tub-cv-group / conclugen

Official repository for our CVPR 2024 Workshop paper "Multi-Task Multi-Modal Self-Supervised Learning for Facial Expression Recognition".

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Multi-Task Multi-Modal Self-Supervised Learning for Facial Expression Recognition - Published CVPR 2024 workshop ABAW

Marah Halawa*, Florian Blume*, Pia Bideau, Martin Maier, Rasha Abdel Rahman, Olaf Hellwich *equal contribution

You can access the preprint here


Human communication is multi-modal; e.g., face-to-face interaction involves auditory signals (speech) and visual signals (face movements and hand gestures). Hence, it is essential to exploit multiple modalities when designing machine learning-based facial expression recognition systems. In addition, given the ever-growing quantities of video data that capture human facial expressions, such systems should utilize raw unlabeled videos without requiring expensive annotations. Therefore, in this work, we employ a multitask multi-modal self-supervised learning method for facial expression recognition from in-the-wild video data. Our model combines three self-supervised objective functions: First, a multi-modal contrastive loss, that pulls diverse data modalities of the same video together in the representation space. Second, a multi-modal clustering loss that preserves the semantic structure of input data in the representation space. Finally, a multi-modal data reconstruction loss. We conduct a comprehensive study on this multimodal multi-task self-supervised learning method on three facial expression recognition benchmarks. To that end, we examine the performance of learning through different combinations of self-supervised tasks on the facial expression recognition downstream task. Our model ConCluGen outperforms several multi-modal self-supervised and fully supervised baselines on the CMU-MOSEI dataset. Our results generally show that multi-modal self-supervision tasks offer large performance gains for challenging tasks such as facial expression recognition, while also reducing the amount of manual annotations required. We release our pre-trained models as well as source code publicly.


  1. Clone the repository

  2. Assuming you have docker installed, you can execute from the project's directory the script:

    . ./bash/run.sh model_name dataset_name

    where model_name can be one of the following:

    • conclugen (model with all three losses)
    • contrast_cluster (combination of multi-modal contrastive and clustering)
    • contrast_generative (combination of multi-modal contrastive generative)
    • contrast_only (multi-modal contrastive with all three modalities)
    • contrast_only_video_audio (multi-modal contrastive with video-audio)
    • contrast_only_video_text (multi-modal contrastive with video-text)
    • generative_only (generative loss only with three modalities)
    • simclr (video version of SimCLR)

    and dataset_name can be one of the following:

    • caer
    • meld
    • mosei

    The code will automatically download the model weights and datasets (precomputed features of the backbones) and run testing for FER on the respective dataset.


  1. If you want to log to CometML, also set COMET_API_KEY to your CometML API key and COMET_WORKSPACE to your CometML workspace. In this case, you also need to uncomment the lines - class_path: loggers.CometLogger in configs/conclu.yaml and configs/simclr.yaml

    The remaining environment variables will be created by the script.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction

  2. Structure of Project

  3. Environments

  4. Running the Code

  5. Configuration

  6. Implementation

  7. Logging

  8. Training

  9. Testing & Evaluation

  10. Docker

  11. Slurm

  12. Issues, Common Pitfalls & Debugging

  13. Developtment Advice

  14. Notes


The code is structured along the following frameworks and tools:

A machine learning library for implementing artificial neural networks.

Simply put what Keras is for Tensorflow - Automation and structuring of Pytorch training, testing, evaluation, etc. Usually, every researcher has their own way of implementing a Pytorch training loop, inference, etc. Pytorch Lightning helps to structure this in a unified way and provides extensive logging functionality. This project also draws on the Pytorch Lightning CLI which makes running Pytorch code through config files a lot easier. Please read the documentation of the CLI first. You don't have to understand it completely but just how it works in general.

jsonargparse is included in Pytorch Lightning's CLI. The general idea is that the configuration on the command line is based on the init functions of classes or function arguments. This way, it is entirely clear which arguments can be provided and no guessing is necessary. jsonargparse can also take care of instantiating classes. Arguments can be provided directly in the command in the terminal or by pointing to a yaml file.

MLflow is a machine learning life-cycle managment platform. Essentially, it provides local and remote logging functionality, a nice UI to explore your experiments and a way of running experiments from command line using pre-defined entrypoints (you'll see about this later). Running the project through MLflow will automatically create any needed Anaconda environment or run it within the proper Docker or Singularity container. More specifically, you'll need my branch of mlflow.

CometML is similar to MLflow but since it's a paid service it provides far more features and is more usable. The downside is that you have less control over your data. Accounts for academics are free. We use a combination of MLflow and CometML logging to have the convenicen of online backups and better evaluation tools but also have local files and data.

Both log the full code together will model weights, configs, losses, metrics and everything else you additionally manually log. This way, nothing gets lost. No inspection of text files where you wrote the final classification accuracy to.

The next steps will guide you in how to setup the environmnents and run the code.

