ttilley / FSEventsFix

Mac OS X library that works around a long-standing bug in realpath() that prevents FSEvents API from monitoring certain folders on a wide range of OS X releases

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Works around a long-standing bug in realpath() that prevents FSEvents API from monitoring certain folders on a wide range of OS X releases (10.6-10.10 at least).

The Bug

The underlying issue is that for some folders, realpath() call starts returning a path with incorrect casing (e.g. "/users/smt" instead of "/Users/smt"). FSEvents is case-sensitive and calls realpath() on the paths you pass in, so an incorrect value returned by realpath() prevents FSEvents from seeing any change events.

See @bdkjone's Wiki page about this bug and the discussion at thibaudgg/rb-fsevent#10.


Enabling and disabling the workaround

After adding FSEventsFix.h and FSEventsFix.c to your project, you have a choice of three integration methods:

  1. Call FSEventsFixEnable() on startup.

  2. Call FSEventsFixEnable() before FSEventStreamCreate if you detect that the workaround is required.

    The suggested way to detect if a workaround is required is to attempt to repair the folder using FSEventsFixRepairIfNeeded and check the result.

    In Objective-C:

     FSEventsFixRepairStatus status = FSEventsFixRepairIfNeeded(_path.fileSystemRepresentation);
     BOOL needWorkaround = (status == FSEventsFixRepairStatusFailed);
     if (needWorkaround) {
     _streamRef = FSEventStreamCreate(...);
  3. Use FSEventsFixEnable() and FSEventsFixDisable() to only enable the workaround for the duration of FSEventStreamCreate call, and only if you detect that the workaround is required.

    This is the least intrusive method and seems to work as of OS X 10.10, but the potential downside is that we cannot guarantee that FSEventStreamCreate is the only part of FSEvents that needs the workaround.

    In Objective-C:

     FSEventsFixRepairStatus status = FSEventsFixRepairIfNeeded(_path.fileSystemRepresentation);
     BOOL needWorkaround = (status == FSEventsFixRepairStatusFailed);
     if (needWorkaround) {
     _streamRef = FSEventStreamCreate(...);
     if (needWorkaround) {

Note that FSEventsFixEnable and FSEventsFixDisable calls are ‘reference-counted’, incrementing and decrementing an internal use count. If you want to disable the workaround, balance every call to FSEventsFixEnable with a call to FSEventsFixDisable.

(Note also that these functions return void and there's no such thing as a failed FSEventsFixEnable call.)

Checking the status of the workaround

You can use FSEventsFixIsOperational to check if the workaround has been installed successfully. It is expected to return true after a call to FSEventsFixEnable(), and to return false after all calls to FSEventsFixEnable have been balanced by a call to FSEventsFixDisable().

The intended use is to alert or log an analytics event the user if the workaround is required, but couldn't be applied.

Combining the approach 3 above with FSEventsFixIsOperational check, we get the recommended usage pattern:

FSEventsFixRepairStatus status = FSEventsFixRepairIfNeeded(_path.fileSystemRepresentation);
BOOL needWorkaround = (status == FSEventsFixRepairStatusFailed);
BOOL alertAboutFSEventsBug = NO;
if (needWorkaround) {
    if (!FSEventsFixIsOperational()) {
        alertAboutFSEventsBug = YES;
_streamRef = FSEventStreamCreate(...);
if (needWorkaround) {
if (alertAboutFSEventsBug) {
    // ... show alert, once per folder or maybe once per app launch ...

Note that even if the workaround isn't operational, it does not necessarily mean it hasn't been installed. A call to FSEventsFixDisable is still required to uninstall the workaround if so desired.

Checking and repairing the broken state

See FSEventsFixIsBroken and FSEventsFixRepairIfNeeded in the header file for the (straightforward) details.

FSEventsFixRepairIfNeeded implements the rename method suggested by Apple, but at this point there's no confirmation that it actually works.

Debug options and logging

You can use FSEventsFixConfigure to enable a bunch of useful debug options, and to provide a logging block.

The options are documented in the header file. A notable one is FSEventsFixDebugOptionSimulateBroken that, when enabled, treats all folders containing __!FSEventsBroken!__ in their name as broken. Similarly, FSEventsFixDebugOptionSimulateRepair will simulate a successful repair by renaming such folders to exclude __!FSEventsBroken!__ from the name. This allows you to test the relevant code paths without access to a machine with an actual broken folder.

FSEventsFixConfigure, if called, must be called before any other method of the library.


All public API methods are thread-safe and can be called from any thread/queue. However, to avoid race conditions, you must guarantee that a call to FSEventsFixConfigure (if any) returns before any other FSEventsFix call is performed.

Multiple instances of FSEventsFix

FSEventsFix only supports a single copy of the library per process. This can be a concern if using multiple monitoring libraries, or when shipping as part of a library.


FSEventsFix uses a heavily modified version of Facebook's fishhook to replace the system realpath() function with a custom implementation; FSEvents will then invoke our custom implementation and work correctly.

Our implementation of realpath uses CoreFoundation class CFURL to convert the path to a (volume id / inode id) pair, then ask the filesystem what the correct path for that inode is. Since this implementation doesn't implement all the features of realpath, the original implementation is called first so that it can correctly fill the dst buffer with where the resolution failed and set errno to the correct value. Only if the original realpath succeeds is the custom implementation run.

Please note that while our custom implementation will output a path that matches what the kernel reports to fsevents, it may not necessarily be "correct". The capitalization might not match what you deliberately set the filename to be. You may have named a file "SomeFile" but the kernel is reporting events using "somefile" (even though Finder and ls both show "SomeFile"). As such, please use caution when globally replacing realpath.


Thanks go to:

  • Travis Tilley, for spending many hours researching this bug with me

  • Bryan Jones, for finally getting Apple to reveal a critical piece of information (that FSEvents calls realpath) that sparkled the idea for this approach, and for testing its feasibility, and generally for persisting in trying to resolve it and getting our lazy asses to move

  • countless users of LiveReload, CodeKit and Guard who suffered this bug for years, sent us bug reports, tested builds and allowed us to poke in their machines


See FSEventsFix.c file for the license & copyrights, but basically this library is available under a mix of MIT and BSD licenses.

Version History

0.10.0 (May 18, 2015) - a rewrite of the API with disable and repair functions.

0.9.0 (May 16, 2015) - initial beta release with a version number.


Mac OS X library that works around a long-standing bug in realpath() that prevents FSEvents API from monitoring certain folders on a wide range of OS X releases


Language:C 84.5%Language:C++ 15.5%