tuannh982 / query-planner-guide

build your own query planner

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A query planner is a component of a database management system (DBMS) that is responsible for generating a plan for executing a database query. The query plan specifies the steps that the DBMS will take to retrieve the data requested by the query. The goal of the query planner is to generate a plan that is as efficient as possible, meaning that it will return the data to the user as quickly as possible.

Query planners are complex pieces of software, and they can be difficult to understand. This guide to implementing a cost-based query planner will provide you with a step-by-step overview of the process, how to implement your own cost-based query planner, while still cover the basic concepts of query planner.

Written by AI, edited by human

Targeted audiences

This guide is written for:

  • who used to work with query engines
  • who curious, want to make their own stuffs
  • who wants to learn DB stuffs but hate math


  • Able to understand the basic of query planning
  • Able to write your own query planner

Basic architecture of a query engine

graph TD
    parser[Query Parser]
    planner[Query Planner]
    executor[Query Processor]
    user -- text query --> parser
    parser -- AST --> planner
    planner -- physical plan --> executor

Basic architecture of a query engine is consisted of those components:

  • Query parser: used to parse user query input, usually in human-readable text format (such as SQL)
  • Query planner: used to generate the plan/strategy to execute the query. Normally the query planner will choose the best plan among several plans generated from a single query
  • Query processor: used to execute the query plan, which is output by the query planner

Types of query planners

Normally, query planners are divided into 2 types:

  • heuristic planner
  • cost-based planner

Heuristic planner is the query planner which used pre-defined rules to generate query plan.

Cost-based planner is the query planner who based on the cost to generate query, it tries to find the optimal plan based on cost of the input query.

While heuristic planner usually find the best plan by apply transform rules if it knows that the transformed plan is better, the cost-based planner find the best plan by enumerate equivalent plans and try to find the best plan among them.

Cost based query planner

In cost based query planner, it's usually composed of phases:

  • Plan Enumerations
  • Query Optimization

In the Plan Enumerations phase, the planner will enumerate the possible equivalent plans.

After that, in Query Optimization phase, the planner will search for the best plan from the list of enumerated plans. The best plan is the plan having the lowest cost, which the cost model (or cost function) is defined.

Because the natural of logical plan, is having tree-like structure, so you can think the optimization/search is actually a tree-search problem. And there are lots of tree-search algorithms out here:

  • Exhaustive search, such as deterministic dynamic programming. The algorithm will perform searching for best plan until search termination conditions
  • Randomized search, such as randomized tree search. The algorithm will perform searching for best plan until search termination conditions

notes: in theory it's possible to use any kind of tree-search algorithm. However, in practical it's not feasible since the search time is increased when our search algorithm is complex

notes: the search termination conditions usually are:

  • search exhaustion (when no more plans to visit)
  • cost threshold (when found a plan that cost is lower than a specified cost threshold)
  • time (when the search phase is running for too long)

Volcano query planner

Volcano query planner (or Volcano optimizer generator) is a cost-based query planner

Volcano planner uses dynamic programming approach to find the best query plan from the list of enumerated plans.

details: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/344061 (I'm too lazy to explain the paper here)

Here is a great explanation: https://15721.courses.cs.cmu.edu/spring2017/slides/15-optimizer2.pdf#page=9

Drafting our cost-based query planner

Our query planner, is a cost based query planner, following the basic idea of Volcano query planner Our planner will be consisted of 2 main phases:

  • exploration/search phase
  • implementation/optimization phase
graph LR
        Plan #1
        Plan #N
    implementation_plan["Plan #X (best plan)"]
    ast -- convert to logical plan --> logical_plan
    logical_plan -- exploration phase --> explored_plans
    explored_plans -- optimization phase --> implementation_plan
    linkStyle 1,2 color: orange, stroke: orange, stroke-width: 5px


Logical plan

Logical plan is the datastructure holding the abstraction of transformation step required to execute the query.

Here is an example of a logical plan:

graph TD
    1["PROJECT tbl1.id, tbl1.field1, tbl2.field1, tbl2.field2, tbl3.id, tbl3.field2, tbl3.field2"];
    3["SCAN tbl1"];
    5["SCAN tbl2"];
    6["SCAN tbl3"];
    1 --> 2;
    2 --> 3;
    2 --> 4;
    4 --> 5;
    4 --> 6;
Physical plan

While logical plan only holds the abstraction, physical plan is the datastructure holding the implementation details. Each logical plan will have multiple physical plans. For example, a logical JOIN might has many physical plans such as HASH JOIN, MERGE JOIN, BROADCAST JOIN, etc.

Equivalent Group

Equivalent group is a group of equivalent expressions (which for each expression, their logical plan is logically equivalent)


graph TD
    subgraph Group#8
        Expr#8["SCAN tbl2 (field1, field2, id)"]
    subgraph Group#2
        Expr#2["SCAN tbl2"]
    subgraph Group#11
    Expr#11 --> Group#7
    Expr#11 --> Group#10
    subgraph Group#5
    Expr#5 --> Group#1
    Expr#5 --> Group#4
    subgraph Group#4
    Expr#4 --> Group#2
    Expr#4 --> Group#3
    subgraph Group#7
        Expr#7["SCAN tbl1 (id, field1)"]
    subgraph Group#1
        Expr#1["SCAN tbl1"]
    subgraph Group#10
    Expr#10 --> Group#8
    Expr#10 --> Group#9
    subgraph Group#9
        Expr#9["SCAN tbl3 (id, field2)"]
    subgraph Group#3
        Expr#3["SCAN tbl3"]
    subgraph Group#6
        Expr#12["PROJECT tbl1.id, tbl1.field1, tbl2.field1, tbl2.field2, tbl3.id, tbl3.field2, tbl3.field2"]
        Expr#6["PROJECT tbl1.id, tbl1.field1, tbl2.field1, tbl2.field2, tbl3.id, tbl3.field2, tbl3.field2"]
    Expr#12 --> Group#11
    Expr#6 --> Group#5

Here we can see Group#6 is having 2 equivalent expressions, which are both representing the same query (one is doing scan from table then project, one is pushing down the projection down to SCAN node).

Transformation rule

Transformation rule is the rule to transform from one logical plan to another logical equivalent logical plan

For example, the plan:

graph TD
    1["PROJECT tbl1.id, tbl1.field1, tbl2.field1, tbl2.field2, tbl3.id, tbl3.field2, tbl3.field2"];
    3["SCAN tbl1"];
    5["SCAN tbl2"];
    6["SCAN tbl3"];
    1 --> 2;
    2 --> 3;
    2 --> 4;
    4 --> 5;
    4 --> 6;

when apply the projection pushdown transformation, is transformed to:

graph TD
    1["PROJECT *.*"];
    3["SCAN tbl1 (id, field1)"];
    5["SCAN tbl2 (field1, field2)"];
    6["SCAN tbl3 (id, field2, field2)"];
    1 --> 2;
    2 --> 3;
    2 --> 4;
    4 --> 5;
    4 --> 6;

The transformation rule can be affect by logical traits/properties such as table schema, data statistics, etc.

Implementation rule

Implementation rule is the rule to return the physical plans given logical plan.

The implementation rule can be affect by physical traits/properties such as data layout (sorted or not), etc.

Exploration phase

In the exploration phase, the planner will apply transformation rules, generating equivalent logical plans

For example, the plan:

graph TD
    1326583549["PROJECT tbl1.id, tbl1.field1, tbl2.id, tbl2.field1, tbl2.field2, tbl3.id, tbl3.field2, tbl3.field2"];
    -349388609["SCAN tbl1"];
    -1043437086["SCAN tbl2"];
    -1402686787["SCAN tbl3"];
    1326583549 --> -425111028;
    -425111028 --> -349388609;
    -425111028 --> 1343755644;
    1343755644 --> -1043437086;
    1343755644 --> -1402686787;

After applying transformation rules, resulting in the following graph:

graph TD
    subgraph Group#8
        Expr#8["SCAN tbl2 (id, field1, field2)"]
    subgraph Group#11
    Expr#11 --> Group#7
    Expr#11 --> Group#10
    Expr#14 --> Group#8
    Expr#14 --> Group#12
    subgraph Group#2
        Expr#2["SCAN tbl2"]
    subgraph Group#5
    Expr#5 --> Group#1
    Expr#5 --> Group#4
    Expr#16 --> Group#2
    Expr#16 --> Group#13
    subgraph Group#4
    Expr#4 --> Group#2
    Expr#4 --> Group#3
    subgraph Group#13
    Expr#15 --> Group#1
    Expr#15 --> Group#3
    subgraph Group#7
        Expr#7["SCAN tbl1 (id, field1)"]
    subgraph Group#1
        Expr#1["SCAN tbl1"]
    subgraph Group#10
    Expr#10 --> Group#8
    Expr#10 --> Group#9
    subgraph Group#9
        Expr#9["SCAN tbl3 (id, field2)"]
    subgraph Group#3
        Expr#3["SCAN tbl3"]
    subgraph Group#12
    Expr#13 --> Group#7
    Expr#13 --> Group#9
    subgraph Group#6
        Expr#12["PROJECT tbl1.id, tbl1.field1, tbl2.id, tbl2.field1, tbl2.field2, tbl3.id, tbl3.field2, tbl3.field2"]
        Expr#6["PROJECT tbl1.id, tbl1.field1, tbl2.id, tbl2.field1, tbl2.field2, tbl3.id, tbl3.field2, tbl3.field2"]
    Expr#12 --> Group#11
    Expr#6 --> Group#5

Here we can see that projection pushdown rule and join reorder rule are applied.