Structure of Project

├── bash                    -- some useful bash scripts
├── configs                 -- the yaml configs
│   ├── eval                -- yaml configs for evaluation
│   ├── model               -- yaml configs for models
│   └── slurm               -- yaml configs for slurm
├── docker                  -- Dockerfiles
├── docs                    -- mostly empty, shame on me
├── experiments             -- space to put your experiments
├── models                  -- checkpoints of trained models
├── notes                   -- also mostly empty
├── singularity             -- folder to convert the Docker image in
└── src                     -- source folder
    ├── callbacks           -- callbacks which can be used on the trainer or model
    ├── data                -- all data related implementations
    │   ├── datamodules     -- all datamodules
    │   ├── datasets        -- all datasets
    │   └── transforms      -- transforms for data
    ├── evaluation          -- evaluation scripts
    ├── loggers             -- the supported implemeneted loggers
    ├── losses              -- custom losses
    ├── models              -- all model files
    │   └── backbones       -- model backbones
    ├── prototyping         -- space to perform some prototyping
    ├── utils               -- all sorts of utility functions
    └── visualization       -- all visualization related stuff


Generally, it is advised to simply use MLflow to run the code since it will take care of setting up any necessary environment. To use MLflow for running the code, please be sure to install my branch of mlflow:

pip install https://github.com/florianblume/mlflow/releases/download/v1.4.1/mlflow-1.4.1-py3-none-any.whl

You have three options to use as environment:

To setup the Anaconda environment simply do

conda env create --name [name your env] -f [environment file]

where you replace [environment file] with one of the files available in the project root.

You can also use the Docker images found at Docker hub or use the Dockerfiles in the docker directory to build it yourself. There's also a script in the bash directory which contains the command to build the Docker image (be careful, it is configured to delete the cache so it will always build the Dockerfile). The command to build it is

docker build -t florianblume/facial-expression-recognition:cuda11.3-pytorch1.11 -f docker/cuda11.3-pytorch1.11/Dockerfile --no-cache .

When you want to use Docker you might have to create specific folders before running the code and mount them manually/through the entrypoints file since Docker has no direct access to the underlying filesystem. I.e., create the folders on your local machine and modify access rights like so

chmod 766 /path/to/the/folder/to/mount

To use Singularity, you can build the Dockerfile and convert the resulting image to a Singularity image. This is especially useful if there is no access to Docker on your cluster. There are multiple guides online how to do the conversion.

Running the Code

There are two main ways how to run the code: Through MLflow and through Python directly. They have a high overlap and essentially are pretty similar. The difference is, when you run the code through MLflow, you know exactly which parameters are allowed and MLflow will take care of either setting up the Anaconda environment or constructing and executing a proper Docke command which automatically mounts all necessary folders, attaches necessary environment variables and so on. It's therefore easier to run the code through MLflow.

For both ways, the central entrypoint of the project is cli.py in the src folder.

1. Through MLflow (suggested way)

To install MLflow, run

pip install https://github.com/florianblume/mlflow/releases/download/v1.4.1/mlflow-1.4.1-py3-none-any.whl

Running an Experiment

For MLflow, entrypoints are defined how to run the code. You can check them out in MLproject_entrypoints.yaml. Each key in the yaml dictionary is an entrypoint you can run which also defines the respective parameters. You can run the code like so

mlflow run MLproject_conda -e [entrypoint] -P model=configs/model/[model].yaml -P data=configs/data/[data].yaml -P config=configs/to_edit.yaml

where you replace [model] by the model config's name (found in configs/model directory), [data] by the data config's name (found in configs/data directory). The -Ps stem from the concept that you hard-define arguments for the entrypoints which removes uncertainty on the user-side what to provide. For [entrypoint] checkout MLproject_entrypoints.yaml but typically you would use

  • main: for training and testing
  • slurm: to run the code through slurm
  • inspect_batch_inputs: to inspect the batch inputs
  • ...

MLflow needs to take care of some argument conversions though, which is done in mlflow_entrypoints.py. This means, if you need to add an entrypoint (like I had to e.g. for automatic experiment downloading), you need to add it in MLproject_entrypoints.yaml and also in mlflow_entrypoints.py.

Selecting an Environment

You can select different environments for MLflow (or create your own):

  • MLproject_conda for running using Anaconda
  • MLproject_docker for running using Docker
  • MLproject_slurm so that you can define a different environment when running through slurm - this does not yet run the code using Slurm (checkout the Slurm part of the README for details)

MLflow will automatically take care of constructing an Anaconda environment if needed (hashes the environment.yaml file to see if something changed), pulls the respective Docker image, etc.

Further Information

Checkout the MLflow projects documentation for more details on running projects through MLflow.

