tttp / glific

The Main application that provides the core interface via the glific APIs

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Glific - Two Way Open Source Communication Platform

License: AGPL v3 Code coverage badge Glific on GitHub issues Discord codebeat badge

Packages Needed

Install the following packages using your favorite package manager. Links are provided for some

  • Install Elixir
  • Install Postgres
    1. For Postgres, for the development server, we default to using postgres/postgres as the username/password. This is configurable
    2. The db user needs to have superuser status on the database since we create a materialized view. This might change in a future release to a table

Download code


  • Copy the file: config/dev.secret.exs.txt to config/dev.secret.exs and edit it with your credentials
  • Run mix setup
  • Run mix phx.server

Here we go

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.

Install glific-frontend

You cannot do much from the glific-backend unless you are an API developer. To see Glific in its glory, please install Glific Frontend

Create and link your Gupshup Account

The frontend and backend are great, but you will need an account with a WhatsApp Business Provider to explore the application. The currently supported backend is Gupshup. You will need to do the following:

  • Create a Gupshup Account
  • Install ngrok
  • Start ngrok to proxy port 4000: $ ngrok http 4000 (do this in a new window))
    • Remember the URL it assigns you, something like:
    • Also start the backend server: mix phx.server (do this in a new window)
  • Create a WhatsApp Messaging App on Gupshup
  • You can name it GlificTest and ensure the App Type is Access API
  • Goto the Settings Page
  • On that page, Search for Callback URL / Link your Bot
  • Enter your callback URL that ngrok gave you, add: /gupshup to the end. Something like:
  • Click Set. It should give you a Callback set successfully message. If not, check the above steps.
  • Edit config/dev.secret.exs in the backend directory
  • You will need to enter your API Key, which can be found by clicking on your profile in the top left corner of your gupshup dashboard

Updating your instance

For v0.x releases, we will be resetting the DB and not saving existing state. Run the following commands to update your codebase from the glicic repository.

  • Ensure you are in the top level directory of the glific api code.
  • Get the latest code from master: git switch master; git pull
  • Ensure you have not modified any files in this directory, by running: git status
  • Run the setup command: mix setup


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The Main application that provides the core interface via the glific APIs

License:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0


Language:Elixir 97.5%Language:CSS 2.0%Language:JavaScript 0.4%Language:HTML 0.0%