Optimization phase

The optimization phase, is to traverse the expanded tree in exploration phase, to find the best plan for our query.

This "actually" is tree search optimization, so you can use any tree search algorithm you can imagine (but you have to make sure it's correct).

Here is the example of generated physical plan after optimization phase:

graph TD
    Group #6
Selected: PROJECT tbl1.id, tbl1.field1, tbl2.id, tbl2.field1, tbl2.field2, tbl3.id, tbl3.field2, tbl3.field2
Operator: ProjectOperator
Cost: Cost(cpu=641400.00, mem=1020400012.00, time=1000000.00)
Group#6 --> Group#11
Group #11
Selected: JOIN
Operator: HashJoinOperator
Cost: Cost(cpu=641400.00, mem=1020400012.00, time=1000000.00)
Group#11 --> Group#7
Group#11 --> Group#10
Group #7
Selected: SCAN tbl1 (id, field1)
Operator: NormalScanOperator
Cost: Cost(cpu=400.00, mem=400000.00, time=1000.00)
Group #10
Selected: JOIN
Operator: MergeJoinOperator
Traits: SORTED
Cost: Cost(cpu=640000.00, mem=20000012.00, time=1100000.00)
Group#10 --> Group#8
Group#10 --> Group#9
Group #8
Selected: SCAN tbl2 (id, field1, field2)
Operator: NormalScanOperator
Traits: SORTED
Cost: Cost(cpu=600000.00, mem=12.00, time=1000000.00)
Group #9
Selected: SCAN tbl3 (id, field2)
Operator: NormalScanOperator
Traits: SORTED
Cost: Cost(cpu=40000.00, mem=20000000.00, time=100000.00)

The generated plan has shown the selected logical plan, the estimated cost, and the physical operator

Optimize/search termination

Our planner will perform exhaustion search to find the best plan

Diving into the codes

Since the code of the planner is big, so I will not write step-by-step guide, but I will explain every piece of the code instead

The query language

Here we will define a query language which used thoroughly this tutorial

SELECT emp.id,
FROM emp
         JOIN dept ON emp.id = dept.emp_id
         JOIN emp_info ON dept.emp_id = emp_info.id

The query language we will implement is a SQL-like language. However, for the sake of simplicity, we will restrict its functionality and syntax.

The language is appeared in form of

SELECT tbl.field, [...]
FROM tbl JOIN [...]

It will only support for SELECT and JOIN, also the field in Select statement must be fully qualified (in form of table.field), all other functionalities will not be supported


First, we have to define the AST for our language. AST ( or Abstract Syntax Tree) is a tree used to represent the syntactic structure of a text.

Since our language is so simple, we just can define the AST structure in several line of codes:

sealed trait Identifier

case class TableID(id: String) extends Identifier

case class FieldID(table: TableID, id: String) extends Identifier

sealed trait Statement

case class Table(table: TableID) extends Statement

case class Join(left: Statement, right: Statement, on: Seq[(FieldID, FieldID)]) extends Statement

case class Select(fields: Seq[FieldID], from: Statement) extends Statement

For example, a query

SELECT tbl1.id,
FROM tbl1
         JOIN tbl2 ON tbl1.id = tbl2.id
         JOIN tbl3 ON tbl2.id = tbl3.id

can be represented as

    FieldID(TableID("tbl1"), "id"),
    FieldID(TableID("tbl1"), "field1"),
    FieldID(TableID("tbl2"), "id"),
    FieldID(TableID("tbl2"), "field1"),
    FieldID(TableID("tbl2"), "field2"),
    FieldID(TableID("tbl3"), "id"),
    FieldID(TableID("tbl3"), "field2"),
    FieldID(TableID("tbl3"), "field2")
        FieldID(TableID("tbl2"), "id") -> FieldID(TableID("tbl3"), "id")
      FieldID(TableID("tbl1"), "id") -> FieldID(TableID("tbl2"), "id")

A simple query parser

After defined the AST structure, we will have to write the query parser, which is used to convert the text query into AST form.

Since this guide is using Scala for implementation, we will choose scala-parser-combinators to create our query parser.

Query parser class:

object QueryParser extends ParserWithCtx[QueryExecutionContext, Statement] with RegexParsers {

  override def parse(in: String)(implicit ctx: QueryExecutionContext): Either[Throwable, Statement] = {
    Try(parseAll(statement, in) match {
      case Success(result, _) => Right(result)
      case NoSuccess(msg, _) => Left(new Exception(msg))
    }) match {
      case util.Failure(ex) => Left(ex)
      case util.Success(value) => value

  private def select: Parser[Select] = ??? // we will implement it in later section

  private def statement: Parser[Statement] = select

Then define some parse rules:

// common
private def str: Parser[String] = """[a-zA-Z0-9_]+""".r
private def fqdnStr: Parser[String] = """[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9_]+""".r

// identifier
private def tableId: Parser[TableID] = str ^^ (s => TableID(s))

private def fieldId: Parser[FieldID] = fqdnStr ^^ { s =>
  val identifiers = s.split('.')
  if (identifiers.length != 2) {
    throw new Exception("should never happen")
  } else {
    val table = identifiers.head
    val field = identifiers(1)
    FieldID(TableID(table), field)

Here are two rules, which are used to parse the identifiers: TableID and FieldID.

Table ID (or table name) usually only contains characters, numbers and underscores (_), so we will use a simple regex [a-zA-Z0-9_]+ to identify the table name.

On the other hand, Field ID (for field qualifier) in our language is fully-qualified-field-name. Normally it's in form of table.field, and field name also usually only contains characters, numbers and underscores, so we will use the regex [a-zA-Z0-9_]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9_]+ to parser the field name.

After defining the rules for parsing the identifiers, we can now define rules to parse query statement:

// statement
private def table: Parser[Table] = tableId ^^ (t => Table(t))
private def subQuery: Parser[Statement] = "(" ~> select <~ ")"

The table rule is a simple rule, it just creates Table node by using the parsed TableID from tableId rule.

The subQuery, is the rule to parse the sub-query. In SQL, we can write a query which is looked like this:


The SELECT b FROM c is the sub-query in above statement. Here, in our simple query language, we will indicate a statement is a sub-query if it is enclosed by a pair of parentheses (()). Since our language only have SELECT statement, we can write the parse rule as following:

def subQuery: Parser[Statement] = "(" ~> select <~ ")"

Now we will define the parse rules for SELECT statement:

private def fromSource: Parser[Statement] = table ||| subQuery

private def select: Parser[Select] =
  "SELECT" ~ rep1sep(fieldId, ",") ~ "FROM" ~ fromSource ~ rep(
    "JOIN" ~ fromSource ~ "ON" ~ rep1(fieldId ~ "=" ~ fieldId)
  ) ^^ {
    case _ ~ fields ~ _ ~ src ~ joins =>
      val p = if (joins.nonEmpty) {
        def chain(left: Statement, right: Seq[(Statement, Seq[(FieldID, FieldID)])]): Join = {
          if (right.isEmpty) {
            throw new Exception("should never happen")
          } else if (right.length == 1) {
            val next = right.head
            Join(left, next._1, next._2)
          } else {
            val next = right.head
            Join(left, chain(next._1, right.tail), next._2)

        val temp = joins.map { join =>
          val statement = join._1._1._2
          val joinOn = join._2.map(on => on._1._1 -> on._2)
          statement -> joinOn
        chain(src, temp)
      } else {
      Select(fields, p)

In SQL, we can use a sub-query as a JOIN source. For example:

FROM tbl1
    JOIN (SELECT *.* FROM tbl2)
    JOIN tbl3

So our parser will also implement rules to parse the sub-query in the JOIN part of the statement, that's why we have the parse rule:

"SELECT" ~ rep1sep(fieldId, ",") ~ "FROM" ~ fromSource ~ rep("JOIN" ~ fromSource ~ "ON" ~ rep1(fieldId ~ "=" ~ fieldId)

See QueryParser.scala for full implementation

Testing our query parser

See QueryParserSpec.scala

Logical plan

After generate the AST from the text query, we can directly convert it to the logical plan

First, lets define the interface for our logical plan:

sealed trait LogicalPlan {
  def children(): Seq[LogicalPlan]

children is the list of child logical plan. For example:

graph TD
    1326583549["PROJECT tbl1.id, tbl1.field1, tbl2.id, tbl2.field1, tbl2.field2, tbl3.id, tbl3.field2, tbl3.field2"];
    -349388609["SCAN tbl1"];
    -1043437086["SCAN tbl2"];
    -1402686787["SCAN tbl3"];
    1326583549 --> -425111028;
    -425111028 --> -349388609;
    -425111028 --> 1343755644;
    1343755644 --> -1043437086;
    1343755644 --> -1402686787;

The child nodes of the PROJECT node is the first JOIN node. The first JOIN node has 2 children, which are the second JOIN node and SCAN tbl1 node. So on, ...