Setting Up an Alias

alias mlmain='mlflow run MLproject_conda -e main
alias mlslurm='mlflow run MLproject_conda -e slurm

(or whatever combinations you need) to .bashrc you can run it like

mlmain -P model=configs/model/[model].yaml -P data=configs/data/[data].yaml -P config=configs/to_edit.yaml

2. Through Python directly

MLflow essentially uses cli.py which you can also call directly:

python src/cli.py --model=configs/model/[model].yaml --data=configs/data/[data].yaml --config=configs/to_edit.yaml

Note how the -Ps were removed and instead the arguments are provided directly. Before you can run this command, make sure you activated your Anaconda environment (MLflow does this for you) or execute it within a Docker image.

If you provide an "entrypoint" after python src/cli.py, it will be executed here, too, instead of the main entrypoint. This means you can do

python src/cli.py inspect_batch_inputs --model ...

Leaving the entrypoint out is equivalent to calling

python src/cli.py main --model ...

Under the Hood

What happens when you run the code like this is that

  1. The CLI parses the arguments.
  2. The CLI constructs the model and data class.
  3. The CLI also constructs the trainer class - the class that takes care of executing a training/validation/testing... loop.
  4. The CLI executes the sequence of trainer commands (i.e. functions callable on the trainer) provided through the configuration. The trainer uses the model and datamodule to perform commands.

If you want to see what happends in detail, check out the src/cli.py file.



Some of the following text explains things that are only possible by running the code directly through Python and not through MLflow. They have the same capabilities though and it is noted where this applies.

The project's configuration scheme is based on jsonargparse which is included by Pytorch Lightning's CLI. jsonargparse is built on top of Python's native argparse and extends its functionality. The general idea is that classes' init functions as well as function signatures define what can be configured from command line by directly providing the arguments or providing yaml files. For that to work, you always need to provide type annotations on the init functions of your classes.

The Pytorch Lightning CLI documentation is pretty good and deep. Look it up to get further details on how configuration works.

In the following, we'll explain firt how configuration works in Pytorch Lightning CLI and then move to how to use and edit the config files.

The Basics

Pytorch Lightning CLI defines two default configuration keys: model and data. Additionally, you can provide as many config arguments as you want. For example, if your model class looks like this

from models import AbstractModel

class MyModel(AbstractModel):

    __init__(self, batch_size: int, img_size: int = 128, **kwargs):
        # Important! We need to pass on the args to the superclass
        self.batch_size = batch_size
        self.img_size = img_size

then the keys configurable from the command line would look like the following:

python src/cli.py --model.class_path models.MyModel --model.init_args.batch_size 32 --model.init_args.img_size 256

while you wouldn't need to define img_size as it's got a default value. You could also define these values in a config like so

class_path: models.MyModel
    batch_size: 32

and pass it like

python src/cli.py --model model_config.yaml

Note that --model inserts the content of the config into the key model in the resulting config. If you pass the config file like

python src/cli.py --config model_config.yaml

you need to change the config to

    class_path: models.MyModel
        batch_size: 32

This is important to know if you want to overwrite values with some config later in the command. For examlpe, in the command

python src/cli.py --model model_config.yaml --config to_edit.yaml

to_edit.yaml would overwrite values which are already defined in model_config.yaml. model_config.yaml would, for examlpe, be the config from above without the model key, and to_edit.yaml could be

        batch_size: 64

Here you don't need the class_path entry anymore since it's provided already in model_config.yaml but you need the model key, as the config is passed with --config and not --model. This way, you can cascade configs and have a config you continuously edit to overwrite certain values without having to edit the default configs.

Note 1: You can pass --config multiple times, they will be loaded in sequence and later, i.e.

python src/cli.py --config config1 --config config2 --config config3

will load config1 first, then config2, and so on. The later configs overwrite values that are defined in both configs.

--model and --data can only be passd once though.

Note 2: The trainer can also be configured using --trainer but you will need this rarely.

Notes on MLflow

MLflow doesn't give you the same flexibility when it comes to configuration. To ensure that entrypoints are well documented and allow to be run in one specific way which reduces uncertainty how to run the code, all possible arguments need to be defined in the MLproject_entryopints.yaml file. It's obvious that you cannot put all possible arguments in there (e.g. model.init_args.batch_size and so on). Instead, it only accepts the whole config files.

There is one option to pass such a config string through -P strconfig=model.init_args.batch_size=32;model.init_args.img_size=128 and so on. But it is recommended for simplicity to make changes e.g. in a to_edit.yaml config.

Model and Data Configuration

Any model you put in src/models, let it inherit from AbstractModel and put it into the __init__.py of the models module, will be available to use in the class_path part of the model config and to configure from the command line/in config files. Again, the configurable arguments are the typed arguments of the init function of the class.

Same holds for the data class. Put your DataModule in src/data/datamodules, let it inhert from AbstractDataModule (import via from data.datamodules import AbstractDataModule) and load it in the __init__.py of the data.datamodules module. Then you can pass the class path to the class_path argument in the configs and define all the arguments of the __init__ function of the DataModule.

