tugcecerit / Luxe-backend

Home Page:https://luxe-backend-chi.vercel.app

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Project Choice

Interior Design Company Website - Luxe

Links For The Website

Project Description

General App Idea/Purpose

The purpose of the Luxe Interiors website is to create an online presence for an interior design company. The website serves as a platform to showcase the company's projects, provide information about the company, and allow users to contact the company for inquiries or project requests. The website includes a shopping cart feature for purchasing design-related products, and a sign-in/sign-out functionality for any users but give a permission only to business workers to add, edit or delete testimonial page.

Technology Stack

For the frontend, the following technologies are used:

  • React.js
  • HTML5/CSS3
  • Bootstrap For the backend, the following technologies are used:
  • Express.js
  • MongoDB


The website will have the following model:

  • Testimonial
    • title: String
    • image: String
    • opinion: String
    • createdBy: String
    • location: String


The following routes are implemented:

  • GET/ : Home page
  • GET/aboutus : About us page
  • GET/contactus : Contact us page
  • GET/projects : Retrieve interior design projects.
  • GET/services : Retrieve a list of all services.
  • GET/store : Shopping page.
  • GET/testimonial/new : Display a form to create a new testimonial.
  • POST/testimonial : Create a new testimonial.
  • PUT/testimonial/:id/edit : Update an existing testimonial.
  • DELETE/testimonial/:id : Delete a testimonial.

User Stories

  1. As an interior designer and company owner, I want to showcase my projects on the website to highlight my expertise and attract potential clients.
  2. As an interior designer and company owner, I want to add, edit and delete testimonials to share our clients' opinions about company's projects.
  3. As a user, I want to browse and view the showcased projects to gain inspiration and assess the quality of the interior design work.
  4. As a user, I want to see the services that company provided.
  5. As a user, I want to learn more about the company and its values through an "About Us" page.
  6. As a user, I want to easily contact the company for inquiries or project requests through a "Contact Us" page.

MVP Goals

  • Create a visually appealing website to showcase the company's projects and services.
  • Implement a projects page to display the interior design projects, including images, descriptions, and key details.
  • Include an "About Us" page to provide information about the company and its values.
  • Create a "Contact Us" page with a form.
  • Implement CRUD functionality for writing testimonials for the company's works. (create, read, update, delete).
  • Use MERN Stack.

Completed Stretch Goals

  • Enable users to create an account but give a permission only to the business workers to add, delete, update testimonials after sign in.
  • Implement a shopping cart feature for users to purchase luxury home decor items related to the showcased designs and connect to Stripe for the payment.


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Website Images

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Project Name

The proposed name for the project is "Luxe."




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