Since our query language is simple, we only need 3 types of logical node:

  • PROJECT: represent the projection operator in relation algebra
  • JOIN: represent the logical join
  • SCAN: represent the table scan
case class Scan(table: ql.TableID, projection: Seq[String]) extends LogicalPlan {
  override def children(): Seq[LogicalPlan] = Seq.empty

case class Project(fields: Seq[ql.FieldID], child: LogicalPlan) extends LogicalPlan {
  override def children(): Seq[LogicalPlan] = Seq(child)

case class Join(left: LogicalPlan, right: LogicalPlan, on: Seq[(ql.FieldID, ql.FieldID)]) extends LogicalPlan {
  override def children(): Seq[LogicalPlan] = Seq(left, right)

Then we can write the function to convert the AST into logical plan:

def toPlan(node: ql.Statement): LogicalPlan = {
  node match {
    case ql.Table(table) => Scan(table, Seq.empty)
    case ql.Join(left, right, on) => Join(toPlan(left), toPlan(right), on)
    case ql.Select(fields, from) => Project(fields, toPlan(from))

See LogicalPlan.scala for full implementation

The equivalent groups


We can define classes for Group as following:

case class Group(
                  id: Long,
                  equivalents: mutable.HashSet[GroupExpression]
                ) {
  val explorationMark: ExplorationMark = new ExplorationMark
  var implementation: Option[GroupImplementation] = None

case class GroupExpression(
                            id: Long,
                            plan: LogicalPlan,
                            children: mutable.MutableList[Group]
                          ) {
  val explorationMark: ExplorationMark = new ExplorationMark
  val appliedTransformations: mutable.HashSet[TransformationRule] = mutable.HashSet()

Group is the set of plans which are logically equivalent.

Each GroupExpression represents a logical plan node. Since we've defined a logical plan node will have a list of child nodes (in the previous section), and the GroupExpression represents a logical plan node, and the Group represents a set of equivalent plans, so the children of GroupExpression is a list of Group


graph TD
    subgraph Group#8
    subgraph Group#2
    subgraph Group#11
    Expr#11 --> Group#7
    Expr#11 --> Group#10
    subgraph Group#5
    Expr#5 --> Group#1
    Expr#5 --> Group#4
    subgraph Group#4
    Expr#4 --> Group#2
    Expr#4 --> Group#3
    subgraph Group#7
    subgraph Group#1
    subgraph Group#10
    Expr#10 --> Group#8
    Expr#10 --> Group#9
    subgraph Group#9
    subgraph Group#3
    subgraph Group#6
    Expr#12 --> Group#11
    Expr#6 --> Group#5

As we can see here, the Group#6 has 2 equivalent expressions: Expr#12 and Expr#6, and the children of Expr#12 is Group#11

notes: We will implement multiple round transformation in the exploration phase, so for each Group and GroupExpression, we have a ExplorationMark indication the exploration status.

class ExplorationMark {
  private var bits: Long = 0

  def get: Long = bits

  def isExplored(round: Int): Boolean = BitUtils.getBit(bits, round)

  def markExplored(round: Int): Unit = bits = BitUtils.setBit(bits, round, on = true)

  def markUnexplored(round: Int): Unit = bits = BitUtils.setBit(bits, round, on = false)

ExplorationMark is just a bitset wrapper class, it will mark i-th bit as 1 if i-th round is explored, mark as 0 otherwise.

ExplorationMark can also be used to visualize the exact transformation, see visualization for more details


Memo is a bunch of helpers to help constructing the equivalent groups. Memo is consists of several hashmap to cache the group and group expression, also provide methods to register new group or group expression.

class Memo(
            groupIdGenerator: Generator[Long] = new LongGenerator,
            groupExpressionIdGenerator: Generator[Long] = new LongGenerator
          ) {
  val groups: mutable.HashMap[Long, Group] = mutable.HashMap[Long, Group]()
  val parents: mutable.HashMap[Long, Group] = mutable.HashMap[Long, Group]() // lookup group from group expression ID
  val groupExpressions: mutable.HashMap[LogicalPlan, GroupExpression] = mutable.HashMap[LogicalPlan, GroupExpression]()

  def getOrCreateGroupExpression(plan: LogicalPlan): GroupExpression = {
    val children = plan.children()
    val childGroups = children.map(child => getOrCreateGroup(child))
    groupExpressions.get(plan) match {
      case Some(found) => found
      case None =>
        val id = groupExpressionIdGenerator.generate()
        val children = mutable.MutableList() ++ childGroups
        val expression = GroupExpression(
          id = id,
          plan = plan,
          children = children
        groupExpressions += plan -> expression

  def getOrCreateGroup(plan: LogicalPlan): Group = {
    val exprGroup = getOrCreateGroupExpression(plan)
    val group = parents.get(exprGroup.id) match {
      case Some(group) =>
        group.equivalents += exprGroup
      case None =>
        val id = groupIdGenerator.generate()
        val equivalents = mutable.HashSet() + exprGroup
        val group = Group(
          id = id,
          equivalents = equivalents
        groups.put(id, group)
    parents += exprGroup.id -> group

See Memo.scala for full implementation


The first step inside the planner, is initialization

graph LR
    query -- " QueryParser.parse(query) " --> ast
    ast -- " LogicalPlan.toPlan(ast) " --> root_plan
    root_plan -- " memo.getOrCreateGroup(rootPlan) " --> root_group

First, query will be parsed into AST. Then converted to logical plan, called root plan, then initialize the group from root plan, called root group.

def initialize(query: Statement)(implicit ctx: VolcanoPlannerContext): Unit = {
  ctx.query = query
  ctx.rootPlan = LogicalPlan.toPlan(ctx.query)
  ctx.rootGroup = ctx.memo.getOrCreateGroup(ctx.rootPlan)
  // assuming this is first the exploration round,
  // by marking the initialRound(0) as explored,
  // it will be easier to visualize the different between rounds (added nodes, add connections)

See VolcanoPlanner.scala for more details

For example, the query:

SELECT tbl1.id,
FROM tbl1
         JOIN tbl2 ON tbl1.id = tbl2.id
         JOIN tbl3 ON tbl2.id = tbl3.id

after initialization, the groups will be looked like this:

graph TD
    subgraph Group#2
        Expr#2["SCAN tbl2"]
    subgraph Group#5
    Expr#5 --> Group#1
    Expr#5 --> Group#4
    subgraph Group#4
    Expr#4 --> Group#2
    Expr#4 --> Group#3
    subgraph Group#1
        Expr#1["SCAN tbl1"]
    subgraph Group#3
        Expr#3["SCAN tbl3"]
    subgraph Group#6
        Expr#6["PROJECT tbl1.id, tbl1.field1, tbl2.id, tbl2.field1, tbl2.field2, tbl3.id, tbl3.field2, tbl3.field2"]
    Expr#6 --> Group#5

Here you can see that, every group has exactly one equivalent expression

Exploration phase

After initialization, now is the exploration phase, which will explore all possible equivalent plans.

The exploration method is quite simple:

  • For each group, apply transformation rules to find all equivalent group expression and add to equivalent set until we couldn't find any new equivalent plan
  • For each group expression, explore all child groups

Transformation rule

Before diving into exploration code, lets talk about transformation rule first.

Transformation rule is a rule used to transform a logical plan to another equivalent logical plan if it's matched the rule condition.

Here is the interface of transformation rule:

trait TransformationRule {
  def `match`(expression: GroupExpression)(implicit ctx: VolcanoPlannerContext): Boolean

  def transform(expression: GroupExpression)(implicit ctx: VolcanoPlannerContext): GroupExpression

Since the logical plan is a tree-like datastructure, so the match implementation of transformation rules is pattern matching on tree.