The Config Files

The main config files are located in the configs directory. There is

  • a default.yaml config file which defines some defaults (like early stopping on the trainer)
  • an example to_edit.yaml file which you can use as inspiration
  • a directory data with the datamodule configs
  • a directory eval with the evaluation configs
  • a directory model with the model configs
  • a directory slurm with the slurm configs

If you have a new model or datamodule class, also add the respective config in the respective directory.


This is a central config file (you can rename example_to_edit.yaml as a starting point) which you can continuously edit for temporary config changes (which you don't want to "hard-code" in the other config files).

General Project Configuration

The main project keys that you can define are

  • exp_name: The name of the experiment. This value is used by the loggers to identify which project to log the experiment to.
  • machine: A name you can give freely for the machine you started the experiment from.
  • run_name: A name for the current experiment run. You don't have to set that because an automatic name will be generated from the model and data config that you pass. This is just an option if you want to name your run in a certain way.

It's best to put those values in your to_edit.yaml config (you only need to define exp_name).

Trainer Configuration

The trainer class is a central class of Pytorch Lightning which takes care of executing a training loop, etc. You can also configure its properties through the configs. E.g. in your to_edit.yaml

  limit_train_batches: 5
  gpus: 2

All arguments of the trainer's init function are at your disposal!

Many trainer arguments are already predefined in the defaults.yaml file. For example, multiple callbacks are defined in this config file that automatically log histograms of the model weights and gradients, perform early stopping, etc. Since you would overwrite these callbacks if you defined a new callback attribute on the trainer in your to_edit.yaml, there is another key


in which you define a list of additional callbacks. The CLI will handle adding those to the existing trainer callbacks.


To execute trainer commands there is the commands argument which defaults to fit-test (i.e. execute training/fitting and testing afterwards). You can define the commands you want to run either when running directly through Python:

python src/cli.py --commands fit-test

or in MLflow:

mlflow run ... -P commands=fit-test

or for both through the configs like:

commands: fit-test

Available commmands are all functions of the trainer class: fit, validate, test, predict and tune together with their respective arguments. There is also the eval command which is not a trainer function an manually implemented.

Any combination of these, connected with -, is allowed as command. The commands will be executed in order, i.e.


will excute first the fit function on the trainer, then test and then evaluate.

Command Arguments

Since the functions are invoked on the trainer, you can pass the arguments to those functions also in the configs like so for example (note without a trainer key):

    ckpt_path: ...
    verbose: True

This allows you to use a certain checkpoint through ckpt_path. Click on the functions to see which arguments you can define.

Optimizers and Learning Rate Schedulers

The optimizer(s) and learning rate scheduler(s) can also be defined through the configs. For this, the keys model.init_args.optimizer_init and model.init_args.lr_scheduler_init are reserved. The class AbstractModel has a function called configure_optimizers which offers a default implementation to instantiate the optimizers and learning rate schedulers but if it doesn't fit your needs you can overwrite it.

You can checkout Pytorch Lightning's docs on optimization, they provide more detail on what is to return in that function. It's also possible to manually optimize the model using the optimizers constructed here - that is also described in the Pytorch Lightning optimization docs.

You can use instantiation_util.py in the utils directory, to instantiate optimizers and lr schedulers in the configure_optimizers of your model (checkout AbstractModel for an example).

An example configuration can look like this:

            class_path: torch.optim.SGD
                lr: 1.0e-3
                momentum: 0.9
                weight_decay: 0.01
            class_path: torch.optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR
                step_size: 5
                gamma: 0.1

Typically, some default optimization procedure is defined on the model configs in configs/model but you can overwrite them in your to_edit.yaml config like above.

Using the function instantiate_lr_schedulers of instantiation_util.py, you have multiple combination options:

  1. You have 1 optimizer and 1 lr scheduler.
  2. You have multiple optimizers but 1 lr scheduler. The scheduler will be instantiated for each optimizer.
  3. You have multiple optimizers and multiple lr schedulers. In this case, either the number of optimizers has to match the number of lr schedulers. Then, either the first scheduler will be applied to the first optimizer and so on, or you provide the key name directly on the optimizer_init (same level as class_path) and optimizer_name on the lr_scheduler_init to match the schedluers and optimizers in a differnt order - note that in this case you need to provide names for all optimizers and schedulers because otherwise it would be ambiguous how to pair them. If the number of optimizers doesn't match the number of schedluers, you need to provide names on the schedulers which are also defined on the optimizers. For example:
            - class_path: torch.optim.SGD
              name: optim1
                    lr: 1.0e-3
            - class_path: torch.optim.SGD
              name: optim2
                    lr: 1.0e-4
            - class_path: torch.optim.SGD
                    lr: 1.0e-2
            - class_path: torch.optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR
              optimizer_name: optim1
                    step_size: 5
            - class_path: torch.optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR
              optimizer_name: optim2
                    step_size: 3


Data transforms which can be used by the DataModules can also be defined in the config of the respective DataModule and overwritten from your to_edit.yaml config. For this, there is a function in instantiation_util.py which is called by the AbstractDataModule to instantiate the tranforms:

instantiate_transforms_tree(caller, transform_tree: Any)

If you call this function manually, caller should be the DataModule you call this function from, so that transforms can access its attributes. This is possible since instantiate_transforms_tree will evaluate any expression of the form like $self.img_size.

