tsoisauce / django-docker-heroku

starter template for deploying Django on Heroku using container build manifest

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Django Docker Heroku

This is the ultimate full stack project using Heroku container build manifest to deploy. This is a generate template with Postgres, Celery, Redis and GraphQL (Graphene).


  • either use docker or virtual environment of your choice with Python 3.10.2
  • update/install dependencies pip install -r requirements.txt
  • start Django web server: python manage.py runserver_plus
  • start Celery workers: celery -A django_app worker -l INFO
  • to access shell: python manage.py shell_plus

Deploy on Heroku

This template has a Dockerfile that is Django deployment ready using Heroku's container build manifest process. Each process in the Dockerfile is annotated to eplain each process. Migrations will be runned manually via Heroku docker container command line.


remove existing images

docker stop django-heroku
docker rm django-heroku

build locally:

docker build -t web:latest .
docker run -d --name django-heroku -e "PORT=8765" -e "DEBUG=1" -p 8007:8765 web:latest

view static files:

docker exec django-heroku ls /app/staticfiles
docker exec django-heroku ls /app/staticfiles/admin

to run commands within deployed heroku container:

heroku run python manage.py makemigrations -a {{HEROKU_APP_NAME}}
heroku run python manage.py migrate -a {{HEROKU_APP_NAME}}

Deploying on Heroku

Deploy via container manifest

Sign up for a Heroku acount and download their CLI

create a new Heroku app. This will generate a new app and corresponding remotes. You will then push to this remote to deploy on Heroku master. In this example, the name of our application is: morning-sierra-00895

Note: be sure to update this in your allowed host. Replace anywhere that has, morning-sierra-00895

heroku create
Creating app... done, ⬢ morning-sierra-00895
https://morning-sierra-00895.herokuapp.com/ | https://git.heroku.com/morning-sierra-00895.git

add SECRET_KEY environment varaible to Heroku. This is a 50 character maximum string that is randomly generated and use to validate your application.

Note: remember to replace YOUR_SECRET_KEY with your key and rplace morning-sierra-00895 with your app's name

heroku config:set SECRET_KEY={{YOU_SECRET_KEY}} -a morning-sierra-00895
Setting SECRET_KEY and restarting ⬢ morning-sierra-00895... done, v3

We will be using Heroku container build manifest to deploy our Docker images.

Setup your Heroku container stack

heroku stack:set container -a morning-sierra-00895 
Setting stack to container... done

Create an heroku.yml file this will inform heroku on the Dockerfile to build from and any commands to run.

There are three types of stages:

  • setup is used to define Heroku addons and configuration variables to create during app provisioning.
  • release is used to define tasks that you'd like to execute during a release.
  • run is used to define which commands to run for the web and worker processes.

Next, install the heroku-manifest plugin from the beta CLI channel:

heroku plugins:install @heroku-cli/plugin-manifest
Installing plugin manifest... installed v0.0.5

With that, initialize a Git repo and create a commit.

Then, add the Heroku remote:

heroku git:remote -a morning-sierra-00895
set git remote heroku to https://git.heroku.com/morning-sierra-00895.git

Deploy to Heroku master to build your image and deploy your container:

git push heroku master

Add Postgres DB and Redis

Create the Postgres database

heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev -a morning-sierra-00895
Creating heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev on ⬢ morning-sierra-00895... free
Database has been created and is available
 ! This database is empty. If upgrading, you can transfer
 ! data from another database with pg:copy
Created postgresql-solid-97726 as DATABASE_URL
Use heroku addons:docs heroku-postgresql to view documentation

Once the database is up, run the migrations:

heroku run python manage.py makemigrations -a morning-sierra-00895
heroku run python manage.py migrate -a morning-sierra-00895

Create Redis

heroku addons:create heroku-redis:hobby-dev -a morning-sierra-00895
Creating heroku-redis:hobby-dev on ⬢ morning-sierra-00895... free
Your add-on should be available in a few minutes.
! WARNING: Data stored in hobby plans on Heroku Redis are not persisted.
redis-crystalline-94825 is being created in the background. The app will restart when complete...
Use heroku addons:info redis-crystalline-94825 to check creation progress
Use heroku addons:docs heroku-redis to view documentation


This project also inludes Celery to manage cron jobs and background workers. It is configured to use Redis as a boker.

Install redis and to start workers:

celery -A django_app worker -l INFO

sample Celery task

Thir project has a sample test task that sleeps for 3-seconds. This ban be triggered by the following requests:

create task:

curl --location --request POST 'localhost:8000/task' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "type": "test"

get task status (sample task id 388b2b9e-d2d7-491c-93a5-ecc6034e555e):

curl --location --request GET 'localhost:8000/task/388b2b9e-d2d7-491c-93a5-ecc6034e555e' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "type": "test"


  • remember to check ALLOWED_HOSTS in settings to white list the correct domain
  • killing a port: kill -9 $(lsof -t -i tcp:8000)


  • JWT


starter template for deploying Django on Heroku using container build manifest


Language:Python 87.4%Language:HTML 7.3%Language:Dockerfile 5.3%