tsnow / stressd

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A Raspberry Pi Load Testing Tool

Inspired by


Coder for Raspberry Pi

Getting Started

First, you'll need Coder on your Raspberry Pi. http://googlecreativelab.github.io/coder/

Once you have that hotness running and available from your host computer:

  1. run ./zip_for_coder.sh
  2. import the resulting stressd.zip into Coder by clicking on the Green [+] at https://coder.local/app/coder/ and clicking the file upload icon

Checkout http://coder.local/app/stressd for a bare-bones HTML form.

Example Servers

Under the example/ directory, you'll find a server that can be used to test against locally. It's in sinatra, so bundle in the directory before trying to run the server.

> example/serve.sh # to run the server

SSHing to your Pi

> ssh pi@coder.local

Supply the password you used when you set up the Coder application.

Go stressd service

Installing on Raspberry Pi

There is a script included to install golang on the Pi. Run it when you're able to ssh pi@coder.local.


You may need extra disk space on your Pi to hold the go libraries. There's extra space in the Coder image. There are two options here:

scp home_partition.sh pi@coder.local:~/
ssh pi@coder.local '~/home_partition.sh'

Local Development: Docker & Fig Configuration

Install fig as described here: http://orchardup.github.io/fig/install.html

Then run fig up in the current directory. The Stressd UI will be available at http://localdocker:9898/. See fig.yml and Dockerfile for more info.

Local Development: Neckbeard Configuration

First, you'll need Go. Once you have that hotness, clone this and run go get from inside the project folder (if you haven't set up a Go workspace yet, go read the docs. It's important.)

If go get returns nothing, you're in good shape. If you don't have Mercurial installed and in your PATH, it'll complain about not being able to find hg. Install however you see fit.

After that, you can either go build and run the resulting executable, or go run stressd.go to build one in a temporary location.

$ go get
$ go run stressd.go
2014/01/26 10:03:03 stressd [ env: development - pid: 64722 - ver: 0.0.1 ]
2014/01/26 10:03:03 starting HTTP server at
2014/01/26 10:03:03 starting websocket server at

Checkout for a bare-bones HTML form. All the goody bits still need to be written and wired, but there's a skeleton now.


I added GoConvey to the project. It's got a nice websocket-backed web UI and so on for tests.

You can reach the web interface by running $GOPATH/bin/goconvey and then hitting http://localhost:8080/.

$ go get github.com/jacobsa/oglematchers
$ go get github.com/smartystreets/goconvey
$ $GOPATH/bin/goconvey
2014/01/26 17:56:20 goconvey.go:39: Initial configuration: [host:] [port: 8080] [poll 250ms]
2014/01/26 17:56:20 goconvey.go:80: Constructing components...
2014/01/26 17:56:20 watcher.go:30: Adjusting to watch new root: /Users/aharris/work/go/src/stressd/worker
2014/01/26 17:56:20 watcher.go:40: Including: /Users/aharris/work/go/src/stressd/worker
2014/01/26 17:56:20 tester.go:15: Now configured to test 10 packages concurrently.
2014/01/26 17:56:20 watcher.go:72: Number of watched folders: 1
2014/01/26 17:56:20 goconvey.go:72: Serving HTTP at:
2014/01/26 17:56:20 monitor.go:16: Engaging monitoring loop...
2014/01/26 17:56:20 scanner.go:31: Updating root in scanner: /Users/aharris/work/go/src/stressd/worker
2014/01/26 17:56:20 watcher.go:72: Number of watched folders: 1
2014/01/26 17:56:20 monitor.go:33: Preparing for test run (watching 1 folders)...
2014/01/26 17:56:20 executor.go:56: Executor status: 'executing'
2014/01/26 17:56:20 coordinator.go:37: Executing concurrent tests: stressd/worker
2014/01/26 17:56:20 executor.go:56: Executor status: 'parsing'
2014/01/26 17:56:20 parser.go:19: [passed]: stressd/worker
2014/01/26 17:56:20 executor.go:56: Executor status: 'idle'
2014/01/26 17:56:20 monitor.go:36: Test run complete, updating server with latest output...
2014/01/26 17:56:20 monitor.go:39: Server updated with 1 tested packages (revision: '2014-01-26 17:56:20.815924277 -0500 EST').

You can also just run tests like normal.

$ cd worker; go test

1 assertion thus far


5 assertions thus far

ok      stressd/worker  0.013s


See https://github.com/anachronistic/stressd/issues.



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