It allows to nest dicts and lists and as soon as you provide a class_path entry will try to instantiate the respective class while also going over the init_args and checking if there is any class to instantiate in there. An exmple config could look like this:

    class_path: ...
                    class_path: torchvision.transforms.Compose
                            - class_path: torchvision.transforms.ToPILImage
                            - class_path: torchvision.transforms.RandomHorizontalFlip
                                p: 0.3

This would put the Compose in transforms['train']['context'] of the DataModule.

Linking Arguments

It's possible to link arguments, e.g. img_size in the model and the datamodule. This can come in pretty handy as this way you have to define such a value only once. Checkout the docs for more details.



Model Classes

The base class for all models is LightningModule. It defines various functions the trainer automatically calls during training, validation, etc. An example for one such function is on_training_epoch_end which you can overwrite if you want to execute some code after a training epoch.

AbstractModel is the base class for all models in this project. It inherits from LightningModule and defines a common generic_step function which will be called during a training, validation and testing step. If this generic_step doesn't work for you, overwrite it.

Next to AbstractModel, there are some other base classes defining common attributes which you can inhert form. For example

class ImageClassificationModel(ImageModel, ClassificationModel)

has access to an image size, a mean and standard deviation, but also to a number of classes and logs a confusion matrix of the validation and test data.

Some key model functions:

Function Name Explanation
configure_optimizers Configuration of optimizers. Defining which parametes of the model to assign to which optimizer, etc.
_setup_losses Configuration of losses as ModuleDicts (_train_losses, _val_losses, _test_losses)
_setup_metrics Configuration of metrics as ModuleDicts (_train_metrics, _val_metrics, _test_metrics)
extract_inputs_from_batch Extracts the inputs the network needs from the current batch. This allows reusing the same datamodule for multiple models.
extract_targets_from_batch Same as extract_inputs_from_batch but for targets
sanitize_outputs Detach outputs from the gradient graph. The model might return a complex structure of outputs where it's not directly clear how to sanitize them.
extract_outputs_relevant_for_loss Extract the outputs from the outputs dict of the model that you need for a certain loss.
extract_targets_relevant_for_loss Same as extract_outputs_relevant_for_loss but for targets
extract_outputs_relevant_for_metric Extract outputs from the outputs dict of the model that you need for a certain metric.
extract_targets_relevant_for_metric Same as extract_outputs_relevant_for_metric but for targets

If you're implementing a rather simple network, the default implementation in AbstractModel might suffice but you can overwrite those functions if it doesn't. The AbstractModel uses those functions in generic_step.


To define backbones (e.g. feature extraction nets), you can use the key backbone in the model config. It can be

  • Only a string, e.g. resnet34, which backbone_load.py will use to identify and load the respective backbone. The load will use ImageNet pretrained weights and add a new attribute features on the model object so that you don't have to change your code depending on the model type.
  • A list of strings, which will all be instantiated by the backbone loader.
  • Or, the upper two but instead you define the backbone as a dict with a class_path and (optional) init_args entry. This will directly instantiate them as you define them, avoiding having to use the backbone loader and giving you access to all availalbe pytorch ready-made networks.

Implemented Models

  • Simple classifier using various backbones
  • Put-in-Context
  • MANet
  • CAERNet
  • SimCLR classifier


A goal of the project is to provide reproducible resluts. Therefore, we put all commands that are necessary to unpack/prepare/... a dataset in a Python class. That's what datamodule are for.


A DataModule contains the code to

  • automatically download the dataset
  • automatically extract/crop/... the downloaded dataset
  • constructs the actual pytorch dataset to use in the code

The trainer will call the functions of the datamodule before starting in the following order:

  1. prepare_data: Put some simple checks here if the dataset needs to be downloaded/unpacked/... again. If so, download the dataset and perform the necessary processing steps. This makes producing the dataset reproducible from scratch.
  2. setup: Put the construction of the training, validation and test dataset in here.
  3. {train, val, test}_dataloader: This function is used by the trainer to get the respective dataloader. There is a default implementation in AbstractDataModule, so unless you do something special don't worry about those.

The base class for all DataModules is AbstractDataModule. There are also ImageDataModule and ClassificationDataModule which provide some common attributes. You can inhert from both classes together to get an image-classifciation DataModule. Like in the model case, you can for example do

class ImageClassificationDataModule(ClassificationDataModule, ImageDataModule)


The trainer class is a central class in Pytorch Lightning. It takes a model and a datamodule to perform training (called fitting), validation, testing, and so on. It can take care of distributed training, limiting the number of computed batches, early stopping and various other things.

