tufts-ml / InterLUDE

Code for ICML 2024 paper "InterLUDE: Interactions between Labeled and Unlabeled Data to Enhance Semi-supervised Learning"

Repository from Github https://github.comtufts-ml/InterLUDERepository from Github https://github.comtufts-ml/InterLUDE


Code for ICML 2024 paper "InterLUDE: Interactions between Labeled and Unlabeled Data to Enhance Semi-supervised Learning"


Install Anaconda

Follow the instructions here: https://conda.io/projects/conda/en/latest/user-guide/install/index.html


pytorch 1.11.0

Running experiments

To run the code, you can use the bash file and pass in the hyperparameter settings. (Example bash files are provided in runs/ folder, you will need to modify the paths to point to the data/the folder you want to store the output/the path to your script etc. The examples are based on CNN experiments, for ViT experiments you can adapt them correspondingly.)


please refer to the paper for hyperparameter details.


Code for ICML 2024 paper "InterLUDE: Interactions between Labeled and Unlabeled Data to Enhance Semi-supervised Learning"

License:MIT License


Language:Python 86.1%Language:Shell 13.9%