For example, here is the match that is used to match the PROJECT node while also check if it's descendants containing JOIN and SCAN only:

override def `match`(expression: GroupExpression)(implicit ctx: VolcanoPlannerContext): Boolean = {
  val plan = expression.plan
  plan match {
    case Project(_, child) => check(child)
    case _ => false

// check if the tree only contains SCAN and JOIN nodes
private def check(node: LogicalPlan): Boolean = {
  node match {
    case Scan(_, _) => true
    case Join(left, right, _) => check(left) && check(right)
    case _ => false

This plan is "matched":

graph TD
    subgraph Group#2
    subgraph Group#5
    Expr#5 --> Group#1
    Expr#5 --> Group#4
    subgraph Group#4
    Expr#4 --> Group#2
    Expr#4 --> Group#3
    subgraph Group#1
    subgraph Group#3
    subgraph Group#6
    Expr#6 --> Group#5

While this plan is not:

graph TD
    subgraph Group#2
    subgraph Group#5
    Expr#5 --> Group#3
    Expr#5 --> Group#4
    subgraph Group#4
    subgraph Group#7
    Expr#7 --> Group#6
    subgraph Group#1
    subgraph Group#3
    Expr#3 --> Group#2
    subgraph Group#6
    Expr#6 --> Group#1
    Expr#6 --> Group#5

Plan enumerations

As we've said before, the exploration method is:

  • For each group, apply transformation rules to find all equivalent group expression and add to equivalent set until we couldn't find any new equivalent plan
  • For each group expression, explore all child groups

And here is exploration code (quite simple, huh):

private def exploreGroup(
                          group: Group,
                          rules: Seq[TransformationRule],
                          round: Int
                        )(implicit ctx: VolcanoPlannerContext): Unit = {
  while (!group.explorationMark.isExplored(round)) {
    // explore all child groups
    group.equivalents.foreach { equivalent =>
      if (!equivalent.explorationMark.isExplored(round)) {
        equivalent.children.foreach { child =>
          exploreGroup(child, rules, round)
          if (equivalent.explorationMark.isExplored(round) && child.explorationMark.isExplored(round)) {
          } else {
      // fire transformation rules to explore all the possible transformations
      rules.foreach { rule =>
        if (!equivalent.appliedTransformations.contains(rule) && rule.`match`(equivalent)) {
          val transformed = rule.transform(equivalent)
          if (!group.equivalents.contains(transformed)) {
            group.equivalents += transformed
      if (group.explorationMark.isExplored(round) && equivalent.explorationMark.isExplored(round)) {
      } else {

See VolcanoPlanner.scala for more details

Implement some transformation rules

Now it's time to implement some transformation rules

Projection pushdown

Projection pushdown is a simple transformation rule, used to push the projection down to storage layer.

For example, the query

SELECT field1, field2
from tbl

has the plan

graph LR
    project[PROJECT field1, field2]
    scan[SCAN tbl]
    project --> scan

With this plan, when executing, rows from storage layer (under SCAN) will be fully fetched, and then unnecessary fields will be dropped (PROJECT). The unnecessary data is still have to move from SCAN node to PROJECT node, so there are some wasted efforts here.

We can make it better by just simply tell the storage layer only fetch the necessary fields. Now the plan will be transformed to:

graph LR
    project[PROJECT field1, field2]
    scan["SCAN tbl(field1, field2)"]
    project --> scan

Let's go into the code:

override def `match`(expression: GroupExpression)(implicit ctx: VolcanoPlannerContext): Boolean = {
  val plan = expression.plan
  plan match {
    case Project(_, child) => check(child)
    case _ => false

// check if the tree only contains SCAN and JOIN nodes
private def check(node: LogicalPlan): Boolean = {
  node match {
    case Scan(_, _) => true
    case Join(left, right, _) => check(left) && check(right)
    case _ => false

Our projection pushdown rule here, will match the plan when it's the PROJECT node, and all of its descendants are SCAN and JOIN node only.

notes: Actually the real projection pushdown match is more complex, but for the sake of simplicity, the match rule here is just PROJECT node with SCAN and JOIN descendants

And here is the transform code:

override def transform(expression: GroupExpression)(implicit ctx: VolcanoPlannerContext): GroupExpression = {
  val plan = expression.plan.asInstanceOf[Project]
  val pushDownProjection = mutable.ListBuffer[FieldID]()
  extractProjections(plan, pushDownProjection)
  val newPlan = Project(plan.fields, pushDown(pushDownProjection.distinct, plan.child))

private def extractProjections(node: LogicalPlan, buffer: mutable.ListBuffer[FieldID]): Unit = {
  node match {
    case Scan(_, _) => (): Unit
    case Project(fields, parent) =>
      buffer ++= fields
      extractProjections(parent, buffer)
    case Join(left, right, on) =>
      buffer ++= on.map(_._1) ++ on.map(_._2)
      extractProjections(left, buffer)
      extractProjections(right, buffer)

private def pushDown(pushDownProjection: Seq[FieldID], node: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = {
  node match {
    case Scan(table, tableProjection) =>
      val filteredPushDownProjection = pushDownProjection.filter(_.table == table).map(_.id)
      val updatedProjection =
        if (filteredPushDownProjection.contains("*") || filteredPushDownProjection.contains("*.*")) {
        } else {
          (tableProjection ++ filteredPushDownProjection).distinct
      Scan(table, updatedProjection)
    case Join(left, right, on) => Join(pushDown(pushDownProjection, left), pushDown(pushDownProjection, right), on)
    case _ => throw new Exception("should never happen")

The transform code will first find all projections from the root PROJECT node, and then push them down to all SCAN nodes under it.

Visualizing our rule, for example, the plan

graph TD
    subgraph Group#2
        Expr#2["SCAN tbl2"]
    subgraph Group#5
    Expr#5 --> Group#1
    Expr#5 --> Group#4
    subgraph Group#4
    Expr#4 --> Group#2
    Expr#4 --> Group#3
    subgraph Group#1
        Expr#1["SCAN tbl1"]
    subgraph Group#3
        Expr#3["SCAN tbl3"]
    subgraph Group#6
        Expr#6["PROJECT tbl1.id, tbl1.field1, tbl2.id, tbl2.field1, tbl2.field2, tbl3.id, tbl3.field2, tbl3.field2"]
    Expr#6 --> Group#5

after applying projection pushdown transformation, will result in a new equivalent plan with the projections are pushed down to the SCAN operations (the new plan is the tree with orange border nodes).

graph TD
    subgraph Group#8
        Expr#8["SCAN tbl2 (id, field1, field2)"]
    subgraph Group#2
        Expr#2["SCAN tbl2"]
    subgraph Group#11
    Expr#11 --> Group#7
    Expr#11 --> Group#10
    subgraph Group#5
    Expr#5 --> Group#1
    Expr#5 --> Group#4
    subgraph Group#4
    Expr#4 --> Group#2
    Expr#4 --> Group#3
    subgraph Group#7
        Expr#7["SCAN tbl1 (id, field1)"]
    subgraph Group#10
    Expr#10 --> Group#8
    Expr#10 --> Group#9
    subgraph Group#1
        Expr#1["SCAN tbl1"]
    subgraph Group#9
        Expr#9["SCAN tbl3 (id, field2)"]
    subgraph Group#3
        Expr#3["SCAN tbl3"]
    subgraph Group#6
        Expr#12["PROJECT tbl1.id, tbl1.field1, tbl2.id, tbl2.field1, tbl2.field2, tbl3.id, tbl3.field2, tbl3.field2"]
        Expr#6["PROJECT tbl1.id, tbl1.field1, tbl2.id, tbl2.field1, tbl2.field2, tbl3.id, tbl3.field2, tbl3.field2"]
    Expr#12 --> Group#11
    Expr#6 --> Group#5
    style Expr#12 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange
    style Expr#8 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange
    style Expr#10 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange
    style Expr#9 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange
    style Expr#11 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange
    style Expr#7 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange
    linkStyle 0 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange
    linkStyle 1 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange
    linkStyle 6 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange
    linkStyle 7 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange
    linkStyle 8 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange

See ProjectionPushDown.scala for full implementation

Join reorder

Join reorder is also one of the most recognized transformation in the world of query planner. Our planner, will also implement a reorder transformation rule.

Since Join reorder in real world is not an easy piece to implement. So we will implement a simple, rip-off version of join reorder rule here.