You can access the trainer from the model through



The supported loggers are stored in src/loggers. Logging happens somewhat automatically through Pytorch Lightning. Everything a model returns in its training/validation/... step is automatically logged by the trainer using the passed loggers. Whenever you need to, you can manually log something using

for logger in trainer.loggers

You have access to the trainer from the model (see above).

The currently implemented loggers are:


The MLflow logger takes care of logging things either locally or remotely, in both ways under your full control.


To use it, you need to set the MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI in your environment variables. Most likeley, you'll use MLflow for local tracking (so that you can directly inspect images, etc.) but it also supports remote tracking when you have a server at your disposal.

For local tracking, you can set the tracking URI e.g. to

export MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI=/home/[username]/projects/facial-expression-recognitions/experiments

Local Directories

This will create the project logging structure in the directory experiments. In the experiments dir, for each new experiment (which you can "create" by setting a new exp_name in your configs) a directory is created. In this directory, the experiment will be stored in a directory named using run_name and a random identifier consisting of an adjective + animal name for easy identification.

MLflow creates the following directories

  • tags: Tags of the experiment
  • params: Hyperparameters
  • metrics: All metric output
  • artifacts: Logs the full source code, checkpoints, the full config, etc. When you log an image using log_image or a figure using log_figure, it goes into an imgs directory in the artifacts directory.

Config Logging and Reusing

The full config gets logged to run_dir/artifacts/configs. When you run the code and provide the run_id of the run, the config will get loaded. You can overwrite parts of it by still providing --model, etc., but you can omit these if you don't need to change any arguments.

If you reuse an experiment run and run something again, the new config will be logged using a timestemp. This is important as only the very first config that was logged will be loaded. E.g., when the logged config directory looks like this

config.yaml <-- Only this one will be loaded when run_id is defined

MLflow UI

You can launch the MLflow UI to view your local experiments. For this, go to the experiments directory and type mlflow ui. If you're not on your local machine but e.g. on the cluster, you can checkout run_mlflow_ui_server.sh in the bash directory to see how to forward the content of the UI to your machine.


The CometML logger takes care of logging things to comet.ml which is similar to wandb, neptune.ai, and so on. To use it, you need to set the COMET_API_KEY in your environment variables - put it in your .bashrc. You can find the key in the settings on comet.ml.

CometML's run ID and MLflow's run ID are not the same because CometML assigns one automatically and we have no influence on this. But to make it easier to identify experiments, I chose to give run IDs that use the configs' names as well as this well known pattern of adjective + animal name. The code relies on the run IDs from MLflow, i.e. when you want to e.g. continue an experiment, you need the run ID that is printed in the terminal.

The MLflow run ID is also logged to CometML which allows you to identify the local run ID online on the comet.ml website.

Debugging CometML

In case you need more CometML output because something does not work, go to the CometML Logger - cometml.py in loggers directory - and comment out the line

self.experiment.display_summary_level = 0

which reduces the amount of output by CometML.

Synching between MLflow and CometML

Since you can delete local experiments from MLflow without CometML noticing, and vice versa, there are some functions availalbe to synchornize the two again. Checkout the MLproject_entrypoints.yaml file to see which exactly.

Your Own Logger

Implementing your own logger is pretty easy. Pytorch Lightning offers a lot of logging integrations already. You just need to write a wrapper around them, in the style of the mflowlogger and cometmllogger you can find in src/loggers.

Using Loggers

You can simply define the loggers in your to_edit.yaml like this:

  - class_path: loggers.CometLogger
  - class_path: loggers.MLFlowLogger

which will use both loggers for logging.


Training is handled by the trainer automatically. For training to happen, you need to provide fit as part of the commands argument. Well, you don't need to since commands defauls to fit-test anyways, i.e. the model is first fitted/trained and then tested afterwards. This ensures that the two always happen together.

Training from Scratch

For training from scratch you don't have to do much. A simple

mlflow run MLproject_conda -e main -P model=configs/model... -P data=configs/data... -P config=configs/to_edit.yaml

will start training and testing. Since there's an early stopping callback on the trainer by default you don't have to set a number of epochs since it monitors avg_val_loss and terminates training when this doesn't decrease for some epochs.

You can define some pretrained weights for the backbone to load by using

        backbone_weights_path: ...

If you defined multiple backbones you need to define multiple weights paths here.

Continuing Training/Weight Loading

To continue training of an experiment you can set the run_id in your to_edit.yaml to the respective ID and in fit function configuration refer to the checkpoint you want to load. When launching an experiment, the run's ID is printing in the beginning. It's also logged as a parameter.

Setting run_id will automatically look for logged configs and load them, i.e. you can most likely omit --model, --data, and so on and only need to provide your to_edit.yaml config.

