tsiarokhin / bsu-famcs-algo-solutions

My solutions for "Algorithms and Data Structures" lessons at Belarusian State University (acm.bsu.by)

Repository from Github https://github.comtsiarokhin/bsu-famcs-algo-solutionsRepository from Github https://github.comtsiarokhin/bsu-famcs-algo-solutions


My solutions for Algorithms and Data Structures lessons at Belarusian State University.

acm.bsu.by - IRunner 2, solution submission and testing system


My solutions for "Algorithms and Data Structures" lessons at Belarusian State University (acm.bsu.by)

License:MIT License


Language:C++ 92.4%Language:Python 7.0%Language:Shell 0.4%Language:Batchfile 0.2%