First, the rule match:

// check if the tree only contains SCAN and JOIN nodes, and also extract all SCAN nodes and JOIN conditions
private def checkAndExtract(
                             node: LogicalPlan,
                             buffer: mutable.ListBuffer[Scan],
                             joinCondBuffer: mutable.ListBuffer[(ql.FieldID, ql.FieldID)]
                           ): Boolean = {
  node match {
    case node@Scan(_, _) =>
      buffer += node
    case Join(left, right, on) =>
      joinCondBuffer ++= on
      checkAndExtract(left, buffer, joinCondBuffer) && checkAndExtract(right, buffer, joinCondBuffer)
    case _ => false

private def buildInterchangeableJoinCond(conditions: Seq[(ql.FieldID, ql.FieldID)]): Seq[Seq[ql.FieldID]] = {
  val buffer = mutable.ListBuffer[mutable.Set[ql.FieldID]]()
  conditions.foreach { cond =>
    val set = buffer.find { set =>
      set.contains(cond._1) || set.contains(cond._2)
    } match {
      case Some(set) => set
      case None =>
        val set = mutable.Set[ql.FieldID]()
        buffer += set
    set += cond._1
    set += cond._2

override def `match`(expression: GroupExpression)(implicit ctx: VolcanoPlannerContext): Boolean = {
  val plan = expression.plan
  plan match {
    case node@Join(_, _, _) =>
      val buffer = mutable.ListBuffer[Scan]()
      val joinCondBuffer = mutable.ListBuffer[(ql.FieldID, ql.FieldID)]()
      if (checkAndExtract(node, buffer, joinCondBuffer)) {
        // only match if the join is 3 tables join
        if (buffer.size == 3) {
          var check = true
          val interChangeableCond = buildInterchangeableJoinCond(joinCondBuffer)
          interChangeableCond.foreach { c =>
            check &= c.size == 3
        } else {
      } else {
    case _ => false

Our rule will only be matched, if we match the 3-way JOIN (the number of involved table must be 3, and the join condition must be 3-way, such as tbl1.field1 = tbl2.field2 = tbl3.field3)

For example,

    JOIN tbl2 ON tbl1.field1 = tbl2.field2
    JOIN tbl3 ON tbl1.field1 = tbl3.field3

The join statement here will be "matched" since it's 3-way JOIN (it's the join between tbl1, tbl2, tbl3, and the condition is tbl1.field1 = tbl2.field2 = tbl3.field3)

Next, is the transform code:

override def transform(expression: GroupExpression)(implicit ctx: VolcanoPlannerContext): GroupExpression = {
  val plan = expression.plan.asInstanceOf[Join]
  val buffer = mutable.ListBuffer[Scan]()
  val joinCondBuffer = mutable.ListBuffer[(ql.FieldID, ql.FieldID)]()
  checkAndExtract(plan, buffer, joinCondBuffer)
  val interChangeableCond = buildInterchangeableJoinCond(joinCondBuffer)
  val scans = buffer.toList
  implicit val ord: Ordering[Scan] = new Ordering[Scan] {
    override def compare(x: Scan, y: Scan): Int = {
      val xStats = ctx.statsProvider.tableStats(x.table.id)
      val yStats = ctx.statsProvider.tableStats(y.table.id)

  def getJoinCond(left: Scan, right: Scan): Seq[(ql.FieldID, ql.FieldID)] = {
    val leftFields = interChangeableCond.flatMap { c =>
      c.filter(p => p.table == left.table)
    val rightFields = interChangeableCond.flatMap { c =>
      c.filter(p => p.table == right.table)
    if (leftFields.length != rightFields.length) {
      throw new Exception(s"leftFields.length(${leftFields.length}) != rightFields.length(${rightFields.length})")
    } else {
      leftFields zip rightFields

  val sorted = scans.sorted
  val newPlan = Join(
      getJoinCond(sorted(1), sorted(2))
    getJoinCond(sorted(0), sorted(1))

The transform code here, will reorder the tables by its estimated size.

For example, if we have 3 tables A, B, C with estimated size of 300b, 100b, 200b and a JOIN statement A JOIN B JOIN C, then it will be transformed into B JOIN C JOIN A

notes: You might notice in this code, we've made use of table statistics, to provide a hint to transform the plan. In practical, the planner can use all sorts of statistics to aid its transformation such as table size, row size, null count, histogram, etc.

Visualizing our rule, for example, the plan

graph TD
    subgraph Group#2
        Expr#2["SCAN tbl2"]
    subgraph Group#5
    Expr#5 --> Group#1
    Expr#5 --> Group#4
    subgraph Group#4
    Expr#4 --> Group#2
    Expr#4 --> Group#3
    subgraph Group#1
        Expr#1["SCAN tbl1"]
    subgraph Group#3
        Expr#3["SCAN tbl3"]
    subgraph Group#6
        Expr#6["PROJECT tbl1.id, tbl1.field1, tbl2.id, tbl2.field1, tbl2.field2, tbl3.id, tbl3.field2, tbl3.field2"]
    Expr#6 --> Group#5

after join reorder transformation, resulting in

graph TD
    subgraph Group#2
        Expr#2["SCAN tbl2"]
    subgraph Group#5
    Expr#5 --> Group#1
    Expr#5 --> Group#4
    Expr#8 --> Group#2
    Expr#8 --> Group#7
    subgraph Group#4
    Expr#4 --> Group#2
    Expr#4 --> Group#3
    subgraph Group#7
    Expr#7 --> Group#1
    Expr#7 --> Group#3
    subgraph Group#1
        Expr#1["SCAN tbl1"]
    subgraph Group#3
        Expr#3["SCAN tbl3"]
    subgraph Group#6
        Expr#6["PROJECT tbl1.id, tbl1.field1, tbl2.id, tbl2.field1, tbl2.field2, tbl3.id, tbl3.field2, tbl3.field2"]
    Expr#6 --> Group#5
    style Expr#8 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange
    style Expr#7 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange
    linkStyle 2 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange
    linkStyle 6 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange
    linkStyle 3 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange
    linkStyle 7 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange

we can see that tbl2 JOIN tbl1 JOIN tbl3 is created from tbl1 JOIN tbl2 JOIN tbl3 is generated by the transformation (the newly added nodes and edges are indicated by orange lines)

See X3TableJoinReorderBySize.scala for full implementation

Putting all transformations together

Now we can put our transformation rules in one place

private val transformationRules: Seq[Seq[TransformationRule]] = Seq(
  Seq(new ProjectionPushDown),
  Seq(new X3TableJoinReorderBySize)

And run them to explore the equivalent groups

for (r <- transformationRules.indices) {
  exploreGroup(ctx.rootGroup, transformationRules(r), r + 1)

For example, the plan

graph TD
    subgraph Group#2
        Expr#2["SCAN tbl2"]
    subgraph Group#5
    Expr#5 --> Group#1
    Expr#5 --> Group#4
    subgraph Group#4
    Expr#4 --> Group#2
    Expr#4 --> Group#3
    subgraph Group#1
        Expr#1["SCAN tbl1"]
    subgraph Group#3
        Expr#3["SCAN tbl3"]
    subgraph Group#6
        Expr#6["PROJECT tbl1.id, tbl1.field1, tbl2.id, tbl2.field1, tbl2.field2, tbl3.id, tbl3.field2, tbl3.field2"]
    Expr#6 --> Group#5

after being explored, will result in this graph

graph TD
    subgraph Group#8
        Expr#8["SCAN tbl2 (id, field1, field2)"]
    subgraph Group#11
    Expr#11 --> Group#7
    Expr#11 --> Group#10
    Expr#14 --> Group#8
    Expr#14 --> Group#12
    subgraph Group#2
        Expr#2["SCAN tbl2"]
    subgraph Group#5
    Expr#5 --> Group#1
    Expr#5 --> Group#4
    Expr#16 --> Group#2
    Expr#16 --> Group#13
    subgraph Group#4
    Expr#4 --> Group#2
    Expr#4 --> Group#3
    subgraph Group#13
    Expr#15 --> Group#1
    Expr#15 --> Group#3
    subgraph Group#7
        Expr#7["SCAN tbl1 (id, field1)"]
    subgraph Group#1
        Expr#1["SCAN tbl1"]
    subgraph Group#10
    Expr#10 --> Group#8
    Expr#10 --> Group#9
    subgraph Group#9
        Expr#9["SCAN tbl3 (id, field2)"]
    subgraph Group#3
        Expr#3["SCAN tbl3"]
    subgraph Group#12
    Expr#13 --> Group#7
    Expr#13 --> Group#9
    subgraph Group#6
        Expr#12["PROJECT tbl1.id, tbl1.field1, tbl2.id, tbl2.field1, tbl2.field2, tbl3.id, tbl3.field2, tbl3.field2"]
        Expr#6["PROJECT tbl1.id, tbl1.field1, tbl2.id, tbl2.field1, tbl2.field2, tbl3.id, tbl3.field2, tbl3.field2"]
    Expr#12 --> Group#11
    Expr#6 --> Group#5
    style Expr#12 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange
    style Expr#8 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange
    style Expr#10 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange
    style Expr#13 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange
    style Expr#14 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange
    style Expr#11 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange
    style Expr#9 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange
    style Expr#15 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange
    style Expr#7 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange
    style Expr#16 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange
    linkStyle 0 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange
    linkStyle 15 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange
    linkStyle 12 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange
    linkStyle 1 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange
    linkStyle 16 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange
    linkStyle 13 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange
    linkStyle 2 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange
    linkStyle 6 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange
    linkStyle 3 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange
    linkStyle 10 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange
    linkStyle 7 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange
    linkStyle 14 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange
    linkStyle 11 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange

See VolcanoPlanner.scala for more details

Optimization phase

After exploration phase, we now have a fully expanded tree containing all possible plans, now is the optimization phase.

