tturrell / FP1

Exploration 1

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Final Project Assignment 1: Exploration (FP1)

DUE Friday, March 11, 2016

My Library: (Plot Graph Plotting)

My name: Tyrone Turrell

I tried to use semi-persistent Matrices and semi-persistant Vectors and dbm all without any luck--

So I tried Browser: Simple HTML Rendering and it finally did not give an error I don't know what any of the rest of the page was for so I moved on. (require browser )

I next tried Web Applications in Racket

I read the intro which says to use Stateless Servlets

I began 1 Running Web Servlets

But #lang web/server/insta didn't work until I got rid of #lang racket

#lang web-server/insta
 (define (start req)
`(html (head (title "Hello world!"))
 (body (p "Hey out there!")))))

It opened a new tab with Hello world as a title and Hey out there! as text

DrRacket used a serve/servlet to start a new server that uses the start function as the servlet.


Your Web application is running at http://localhost:55482.
Stop this program at any time to terminate the Web Server.

Web Server stopped.

tried this(static-files-path "C:\Users\Tyrone\Pictures\solo.jpg") didn't work so I kept reading

(require web-server/servlet-env)

It is suggested that the web-server/servlet-env is somehow beter and more customizabile then an example is given that reproduces the above action within the #lang racket and not #lang web-server/insta

#lang racket
(require web-server/servlet

(define (start req)
 `(html (head (title "Hello world!"))
        (body (p "Hey out there!")))))

(serve/servlet start) also it is shown that serve/servlet my-app ) works

the port is customizable (serve/servlet my-app #:port 808) and external machines (serve/servlet my-app #:listen-ip #f)

 the default URO for this servlet is
 "http://localhost:8000/servlets/standalone.rkt" but can be changed

style sheets can be used

(serve/servlet my-app #:extra-files-paths
                                               (build-path "/Users/jay/Desktop")))

To do without DrRacket banner
#lang racket
(require web-server/servlet

(define (my-app req)
  `(html (head (title "Hello world!"))
        (body (p "Hey out there!")))))

(serve/servlet my-app)
(serve/servlet my-app #:command-line? #t )

a generic style.css file was added

(serve/servlet my-app
               (build-path "C:/Users/Tyrone/Documents/HTML/opl/index.css")))

which didn't do anything

It says some stuff about stateless servlet and jumps to Full API A large set-up of A Full API and an explanation of each part I am now lost with a discussion of servers and API stuff

I move on to 3 Stateless Servlets as that is what is suggested

The first example is tried

#lang web-server
 (require web-server/http)
 (provide interface-version stuffer start)
(define interface-version 'stateless)
(define stuffer
   (md5-stuffer (build-path (find-system-path 'home-dir) ".urls"))))
(define (start req)
   `(html (body (h2 "Look ma, no state!")))))

Everything in the file is printed and then the not much else occurs I don't know anything about the rest of Stateless Servlets-- or HTTP or anything else in this file--- there wasn't much I understood so I'll try another one

I moved to 3D Model Library immediately I had to learn how to use planet or to put it in racket staticly but could not figure that out

I tried Data: Data Structures (require data) which could not be used

I moved to Math Library (require math/matrix)

The explanation of matrices in this library begin-- but I don't know enough to follow

I started over.

HTML: Parsing Library

(require html) but again I don't know anything about this

I stumbled upon 2.4 Worlds and the Universe "universe.rkt" (require 2htdp/universe)

(define (create-UFO-scene height)
(underlay/xy (rectangle 100 100 "solid" "white") 50 height UFO))

(define UFO
(underlay/align "center"
                (circle 10 "solid" "green")
                 (rectangle 40 4 "solid" "green")))

(animate create-UFO-scene)

But this seamed to be based on scheme rather than Dr Racket

Tried package manager and updated catalog Retried semi-persistent matrices (build-matrix 2 3 3 )

build-matrix: contract violation
  expected: a procedure
  given: 3
  in: the 3rd argument of
       (-> any/c any/c any/c)
       (vectorof Index)
        (box/c (or/c #f #t))
        (-> any)
        (-> (vectorof Index) any)))
  contract from: 
  blaming: C:\Users\Tyrone\Desktop\spring_2016\prog_lang\project\ex1.rkt
   (assuming the contract is correct)
  at: <pkgs>/math-lib/math/private/matrix/matrix-constructors.rkt:17.9
(require data/spvector)

I didn't get any where with this either. Plot Graph Plotting (require plot ) (plot (function sin (- pi) pi #:label "y = sin(x )")) which worked out fine

![Plot1] (

(plot3d (surface3d (λ (x y) (* (cos x) (sin y)))
                     (- pi) pi (- pi) pi)
          #:title "An R × R → R function"
          #:x-label "x" #:y-label "y" #:z-label "cos(x) sin(y)")

Plot2 Which also seemed to work as expected

(plot3d (polar3d (λ (θ ρ) 1) #:color 2 #:line-style 'transparent)
         #:altitude 25)


Project Schedule

This is the first part of a larger project. The final project schedule is here )


Exploration 1


Language:Racket 100.0%