tuananhzippy / ngx-wheel-options

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


npm version npm

ngx-wheel is an open-source Angular library which creates a dynamic prize-winning wheel. It is used to display predetermined winnings while appearing to be random to the user. This can be used to allow a server to determine the prize before the wheel spins, then the wheel would spin and land on the prize that the server selected.



To install this library, run:

$ npm install ngx-wheel-options --save

Then inside your index.html file located in the src directory add these 2 lines to the <head> tag:

<script src="https://rawcdn.githack.com/zarocknz/javascript-winwheel/229a47acc3d7fd941d72a3ba9e1649751fd10ed5/Winwheel.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/latest/TweenMax.min.js"></script>


Import the module

import { NgxWheelModule } from 'ngx-wheel-options'; //<-- import here

  declarations: [
  imports: [
    NgxWheelModule  //<-- and here
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

Once your library is imported, you can use its main component, ngx-wheel in your Angular application:




  • height is the height of the wheel canvas
  • width is the width of the wheel canvas
  • spinDuration is the number of seconds the wheel wil be spinning for
  • spinAmount is the number of spins the wheel will make before stopping
  • innerRadius is the inner radius of the wheel. Allows you to make the wheel hollow from the center
  • pointerEnable is the on off pointer
  • pointerStrokeColor is the color of the pointer's stroke
  • pointerFillColor is the color of the pointer's fill
  • textAlignment and textOrientation both have the types TextAlignment and TextOrientation, respectively. Check the Full Reference for visual examples.
  • disableSpinOnClick disabled the default behaviour of spinning the wheel on clicking it. See this section
  • idToLandOn is the id value of the item to land on (Can be fetched from server)
  • items is an array of of JSON objects that represent thw wheel's segments. Check the Full Reference for more details.


  • onSpinStart is called before the wheel spin
  • onSpinComplete is called after the wheel spin

Accessing wheel functions

A couple of common use cases that were frequently requested was the ability to spin the wheel on button click and re-spinning the wheel. This is easily doable in version 4+.

  • Pass true to the disableSpinOnClick prop to disable spinning when clicking on the wheel. This is optional.

  • Add a ref #wheel to the wheel (any name works):

  • In your parent component ts file, refer to the wheel using ViewChild
import { ..., ViewChild, ... } from '@angular/core';
import { NgxWheelComponent } from 'ngx-wheel-options';

// ...

export class ParentComponent {
   @ViewChild(NgxWheelComponent, { static: false }) wheel;

   ngAfterViewInit() {
      console.log('only after THIS EVENT "wheel" is usable!!');
      // Call the spin function whenever and wherever you want after the AfterViewInit Event

      // Reset allows you to redraw the wheel
      // Use it after any change to wheel configurations or to allow re-spinning

One thing to keep in mind when using the spin function this way. If you want to change the idToLandOn, you need to wait for a tick before calling the spin function in order for the update to propagate:

  async spin(prize) {
    this.idToLandOn = prize
    await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 0)); // Wait here for one tick


MIT © Tuan Anh Zippy



Language:TypeScript 75.0%Language:JavaScript 15.6%Language:HTML 7.2%Language:Less 2.1%