In this phase, we will find the best plan for our root group. The optimization process is described as following:

  • For each group, we will find the best implementation by choosing the group expressing with the lowest cost
  • For each group expression, first we will enumerate the physical implementations from the logical plan. Then for each physical implementation, we will calculate its cost using its child group costs.

Here is an example

graph TD
    subgraph Group#2["Group#2(cost=1)"]
    subgraph Group#5["Group#5(cost=3)"]
    Expr#5 --> Group#1
    Expr#5 --> Group#4
    subgraph Group#4["Group#4(cost=2)"]
    Expr#4 --> Group#2
    Expr#4 --> Group#3
    subgraph Group#1["Group#1(cost=3)"]
    subgraph Group#3["Group#3(cost=2)"]
    subgraph Group#6["Group#6(cost=4.5)"]
    Expr#6 --> Group#5
    subgraph Group#8["Group#8(cost=1)"]
    subgraph Group#9["Group#9(cost=2)"]
    Expr#7 --> Group#8
    Expr#7 --> Group#9

for example, the Expr#4 cost is calculated by its child group costs (Group#2 and Group#3) using max function. Another example, is the Group#4, its cost is calculated by calculating the min value between the costs of its equivalent expressions.

Physical plan

Since the goal of optimization phase is to produce the best physical plan given the explored group expressions. We can define the physical plan as following:

sealed trait PhysicalPlan {
  def operator(): Operator

  def children(): Seq[PhysicalPlan]

  def cost(): Cost

  def estimations(): Estimations

  def traits(): Set[String]

The operator is the physical operator, which used to execute the plan, we will cover it in later section. Then children is the list of child plan nodes, they're used to participating in the process of cost calculation. The third attribute is cost, cost is an object holding cost information (such as CPU cost, Memory cost, IO cost, etc.). estimations is the property holding estimated statistics about the plan (such as row count, row size, etc.), it's also participating in cost calculation. Finally, traits is a set of physical traits, which affect the implementation rule to affect the physical plan generation process.

Next, we can implement the physical node classes:

case class Scan(
                 operator: Operator,
                 cost: Cost,
                 estimations: Estimations,
                 traits: Set[String] = Set.empty
               ) extends PhysicalPlan {
  override def children(): Seq[PhysicalPlan] = Seq.empty // scan do not receive any child

case class Project(
                    operator: Operator,
                    child: PhysicalPlan,
                    cost: Cost,
                    estimations: Estimations,
                    traits: Set[String] = Set.empty
                  ) extends PhysicalPlan {
  override def children(): Seq[PhysicalPlan] = Seq(child)

case class Join(
                 operator: Operator,
                 leftChild: PhysicalPlan,
                 rightChild: PhysicalPlan,
                 cost: Cost,
                 estimations: Estimations,
                 traits: Set[String] = Set.empty
               ) extends PhysicalPlan {
  override def children(): Seq[PhysicalPlan] = Seq(leftChild, rightChild)

See PhysicalPlan.scala for full implementation

Implementation rule

The first thing in optimization phase, that is, we have to implement the implementation rules. Implementation rule is the rule to convert from logical plan to physical plans without executing them.

Since we're not directly executing the physical plan in the planner, so we will return the physical plan builder instead, also it's easier to customize the cost function for each node.

Here is the interface of implementation rule:

trait PhysicalPlanBuilder {
  def build(children: Seq[PhysicalPlan]): Option[PhysicalPlan]

trait ImplementationRule {
  def physicalPlanBuilders(expression: GroupExpression)(implicit ctx: VolcanoPlannerContext): Seq[PhysicalPlanBuilder]

Here the PhysicalPlanBuilder is the interface used to build the physical plan, given the child physical plans.

For example, the logical JOIN has 2 physical implementations are HASH JOIN and MERGE JOIN

graph TD
    hash_join["`HASH JOIN 
    merge_join["`MERGE JOIN
    hash_join --> child#1
    hash_join --> child#2
    merge_join --> child#3
    merge_join --> child#4

the HASH JOIN cost is using function f() to calculate cost, and MERGE JOIN is using function g() to calculate cost, both are using its children as function parameters. So it's easier to code if we're returning just the phyiscal plan builder from the implementation rule instead of the physical plan.

Finding the best plan

As we've said before, the optimization process is described as following:

  • For each group, we will find the best implementation by choosing the group expressing with the lowest cost
  • For each group expression, first we will enumerate the physical implementations from the logical plan. Then for each physical implementation, we will calculate its cost using its child group costs.

And here is the code:

private def implementGroup(group: Group, combinedRule: ImplementationRule)(
  implicit ctx: VolcanoPlannerContext
): GroupImplementation = {
  group.implementation match {
    case Some(implementation) => implementation
    case None =>
      var bestImplementation = Option.empty[GroupImplementation]
      group.equivalents.foreach { equivalent =>
        val physicalPlanBuilders = combinedRule.physicalPlanBuilders(equivalent)
        val childPhysicalPlans = equivalent.children.map { child =>
          val childImplementation = implementGroup(child, combinedRule)
          child.implementation = Option(childImplementation)
        // calculate the implementation, and update the best cost for group
        physicalPlanBuilders.flatMap(_.build(childPhysicalPlans)).foreach { physicalPlan =>
          val cost = physicalPlan.cost()
          bestImplementation match {
            case Some(currentBest) =>
              if (ctx.costModel.isBetter(currentBest.cost, cost)) {
                bestImplementation = Option(
                    physicalPlan = physicalPlan,
                    cost = cost,
                    selectedEquivalentExpression = equivalent
            case None =>
              bestImplementation = Option(
                  physicalPlan = physicalPlan,
                  cost = cost,
                  selectedEquivalentExpression = equivalent

This code is an exhaustive search code, which is using recursive function to traverse all nodes. At each node (group), the function is called once to get its best plan while also calculate the optimal cost of that group.

Finally, the best plan for our query is the best plan of the root group

val implementationRules = new ImplementationRule {

  override def physicalPlanBuilders(
                                     expression: GroupExpression
                                   )(implicit ctx: VolcanoPlannerContext): Seq[PhysicalPlanBuilder] = {
    expression.plan match {
      case node@Scan(_, _) => implement.Scan(node)
      case node@Project(_, _) => implement.Project(node)
      case node@Join(_, _, _) => implement.Join(node)

ctx.rootGroup.implementation = Option(implementGroup(ctx.rootGroup, implementationRules))

See VolcanoPlanner.scala for full implementation

Here is an example of the plan after optimization, it's shown the selected logical node, the selected physical operator, and the estimated cost

graph TD
    Group #6
Selected: PROJECT tbl1.id, tbl1.field1, tbl2.id, tbl2.field1, tbl2.field2, tbl3.id, tbl3.field2, tbl3.field2
Operator: ProjectOperator
Cost: Cost(cpu=641400.00, mem=1020400012.00, time=1000000.00)
Group#6 --> Group#11
Group #11
Selected: JOIN
Operator: HashJoinOperator
Cost: Cost(cpu=641400.00, mem=1020400012.00, time=1000000.00)
Group#11 --> Group#7
Group#11 --> Group#10
Group #7
Selected: SCAN tbl1 (id, field1)
Operator: NormalScanOperator
Cost: Cost(cpu=400.00, mem=400000.00, time=1000.00)
Group #10
Selected: JOIN
Operator: MergeJoinOperator
Traits: SORTED
Cost: Cost(cpu=640000.00, mem=20000012.00, time=1100000.00)
Group#10 --> Group#8
Group#10 --> Group#9
Group #8
Selected: SCAN tbl2 (id, field1, field2)
Operator: NormalScanOperator
Traits: SORTED
Cost: Cost(cpu=600000.00, mem=12.00, time=1000000.00)
Group #9
Selected: SCAN tbl3 (id, field2)
Operator: NormalScanOperator
Traits: SORTED
Cost: Cost(cpu=40000.00, mem=20000000.00, time=100000.00)

Implement the implementation rules

Next, we will implement some implementation rules.


The first, easiest one is the implementation rule of logical PROJECT

object Project {

  def apply(node: logicalplan.Project)(implicit ctx: VolcanoPlannerContext): Seq[PhysicalPlanBuilder] = {
      new ProjectionImpl(node.fields)

class ProjectionImpl(projection: Seq[ql.FieldID]) extends PhysicalPlanBuilder {

  override def build(children: Seq[PhysicalPlan]): Option[PhysicalPlan] = {
    val child = children.head
    val selfCost = Cost(
      estimatedCpuCost = 0,
      estimatedMemoryCost = 0,
      estimatedTimeCost = 0
    ) // assuming the cost of projection is 0
    val cost = Cost(
      estimatedCpuCost = selfCost.estimatedCpuCost + child.cost().estimatedCpuCost,
      estimatedMemoryCost = selfCost.estimatedMemoryCost + child.cost().estimatedMemoryCost,
      estimatedTimeCost = selfCost.estimatedTimeCost + child.cost().estimatedTimeCost
    val estimations = Estimations(
      estimatedLoopIterations = child.estimations().estimatedLoopIterations,
      estimatedRowSize = child.estimations().estimatedRowSize // just guessing the value
        operator = ProjectOperator(projection, child.operator()),
        child = child,
        cost = cost,
        estimations = estimations,
        traits = child.traits()

The implementation rule for logical PROJECT, is returning one physical plan builder ProjectionImpl. ProjectionImpl cost calculation is simple, it just inherits the cost from the child node (because the projection is actually not doing any intensive operation). Beside that, it also updates the estimation (in this code, estimation is also inherit from the child node)

See Project.scala for full implementation


Writing implementation rule for logical JOIN is way harder than PROJECTION.