So, your to_edit.yaml could look like this

    ckpt_path: $ckpt_dir/epoch-04=val-1.27.ckpt

where $ckpt_dir will be resolved to the run's checkpoint directory. You can also provide an absolute/relative path without $ckpt_dir. And your command could be this

mlflow run MLproject_conda -e main -P run_id=[the run id] -P config=configs/to_edit.yaml

and that's it. This will launch using the default fit-test command and load the checkpoint you provided.

To find the checkpoint you want to use you need the run ID and need to know which experiment the run is in. Then you go to the experiments directory -> [run directory of run with the ID] -> artifacts -> ckpts.

Manual Training/Testing

If you don't want to use the trainer to train for some reason, don't forget to call eval() and train() on the model.

Testing & Evaluation

Testing is usually also carried out in the end of training since the default command is fit-test. That's why you should leave fit.ckpt_path set to best, this will use the best model weights after training automatically.

Manual Running of Testing

To test manually, you first need to find out the run_id. When launching an experiment, the run's ID is printing in the beginning. It's also logged as a parameter.

You can then

  • Set run_id in your configs to the run id - this will reuse the run and its directories.
  • Load the checkpoint for the respective function through e.g. fit.ckpt_path: $ckpt_dir/epoch=04-avg_val_loss=1.56.ckpt. $ckpt_dir will be replaced by the checkpoints directory of the run. You can also provide an absolute or relative path without $ckpt_dir.

Providing the run_id means that the code will look for logged configs and will try to load them. This means that you can omit --model, --data, and so but you can provide them to overwrite something in the logged config.

To run testing you can run one of the following commands

  • python src/cli.py --run_id= [--model= ....] --commands=test
  • mlflow run [environment file] -e test -P run_id= [-P model=...]
  • mlflow run [environment file] -e main -P run_id= [-P model=...] -P commands=test

[-P model=...] is supposed to mean that you can leave those parts out.


Next to testing there also exist certain evaluation functions in the src/evaluation directory. You can run those also through the CLI. Similarly to manual testing, you need to

  • Provide run_id if you want to reuse an existing run (e.g. to load a checkpoint), some evaluation functions like inspect_batch_inputs do not need an existing run and will create a new run if run_id is not provided. You can provide it via the configs or by --run_id or -P run_id=.
  • Provide eval_func and set it to the name of the evaluation function you want to run.
  • Provide the arguments the evaluation function expects (checkout the function signature) except for the model, datamodule and trainer arguments - those are automatically provided by the CLI. E.g. in your to_edit.yaml:
    ckpt_path: ...

The configs in configs/eval show which functions are avaiable and which arguments they expect. So, the command to execute evaluation could look like this

mlflow run MLproject_conda -e eval -P run_id=[run id] -P eval=... -P config=configs/to_edit.yaml

Note that -P eval=... internally gets translated to a --config argument. You could also call it like this

python src/main.py --run_id [run_id] --config configs/eval/... --config configs/to_edit.yaml

Implementing Your Own Evaluation Function

Implementing your own evaluation function is pretty easy. You need to create a python file in src/evaluation with the name of the function you want to create, e.g. inspect_batch_inputs and inside a function using the same name must be present. The function must look like this

def inspect_batch_inputs(model, datamodule, trainer, [any additonal args])

model, datamodule and trainer will be provided by the CLI. You can add an arbitrary number of arguments (and add defaults if you'd like). You can then define them through the eval key in the configuration like you're used to.

Then you can also create a config file in configs/eval to provide easy access and a template for your function arguments like so

eval_func: examine_incorrectly_classified_images
  ckpt_path: null # need to set in to_edit.yaml

Availble Common Evaluation Functions

Function Name Explanation
inspect_batch_inputs Logs image batch inputs as images
examine_incorrectly_classified_images Logs images which are incorrectly classified


Getting the Docker image

MLflow will automatically retrieve the approriate image (i.e. the one defined in MLproject_docker) but you also build it yourself:

    docker build -t florianblume/facial-expression-recognition:latest -f docker/main/Dockerfile --no-cache .

Running the Code in Docker

You can of course run the code in Docker. The easiest way is to use MLflow to do so as it takes care of mounting all necessary directories as well as provides environment variables, etc. To run the code in Docker simply do

mlflow run MLproject_docker -e main -P model=... -A gpus=all -A ipc=host

The last parts -A gpus=all and -A ipc=host are important as they will be translated to parts of the Docker command that make GPUs available and use the host for inter-process communication (IPC). Without the latter the data loading processes will crash.

When MLflow launches the code you can also see the full command that was used. You can copy it and execute it yourself also directly (same actually also holds when using Anaconda).

Environment Variables

In MLproject_docker you'll see some environment variables already defined which are necessary to launch the code. If you need additional ones add them here, they will be loaded from the host system.

When you look at the volumes, you'll see that MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI is not only an environment variable but also used as a volume name which will be mounted. MLflow interprets volume names with a leading $ which allows you to e.g. use $PWD to refre to the working directory.

