tuarua / AR-ANE

ARKit Adobe Air Native Extension for iOS11

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Adobe AIR + ARKit

ARKit Adobe Air Native Extension for iOS 11.0+ This ANE provides bindings for the ARKit API

ASDocs Documentation

Much time, skill and effort has gone into this. Help support the project



You will need:

The ANE + Dependencies

Change directory into the example folder eg

cd /MyMac/dev/AIR/AR-ANE/example

Run the "air-tools" command (You will need AIR-Tools installed)

air-tools install

NEW This tool now:

  1. Downloads the AdMobANE and dependencies.
  2. Applies all required Android Manifest, InfoAdditons and Entitlements to your app.xml. See air package.json

N.B. You must use a Mac to build an iOS app using this ANE. Windows is NOT supported.

iOS: Packaging Frameworks Dependencies

The iOS ANEs are written in Swift. We need to package the Swift libraries (along with a couple of dynamic frameworks) with our AIR app


Getting Started

Firstly, familiarise yourself with the concepts of Apple's ARKit. This ANE is at its core a binding for the ARKit APIs.


arkit = ARANE.arkit;
if (!arkit.isSupported) {
    trace("ARKIT is NOT Supported on this device");

arkit.view3D.showsStatistics = false;
arkit.view3D.automaticallyUpdatesLighting = true;
arkit.view3D.antialiasingMode = AntialiasingMode.multisampling4X;
var config:WorldTrackingConfiguration = new WorldTrackingConfiguration();
if (arkit.iosVersion >= 11.3) {
    config.planeDetection = [PlaneDetection.horizontal, PlaneDetection.vertical];
} else {
    config.planeDetection = [PlaneDetection.horizontal];
arkit.view3D.session.run(config, [RunOptions.resetTracking, RunOptions.removeExistingAnchors]);


The following geometries based on their SCNKit equivalents are available: Box, Sphere, Capsule, Cone, Cylinder, Plane, Pyramid, Torus, Tube

var cone:Cone = new Cone(0, 0.05, 0.1);
var node:Node = new Node(cone);


Materials can be supplied as:
ARGB uint
String path to image file

box.firstMaterial.diffuse.contents = ColorARGB.RED;

sphere.firstMaterial.diffuse.contents = "materials/globe.png";

//supply 6 materials for 6 sides of box
box.materials = new <Material>[redMat, greenMat, blueMat, yellowMat, brownMat, whiteMat];


var box:Box = new Box(0.1, 0.1, 0.1);
box.firstMaterial.diffuse.contents = ColorARGB.ORANGE;
var boxNode:Node = new Node(box);
var boxShape:PhysicsShape = new PhysicsShape(box);
var physicsBody:PhysicsBody = new PhysicsBody(PhysicsBodyType.dynamic, boxShape);
physicsBody.allowsResting = true;

boxNode.physicsBody = physicsBody;
boxNode.position = new Vector3D(0, 0.5, 0);


Detecting Planes

arkit = ARANE.arkit;
if (arkit.iosVersion >= 11.3) {
    config.planeDetection = [PlaneDetection.horizontal, PlaneDetection.vertical];
} else {
    config.planeDetection = [PlaneDetection.horizontal];
arkit.addEventListener(PlaneDetectedEvent.ON_PLANE_DETECTED, onPlaneDetected);

private function onPlaneDetected(event:PlaneDetectedEvent):void {
    var planeAnchor:PlaneAnchor = event.anchor;
    var node:Node = event.node;
    var plane:Box = new Box(planeAnchor.extent.x, planeAnchor.extent.z, 0);
    var gridTexture:String = "materials/grid.png";
    plane.firstMaterial.diffuse.contents = gridTexture;
    var planeNode:Node = new Node(plane);
    planeNode.position = new Vector3D(planeAnchor.center.x, 0, planeAnchor.center.z)
    var boxShape:PhysicsShape = new PhysicsShape(plane);
    planeNode.physicsBody = new PhysicsBody(PhysicsBodyType.static, boxShape);
    planeNode.eulerAngles = new Vector3D(-Math.PI / 2, 0, 0);

Camera Tracking

arkit = ARANE.arkit;
arkit.addEventListener(CameraTrackingEvent.ON_STATE_CHANGE, onCameraTrackingStateChange);

private function onCameraTrackingStateChange(event:CameraTrackingEvent):void {
    switch (event.state) {
        case TrackingState.notAvailable:
        case TrackingState.normal:
        case TrackingState.limited:
            switch (event.reason) {
                case TrackingStateReason.excessiveMotion:
                case TrackingStateReason.initializing:
                case TrackingStateReason.insufficientFeatures:
                case TrackingStateReason.relocalizing:

Detecting Touches

arkit = ARANE.arkit;
arkit.addEventListener(TapEvent.ON_SCENE3D_TAP, onSceneTapped);
private function onSceneTapped(event:TapEvent):void {
    if (event.location) {
        // look for planes
        var arHitTestResult:ARHitTestResult = arkit.view3D.hitTest3D(event.location, [HitTestResultType.existingPlaneUsingExtent]);
        if (arHitTestResult) {
            // plane tapped
        var hitTestResult:HitTestResult = arkit.view3D.hitTest(event.location, new HitTestOptions());
        trace("hitTestResult", hitTestResult);
        if (hitTestResult) {
            // node tapped on

Running on Simulator

ARKit won't run on the simulator

Running on Device

The example project can be run on the device from IntelliJ using AIR 32.


The Issues section is for bugs and API requests only.
Use the supplied template or the ticket will be closed.
Paid Premium support is available.


If you have knowledge of ARKit contributions are welcome. This includes adding documentation, sample code and Scenekit models.
Likewise, sponsorship or donations will go a long way to pushing the ANE further along.


You will need:

  • a Mac. Windows is not supported
  • an iOS device with an A9 or later processor
  • IntelliJ IDEA / Flash Builder
  • AIR
  • Xcode 11.3
  • wget on macOS via brew install wget

Task List

  • Planes
    • Horizontal Plane Detection
    • Vertical Plane Detection (iOS 11.3)
    • Plane Updates
    • Plane Removal
    • Apple Sample 'Focus Square'
  • Geometry
    • Box
    • Capsule
    • Cone
    • Cylinder
    • Plane
    • Pyramid
    • Shape (from SVG)
    • Sphere
    • Models
      • from .scn
      • from .dae
    • Text
    • Torus
    • Tube
  • Lighting
  • Materials
    • Colour
    • Image
    • BitmapData
  • Physics
    • Body
    • Collision Events
    • Vehicle
  • Animation
  • Camera
    • Tracking
    • Autofocus (iOS 11.3)
  • Touch
    • Tap
    • Swipe
    • Pinch
    • Long Press
  • Permissions
    • Camera
  • Hit Test
    • Planes
    • Nodes
  • Image Detection
    • AR Reference images (iOS 11.3)
  • Object Detection
    • AR Reference object (iOS 12.0)



ARKit Adobe Air Native Extension for iOS11

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:ActionScript 55.7%Language:Swift 41.2%Language:Objective-C 2.6%Language:Shell 0.5%