One first reason is, a logical JOIN has many physical implementation, such as HASH JOIN, MERGE JOIN, BROADCAST JOIN, etc.

The second reason is, estimating cost for physical JOIN is also hard, because it depends on lots of factors such as row count, row size, data histogram, indexes, data layout, etc.

So, to keep everything simple in this guide, I will only implement 2 physical JOIN: HASH JOIN and MERGE JOIN. The cost estimation functions are fictional (just to show how it works, I'm not trying to correct it). And in the MERGE JOIN, all data is assuming to be sorted by join key.

Here is the code:

object Join {

  def apply(node: logicalplan.Join)(implicit ctx: VolcanoPlannerContext): Seq[PhysicalPlanBuilder] = {
    val leftFields = node.on.map(_._1).map(f => s"${f.table.id}.${f.id}")
    val rightFields = node.on.map(_._2).map(f => s"${f.table.id}.${f.id}")
      new HashJoinImpl(leftFields, rightFields),
      new MergeJoinImpl(leftFields, rightFields)


class HashJoinImpl(leftFields: Seq[String], rightFields: Seq[String]) extends PhysicalPlanBuilder {

  private def viewSize(plan: PhysicalPlan): Long = {
    plan.estimations().estimatedLoopIterations * plan.estimations().estimatedRowSize

  //noinspection ZeroIndexToHead,DuplicatedCode
  override def build(children: Seq[PhysicalPlan]): Option[PhysicalPlan] = {
    // reorder the child nodes, the left child is the child with smaller view size (smaller than the right child if we're store all of them in memory)
    val (leftChild, rightChild) = if (viewSize(children(0)) < viewSize(children(1))) {
      (children(0), children(1))
    } else {
      (children(1), children(0))
    val estimatedLoopIterations = Math.max(
    ) // just guessing the value
    val estimatedOutRowSize = leftChild.estimations().estimatedRowSize + rightChild.estimations().estimatedRowSize
    val selfCost = Cost(
      estimatedCpuCost = leftChild.estimations().estimatedLoopIterations, // cost to hash all record from the smaller view
      estimatedMemoryCost = viewSize(leftChild), // hash the smaller view, we need to hold the hash table in memory
      estimatedTimeCost = rightChild.estimations().estimatedLoopIterations
    val childCosts = Cost(
      estimatedCpuCost = leftChild.cost().estimatedCpuCost + rightChild.cost().estimatedCpuCost,
      estimatedMemoryCost = leftChild.cost().estimatedMemoryCost + rightChild.cost().estimatedMemoryCost,
      estimatedTimeCost = 0
    val estimations = Estimations(
      estimatedLoopIterations = estimatedLoopIterations,
      estimatedRowSize = estimatedOutRowSize
    val cost = Cost(
      estimatedCpuCost = selfCost.estimatedCpuCost + childCosts.estimatedCpuCost,
      estimatedMemoryCost = selfCost.estimatedMemoryCost + childCosts.estimatedMemoryCost,
      estimatedTimeCost = selfCost.estimatedTimeCost + childCosts.estimatedTimeCost
        operator = HashJoinOperator(
        leftChild = leftChild,
        rightChild = rightChild,
        cost = cost,
        estimations = estimations,
        traits = Set.empty // don't inherit trait from children since we're hash join

We can see that the cost function of HASH JOIN is composed of its children costs and estimations

val selfCost = Cost(
  estimatedCpuCost = leftChild.estimations().estimatedLoopIterations, // cost to hash all record from the smaller view
  estimatedMemoryCost = viewSize(leftChild), // hash the smaller view, we need to hold the hash table in memory
  estimatedTimeCost = rightChild.estimations().estimatedLoopIterations

val childCosts = Cost(
  estimatedCpuCost = leftChild.cost().estimatedCpuCost + rightChild.cost().estimatedCpuCost,
  estimatedMemoryCost = leftChild.cost().estimatedMemoryCost + rightChild.cost().estimatedMemoryCost,
  estimatedTimeCost = 0

val estimations = Estimations(
  estimatedLoopIterations = estimatedLoopIterations,
  estimatedRowSize = estimatedOutRowSize

val cost = Cost(
  estimatedCpuCost = selfCost.estimatedCpuCost + childCosts.estimatedCpuCost,
  estimatedMemoryCost = selfCost.estimatedMemoryCost + childCosts.estimatedMemoryCost,
  estimatedTimeCost = selfCost.estimatedTimeCost + childCosts.estimatedTimeCost

Next, the MERGE JOIN:

class MergeJoinImpl(leftFields: Seq[String], rightFields: Seq[String]) extends PhysicalPlanBuilder {

  //noinspection ZeroIndexToHead,DuplicatedCode
  override def build(children: Seq[PhysicalPlan]): Option[PhysicalPlan] = {
    val (leftChild, rightChild) = (children(0), children(1))
    if (leftChild.traits().contains("SORTED") && rightChild.traits().contains("SORTED")) {
      val estimatedTotalRowCount =
        leftChild.estimations().estimatedLoopIterations +
      val estimatedLoopIterations = Math.max(
      ) // just guessing the value
      val estimatedOutRowSize = leftChild.estimations().estimatedRowSize + rightChild.estimations().estimatedRowSize
      val selfCost = Cost(
        estimatedCpuCost = 0, // no additional cpu cost, just scan from child iterator
        estimatedMemoryCost = 0, // no additional memory cost
        estimatedTimeCost = estimatedTotalRowCount
      val childCosts = Cost(
        estimatedCpuCost = leftChild.cost().estimatedCpuCost + rightChild.cost().estimatedCpuCost,
        estimatedMemoryCost = leftChild.cost().estimatedMemoryCost + rightChild.cost().estimatedMemoryCost,
        estimatedTimeCost = 0
      val estimations = Estimations(
        estimatedLoopIterations = estimatedLoopIterations,
        estimatedRowSize = estimatedOutRowSize
      val cost = Cost(
        estimatedCpuCost = selfCost.estimatedCpuCost + childCosts.estimatedCpuCost,
        estimatedMemoryCost = selfCost.estimatedMemoryCost + childCosts.estimatedMemoryCost,
        estimatedTimeCost = selfCost.estimatedTimeCost + childCosts.estimatedTimeCost
          operator = MergeJoinOperator(
          leftChild = leftChild,
          rightChild = rightChild,
          cost = cost,
          estimations = estimations,
          traits = leftChild.traits() ++ rightChild.traits()
    } else {

Same with HASH JOIN, MERGE JOIN also uses its children costs and estimations to calculate its cost, but with different formulla:

val selfCost = Cost(
  estimatedCpuCost = 0, // no additional cpu cost, just scan from child iterator
  estimatedMemoryCost = 0, // no additional memory cost
  estimatedTimeCost = estimatedTotalRowCount

val childCosts = Cost(
  estimatedCpuCost = leftChild.cost().estimatedCpuCost + rightChild.cost().estimatedCpuCost,
  estimatedMemoryCost = leftChild.cost().estimatedMemoryCost + rightChild.cost().estimatedMemoryCost,
  estimatedTimeCost = 0

val estimations = Estimations(
  estimatedLoopIterations = estimatedLoopIterations,
  estimatedRowSize = estimatedOutRowSize

val cost = Cost(
  estimatedCpuCost = selfCost.estimatedCpuCost + childCosts.estimatedCpuCost,
  estimatedMemoryCost = selfCost.estimatedMemoryCost + childCosts.estimatedMemoryCost,
  estimatedTimeCost = selfCost.estimatedTimeCost + childCosts.estimatedTimeCost

See HashJoinImpl.scala and MergeJoinImpl.scala for full implementation


You can see other rules and physical plan builders here:

Putting all pieces together

Now, after done implementing the implementation rules, now we can find our best plan. Let's start over from the user query

SELECT tbl1.id,
FROM tbl1
         JOIN tbl2 ON tbl1.id = tbl2.id
         JOIN tbl3 ON tbl2.id = tbl3.id

will be converted to the logical plan

graph TD
    1326583549["PROJECT tbl1.id, tbl1.field1, tbl2.id, tbl2.field1, tbl2.field2, tbl3.id, tbl3.field2, tbl3.field2"];
    -349388609["SCAN tbl1"];
    -1043437086["SCAN tbl2"];
    -1402686787["SCAN tbl3"];
    1326583549 --> -425111028;
    -425111028 --> -349388609;
    -425111028 --> 1343755644;
    1343755644 --> -1043437086;
    1343755644 --> -1402686787;

