOperand.methodName(secondOperand,result)
  • ternary requires conditionObject.ternary(trueChoice,falseChoice,result)
  • logical methods require firstOperand.logicalAnd(secondOperand,result)
  • logical results are of type "integer" vector (because the width of result vector has to be same as float vector).

Any Math Functions Accelerated?

  • x.cosFastFullRange(result) ---> too high ulps, error at digit 0.0000001 so watchout for outputs that are close to zero
  • x.sinFastFullRange(result) ---> too high ulps, error at digit 0.0000001 so watchout for outputs that are close to zero
  • x.sinFast(result) ---> 0.19 ulps average distance from std::sin, 1 ulps max distance
  • x.cosFast(result) --> 0.08 ulps average, 1 ulps max distance from std::cos
  • x.sqrt(result) --> auto-vectorized
  • x.rsqrt(result) --> still uses sqrt instruction, not rsqrt
  • x.expFast(result) --> 0.5 ULPS average, 10 ulps max
  • x.atanhFast(result) --> 12 ULPS on range [-0.5,0.5], higher error on (-1.0,1.0)
  • x.template cubeRootNewtonRaphson(result) --> faster in range [0,1] (requires range reduction/dereduction), still faster outside that range
  • x.cubeRootFast(result) --> for range [0,1] where 0 has 0.33 error, 0.5 has 0.000008 error, 1.0 has 0.000000005 error (better range-reduce to upper half)
  • todo: x.log(result), x.pow(y,result), x.divFast(non-constant-integer division,result), x.rsqrtFast(result)

Basic Functions Accelerated?

  • x.fusedMultiplyAdd(y,z,result)
  • x.fusedMultiplySub(y,z,result)
  • x.mul(y,result)
  • x.add(y,result)
  • x.sub(y,result)
  • x.div(y,result) --> only floating-point and constant y integer currently
  • x.modulus(y,result) --> only constant y integer
  • x.leftShift(y, result)
  • x.rightShift(y, result)
  • x.bitwiseXor(y, result)
  • x.bitwiseAnd(y, result)
  • x.bitwiseOr(y, result)
  • x.bitwiseNot(result)
  • x.logicalAnd(y, result)
  • x.ternary(y,z,result)
  • x.logicalOr(y,result)
  • x.logicalAnd(y,result)
  • x.factorial(result)
  • x.transposeLanes
  • x.lanesRightShift
  • x.lanesLeftShift
  • x.broadcastFromLane
  • x.isAnyTrue
  • x.areAllTrue
  • x.broadcastFromLaneToVector
  • x.readFrom
  • x.castAndCopyTo
  • x.castBitwiseAndCopyTo
  • x.writeTo

Hello-world that adds 0.33 to all elements of an array:

#include "VectorizedKernel.h"
#include <iostream>
int main()
	constexpr int simd = 8; // >= SIMD width of CPU (bigger  = more pipelining)

	auto kernelHelloWorld = Vectorization::createKernel<simd>([&](auto & factory, auto & idThread, float * bufferIn, float * bufferOut){

		const int currentSimdWidth = factory.width;
		auto tmp = factory.template generate<float>();
		tmp.readFromContiguous(bufferIn,idThread); // contiguous (first work-item in simd group decides where to read)
		tmp.writeToContiguous(bufferOut,idThread); // contiguous (first work-item in simd group decides where to write)

	}, /* defining kernel parameter types */ Vectorization::KernelArgs<float*,float*>{});

	// size does not have to be multiple of simd
	const int n = 23;

	// better performance with aligned buffers
	float vecIn[n], vecOut[n];
	for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
	for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
		std::cout<<vecOut[i]<<" ";
	return 0;

Mandelbrot generation sample that has more than 10x speedup (compared to scalar version) for avx512 cpu:

  • 3.6GHz Fx8150 single thread + 1333MHz DDR3 RAM (simd=32): 83 cycles per pixel (~30 ms per 1000x1000 image).

  • Godbolt.org AVX512 server single thread (simd=64): 11 cycles per pixel (-std=c++2a -O3 -march=cascadelake -mavx512f -mavx512bw -mprefer-vector-width=512 -ftree-vectorize -fno-math-errno) (less than 5 ms per 1000x1000 image)

  • Ryzen 9 7900 AVX512 single thread (simd=64): 6.4 cycles per pixel (-std=c++2a -O3 -march=native -mavx512f -mprefer-vector-width=512 -ftree-vectorize -fno-math-errno)