The $TORCH_HOME environment variable is useful since pytorch pretrained weights will be downloaded to that directory. If this environment variable is present, MLflow will automatically tell Pytorch about it when launching the code through Docker. Since TORCH_HOME is accessed to store data, it is also mounted as a volume.

Folders to Mount

If you need additional folders to be mounted, make sure the non-root user in the Docker image has read-write rights:

chmod 766 /path/to/the/folder/to/mount

Otherwise Docker will not be able to access it properly.

Note: This gives a lot of rights to many users for that folder. If that's an issue you'll have to look for a solution yourself ;)



Slurm can be configured similarly to the project in general. There is the special slurm argument which is a dictionary containing all Slurm related stuff. To schedule your run via Slurm simply do

mlflow run MLproject_slurm -e slurm -P model=... -P data=... -P config=... -P slurm=...

This creates a new experiment run, copies the configs to the run directory (as Slurm is sometimes pretty slow to launch so you don't accidentially edit a config before the run starts), and schedules the run in Slurm.

Since the entrypoint is -e slurm you can unfortunately not execute -e test or -e eval for example. Instead, you'll have to pass those using the -P command parameter.

Of course the same also works in plain Python:

python src/slurm.py --model ...

Slurm Configs

For slurm=... you can select one of the slurm configs in configs/slurm. The default config configs/slurm/defaul.yaml will get loaded automatically. Since Slurm is also configured through configs, you can overwrite config values e.g. in your to_edit.yaml config.

Slurm logs will be automatically written to a slurm directory in the run's artifacts directory.

Continuing Runs in Slurm

To continue an experiment run just provide the run_id key as you are used to. This will also load the existing config, i.e. you can omit the model, data, etc. configs.

Issues, Common Pitfalls & Debugging

Configuration Issues

In case you need to debug jsonargparse since there are config issues you can set export JSONARGPARSE=1 (or to any value) and you should see a more extensive debug log.

When running the code, the following error occurs:

cli.py: error: Configuration check failed :: Parser key "model": Type <class 'models.abstract_model.AbstractModel'> expects: a class path (str); or a dict with a class_path entry; or a dict with init_args (if class path given previously). Got "{'init_args': {'batch_size': 32}}".

This might be because your to_edit.yaml looks like this

        batch_size: 32

and you do not provide a class_path there. This is fine but the class_path has to come from some other config. Thus, possible solutions are

  • To check for mistakes in the path to the model config (e.g. typed class_resnet.yaml instead of class_resnet34.yaml, the former one doesn't exist - unless you created it of course).
  • You completely forgot to provide a model config - add one using --model for running directly through Python or -P model=... when using MLflow.

cli.py: error: Parser key "model": Problem with given class_path "models.ImageClassificationModel":
- Configuration check failed :: Key "img_size" is required but not included in config object or its value is None.

In general, this error occurs when the model, data, ... class expects a parameter (does not have a default value) and you didn't provide it. For example, the model configs don't have an image size on purpose so that you remember ot define it because image size is varied often. The error above tells you that you forogt to set it in your to_edit.yaml, so the solution could be to put

        img_size: [100, 150]

in the config.

cli.py: error: Problems parsing config :: mapping values are not allowed in this context

There is a wrong indent in one of the configs, e.g.

    class_path: ...
     init_args: ...

The init_args are wrongly indented.

MLflow run doesn not completely clear the video memory

Unkown issue which I have to investigate some time. Use

for i in $(sudo lsof /dev/nvidia0 | grep python  | awk '{print $2}' | sort -u); do kill -9 $i; done

to free the memory again. This kills all nvidia processes spawned by Python.

Matrix Size Mismatch

  • Mismatch in matrix size -> adjust num classes, batch size, ...
  • Other issues

Development Advice

For deploying MLflow

  • nodejs/npm --> conda install nodejs -c conda-forge --repodata-fn=repodata.json, then in mlflow/server/js execute npm install && npm run build then in one shell mlflow ui and in another cd mlflow/server/js && npm start and on the local machine ssh -L localhost:5000:localhost:5000 florian@galilei
  • build wheel with python setup.py bdist_wheel


Stuff that could become annoying because I forget I did it and then get mad it myself when I find out in the code again that I did it.

  • comet ml save dir is set to none manually in before_instantiate_classes
  • How do outputs look like in epoch_ends [num_train_steps, batch_size * model_output_size]

#Cite If you use this work in your research or find it helpful, please cite:

  title={Multi-Task Multi-Modal Self-Supervised Learning for Facial Expression Recognition}, 
  author={Marah Halawa and Florian Blume and Pia Bideau and Martin Maier and Rasha Abdel Rahman and Olaf Hellwich},


Official repository for our CVPR 2024 Workshop paper "Multi-Task Multi-Modal Self-Supervised Learning for Facial Expression Recognition".


Language:Python 98.5%Language:Shell 1.4%Language:Dockerfile 0.1%