After exploration phase, it will generate lots of equivalent plans

graph TD
    subgraph Group#8
        Expr#8["SCAN tbl2 (id, field1, field2)"]
    subgraph Group#11
    Expr#11 --> Group#7
    Expr#11 --> Group#10
    Expr#14 --> Group#8
    Expr#14 --> Group#12
    subgraph Group#2
        Expr#2["SCAN tbl2"]
    subgraph Group#5
    Expr#5 --> Group#1
    Expr#5 --> Group#4
    Expr#16 --> Group#2
    Expr#16 --> Group#13
    subgraph Group#4
    Expr#4 --> Group#2
    Expr#4 --> Group#3
    subgraph Group#13
    Expr#15 --> Group#1
    Expr#15 --> Group#3
    subgraph Group#7
        Expr#7["SCAN tbl1 (id, field1)"]
    subgraph Group#1
        Expr#1["SCAN tbl1"]
    subgraph Group#10
    Expr#10 --> Group#8
    Expr#10 --> Group#9
    subgraph Group#9
        Expr#9["SCAN tbl3 (id, field2)"]
    subgraph Group#3
        Expr#3["SCAN tbl3"]
    subgraph Group#12
    Expr#13 --> Group#7
    Expr#13 --> Group#9
    subgraph Group#6
        Expr#12["PROJECT tbl1.id, tbl1.field1, tbl2.id, tbl2.field1, tbl2.field2, tbl3.id, tbl3.field2, tbl3.field2"]
        Expr#6["PROJECT tbl1.id, tbl1.field1, tbl2.id, tbl2.field1, tbl2.field2, tbl3.id, tbl3.field2, tbl3.field2"]
    Expr#12 --> Group#11
    Expr#6 --> Group#5
    style Expr#12 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange
    style Expr#8 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange
    style Expr#10 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange
    style Expr#13 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange
    style Expr#14 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange
    style Expr#11 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange
    style Expr#9 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange
    style Expr#15 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange
    style Expr#7 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange
    style Expr#16 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange
    linkStyle 0 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange
    linkStyle 15 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange
    linkStyle 12 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange
    linkStyle 1 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange
    linkStyle 16 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange
    linkStyle 13 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange
    linkStyle 2 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange
    linkStyle 6 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange
    linkStyle 3 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange
    linkStyle 10 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange
    linkStyle 7 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange
    linkStyle 14 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange
    linkStyle 11 stroke-width: 4px, stroke: orange

And the at optimization phase, a final best plan is chose

graph TD
    Group #6
Selected: PROJECT tbl1.id, tbl1.field1, tbl2.id, tbl2.field1, tbl2.field2, tbl3.id, tbl3.field2, tbl3.field2
Operator: ProjectOperator
Cost: Cost(cpu=641400.00, mem=1020400012.00, time=1000000.00)
Group#6 --> Group#11
Group #11
Selected: JOIN
Operator: HashJoinOperator
Cost: Cost(cpu=641400.00, mem=1020400012.00, time=1000000.00)
Group#11 --> Group#7
Group#11 --> Group#10
Group #7
Selected: SCAN tbl1 (id, field1)
Operator: NormalScanOperator
Cost: Cost(cpu=400.00, mem=400000.00, time=1000.00)
Group #10
Selected: JOIN
Operator: MergeJoinOperator
Traits: SORTED
Cost: Cost(cpu=640000.00, mem=20000012.00, time=1100000.00)
Group#10 --> Group#8
Group#10 --> Group#9
Group #8
Selected: SCAN tbl2 (id, field1, field2)
Operator: NormalScanOperator
Traits: SORTED
Cost: Cost(cpu=600000.00, mem=12.00, time=1000000.00)
Group #9
Selected: SCAN tbl3 (id, field2)
Operator: NormalScanOperator
Traits: SORTED
Cost: Cost(cpu=40000.00, mem=20000000.00, time=100000.00)

Bonus: query execution

Now we've done building a functional query planner which can optimize the query from user, but our query plan could not run by itself. So it's the reason why now we will implement the query processor to test out our query plan.

Basically the query process receive input from the query planner, and execute them

graph LR
    plan(("Physical Plan"))
    storage[("Storage Layer")]
    processor["Query Processor"]
    plan -- execute --> processor
    storage -- fetch --> processor

Volcano/Iterator model

Volcano/iterator model is the query processing model that is widely used in many DBMS. It is a pipeline architecture, which means that the data is processed in stages, with each stage passing the output of the previous stage to the next stage.

Each stage in the pipeline is represented by an operator. Operators are functions that perform a specific operation on the data, such as selecting rows, filtering rows, or aggregating rows.

Usually, operator can be formed directly from the query plan. For example, the query

SELECT field_1
FROM tbl
WHERE field = 1

will have the plan

graph TD
  project["PROJECT: field_1"]
  scan["SCAN: tbl"]
  filter["FILTER: field = 1"]
  project --> scan
  filter --> project

will create a chain of operators like this:

scan = {
    next() // fetch next row from table "tbl"

project = {
    next() = {
        next_row = scan.next() // fetch next row from scan operator
        projected = next_row["field_1"]
        return projected

filter = {
    next() = {
        next_row = {}
        do {
            next_row = project.next() // fetch next row from project operator
        } while (next_row["field"] != 1)
        return next_row

results = []
while (row = filter.next()) {

notes: this pseudo code did not handle for end of result stream

The operators

The basic interface of an operator is described as following:

trait Operator {
  def next(): Option[Seq[Any]]

See Operator.scala for full implementation of all operators

Testing a simple query

Let's define a query

SELECT emp.id,
FROM emp
         JOIN dept ON emp.id = dept.emp_id
         JOIN emp_info ON dept.emp_id = emp_info.id

with some data and stats

val table1: Datasource = Datasource(
  table = "emp",
  catalog = TableCatalog(
      "id" -> classOf[String],
      "code" -> classOf[String]
    metadata = Map("sorted" -> "true") // assumes rows are already sorted by id
  rows = Seq(
    Seq("1", "Emp A"),
    Seq("2", "Emp B"),
    Seq("3", "Emp C")
  stats = TableStats(
    estimatedRowCount = 3,
    avgColumnSize = Map("id" -> 10, "code" -> 32)

val table2: Datasource = Datasource(
  table = "dept",
  catalog = TableCatalog(
      "emp_id" -> classOf[String],
      "dept_name" -> classOf[String]
    metadata = Map("sorted" -> "true") // assumes rows are already sorted by emp_id (this is just a fake trait to demonstrate how trait works)
  rows = Seq(
    Seq("1", "Dept 1"),
    Seq("1", "Dept 2"),
    Seq("2", "Dept 3"),
    Seq("3", "Dept 3")
  stats = TableStats(
    estimatedRowCount = 4,
    avgColumnSize = Map("emp_id" -> 10, "dept_name" -> 255)

val table3: Datasource = Datasource(
  table = "emp_info",
  catalog = TableCatalog(
      "id" -> classOf[String],
      "name" -> classOf[String],
      "origin" -> classOf[String]
    metadata = Map("sorted" -> "true") // assumes rows are already sorted by id (this is just a fake trait to demonstrate how trait works)
  rows = Seq(
    Seq("1", "AAAAA", "Country A"),
    Seq("2", "BBBBB", "Country A"),
    Seq("3", "CCCCC", "Country B")
  stats = TableStats(
    estimatedRowCount = 3,
    avgColumnSize = Map("id" -> 10, "name" -> 255, "origin" -> 255)

The cost model is optimized for CPU

val costModel: CostModel = (currentCost: Cost, newCost: Cost) => {
  currentCost.estimatedCpuCost > newCost.estimatedCpuCost

Now, executing the query by running this code:

val planner = new VolcanoPlanner
QueryParser.parse(query) match {
  case Left(err) => throw err
  case Right(parsed) =>
    val operator = planner.getPlan(parsed)
    val result = Utils.execute(operator)
    // print result
    result._2.foreach(row => println(row.mkString(",")))

it will print:

1,Emp A,Dept 1,AAAAA,Country A
1,Emp A,Dept 2,AAAAA,Country A
2,Emp B,Dept 3,BBBBB,Country A
3,Emp C,Dept 3,CCCCC,Country B

Viola, We've done building a fully functional query planner and query engine :). You can start writing one for your own, good luck

See Demo.scala for full demo code


Thanks for reading this, this guide is quite long, and not fully correct, but I've tried my best to write it as understandably as possible 🍻


build your own query planner


Language:Scala 55.3%Language:Shell 22.7%Language:Batchfile 21.9%