  • Ryzen 9 7900 AVX512 24 threads (simd=64): 0.56 cycles per pixel

#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdint>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>

constexpr int width = 2000;
constexpr int height = 2000;
constexpr int simd = 32;

void Mandelbrot(std::vector<char> & image) {

	auto kernel = Vectorization::createKernel<simd>([&](auto & factory, auto & idThread, char * img){
        const int currentSimdWidth = factory.width; // simd on aligned-body, 1 on non-aligned tail

		auto j = factory.template generate<int>();
		idThread.modulus(width, j);

		auto i = factory.template generate<int>();
		idThread.div(width, i);

		auto x0 = factory.template generate<float>();
		j.template castAndCopyTo<float>(x0);
		auto y0 = factory.template generate<float>();
		i.template castAndCopyTo<float>(y0);

		const auto heightDiv2 = factory.template generate<float>(height/2.0f);

		auto x = factory.template generate<float>();
		x0.sub(width/2.0f, x0);

		x0.sub(width/4.0f, x0);

		auto y =  factory.template generate<float>();
		y0.div(width/3.0f, y);

		const auto imagc = factory.template generate<float>(y);
		const auto realc = factory.template generate<float>(x);

		auto imagz = factory.template generate<float>(0);
		auto realz = factory.template generate<float>(0);

		// loop
		bool anyTrue = true;
		auto iteration = factory.template generate<int>(0);

		// allocate all re-used resources
		auto imagzSquared = factory.template generate<float>();
		auto absLessThan2 = factory.template generate<int>();
		auto tmp1 = factory.template generate<float>();
		auto whileLoopCondition = factory.template generate<int>();
		auto tmp2 = factory.template generate<int>();
		auto zzReal = factory.template generate<float>();

		auto zzImag = factory.template generate<float>();
		auto tmp3 = factory.template generate<float>();
		auto tmpAdd1 = factory.template generate<float>();
		auto tmpAdd2 = factory.template generate<float>();
		auto tmp4 = factory.template generate<int>();

			// computing while loop condition start
            		imagz.mul(imagz, imagzSquared);
			tmp1.lessThan(4.0f, absLessThan2);

			iteration.lessThanOrEquals(35, tmp2);
			absLessThan2.logicalAnd(tmp2, whileLoopCondition);
			anyTrue = whileLoopCondition.isAnyTrue();
			// computing while loop condition end

			// do complex multiplication z = z*z + c
			realz.fusedMultiplySub(realz,imagzSquared, zzReal);
			imagz.mul(realz, tmp3);
			realz.fusedMultiplyAdd(imagz,tmp3, zzImag);

			// if a lane has completed work, do not modify it
			zzReal.add(realc, tmpAdd1);
			zzImag.add(imagc, tmpAdd2);
			whileLoopCondition.ternary(tmpAdd1, realz, realz);
			whileLoopCondition.ternary(tmpAdd2, imagz, imagz);

			// increment iteration
			whileLoopCondition.ternary(1,0, tmp4);
			iteration.add(tmp4, iteration);

		const auto thirtyFour = factory.template generate<int>(34);
		auto ifLessThanThirtyFour = factory.template generate<int>();
		iteration.lessThan(thirtyFour, ifLessThanThirtyFour);

		auto conditionalValue1 = factory.template generate<int>();
		iteration.mul(255, conditionalValue1);
		conditionalValue1.div(33, conditionalValue1);

		auto conditionalValue2 = factory.template generate<int>(0);
		auto returnValue = factory.template generate<int>(0);
		ifLessThanThirtyFour.ternary(conditionalValue1, conditionalValue2, returnValue);
		auto tmp5 = factory.template generate<int>();
		i.mul(width, tmp5);
		auto writeAddr = factory.template generate<int>(0);
		j.add(tmp5, writeAddr);
		auto returnValueChar =  factory.template generate<char>(0);
		returnValue.template castAndCopyTo<char>(returnValueChar);

	// FX8150 3.6GHz:
	// kernel.runMultithreaded<32>(width*height,image.data()); -->19-21 milliseconds with 2000x2000 pixels (x35 max iterations per pixel)
	// kernel.runMultithreadedLoadBalanced<8>(width*height,image.data()); -->18 milliseconds stable performance

#ifdef _MSC_VER
# include <intrin.h>
# include <x86intrin.h>

// optional wrapper if you don't want to just use __rdtsc() everywhere
uint64_t readTSC() {
    // _mm_lfence();  // optionally wait for earlier insns to retire before reading the clock
    uint64_t tsc = __rdtsc();
    // _mm_lfence();  // optionally block later instructions until rdtsc retires
    return tsc;

int main() {
  std::vector<char> image;
  for(int i = 0;i<100;i++)
    auto t1 = readTSC();
    auto t2 = readTSC();
    std::cout << (t2 - t1)/(width*height) << " cycles per pixel" << std::endl;
  // write to file at once
  std::ofstream fout;
  if (fout.is_open()) {
    fout << "P5\n" << width << ' ' << height << " 255\n";
    for(int i=0;i<width*height;i++)
        fout << image[i];
  } else {
    std::cout << "Could not open the file!\n";

  return 0;


Running GPGPU-like kernels on CPU with auto-vectorization for SSE/AVX/AVX512 SIMD Architectures

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:C++ 100.0%