tshafeev / postgresql_lwrp

Express 42 postgresql cookbook

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This cookbook includes recipes and providers to install and configure postgresql database. This cookbook was tested with Postgresql 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.5, 9.6 & 10. Supported platforms: Debian Jessie/Stretch and Ubuntu 14.04/16.04.




Minimal chef-client version is 12.5.1.


Postgresql cookbook depends on apt cookbook.


This cookbook have server and client attribute files.

With client attributes(["postgresql"]["client"]) you can set only postgresql client and library version.

Server attributes are starting from ["postgresql"]["defaults"] and used as default attributes for postgresql provider. You should not override this defaults, you can pass your settings to provider instead.


Resource: default


  • :create: creates postgresql cluster

Resource parameters

  • cluster_name: name attribute. Cluster name (e.g. main). Be aware, systemd (in Ubuntu 16.04 and Debian Jessie) not working with cluster names that containing dashes ('-').
  • cluster_version: set cluster version
  • cookbook: cookbook for templates. Skip this for default templates.
  • cluster_create_options: options for pg_createcluster (only locale related options)
  • configuration: Hash with configuration options for postgresql, see examples.
  • hba_configuration: Array with hba configuration, see examples.
  • ident_configuration: Array with ident configuration, see examples.
  • replication: Hash with replication configuration. See replication example.
  • replication_initial_copy: Boolean. If true pg_basebackup will be exec to make initial replication copy. Default is false.
  • replication_start_slave: Boolean. If true slave cluster will be started after creation. Should be used with replication_initial_copy option. Default false.
  • allow_restart_cluster: Can be first, always or none. Specifies when cluster must restart instead of reload. first – only first time after installation. always – always restart, even if changes doesn't require restart. none - never, use reload every time. Default is none.


Cloud backup helper:

postgresql_cloud_backup_helper.sh helper can be found at /opt/wal-e/bin/.


postgresql_cloud_backup_helper.sh <cluster_name> <cluster_version> last|count

  • cluster_name – postgresql cluster name (ex. main)
  • cluser_version – postgresql cluser version (ex. 9.3)
  • last – shows last backup time
  • count – shows total number of backups.


Example master database setup:

postgresql 'main' do
  cluster_version '9.3'
  cluster_create_options( locale: 'ru_RU.UTF-8' )
      listen_addresses:           '',
      max_connections:            300,
      ssl_renegotiation_limit:    0,
      shared_buffers:             '512MB',
      maintenance_work_mem:       '64MB',
      work_mem:                   '8MB',
      log_min_duration_statement: 200
      { type: 'host', database: 'all', user: 'all', address: '', method: 'md5' },
      { type: 'host', database: 'replication', user: 'postgres', address: '', method: 'trust' }

Example slave database setup:

postgresql 'main' do
   cluster_version '9.3'
  cluster_create_options( locale: 'ru_RU.UTF-8' )
      listen_addresses:           '',
      max_connections:            300,
      ssl_renegotiation_limit:    0,
      shared_buffers:             '512MB',
      maintenance_work_mem:       '64MB',
      work_mem:                   '8MB',
      log_min_duration_statement: 200
      { type: 'host', database: 'all', user: 'all', address: '', method: 'md5' },
      { type: 'host', database: 'replication', user: 'postgres', address: '', method: 'trust' }
    standby_mode: 'on',
    primary_conninfo: 'host=',
    trigger_file: '/tmp/pgtrigger'
  replication_initial_copy true
  replication_start_slave true

Example slave configuration with replication slots (PostgreSQL >= 9.4)

  standby_mode: 'on',
  primary_conninfo: 'host=',
  trigger_file: '/tmp/pgtrigger'
  primary_slot_name: 'some_slot_on_master'

Don't forget to create slot on master server before:

# SELECT pg_create_physical_replication_slot('some_slot_on_master');

Example users and databases setup

postgresql_user 'user01' do
  in_version '9.3'
  in_cluster 'main'
  unencrypted_password 'user01password'

postgresql_database 'database01' do
  in_version '9.3'
  in_cluster 'main'
  owner 'user01'

Example full daily database backup

postgresql_cloud_backup 'main' do
  in_version '9.3'
  in_cluster 'main'
  full_backup_time weekday: '*', month: '*', day: '*', hour: '3', minute: '0'
  # Data bag item should contain following keys for S3 protocol:
  # aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key, wale_s3_prefix
  params Chef::EncryptedDataBagItem.load('s3', 'secrets').to_hash.select {|i| i != "id"}
  # Or just a hash, if you don't use data bags:
  params { aws_access_key_id: 'access_key', aws_secret_access_key: 'secret_key', wale_s3_prefix: 's3_prefix' }
  protocol 's3'
  # In case you need to prepend wal-e with, for example, traffic limiter
  # you can use following method:
  command_prefix 'trickle -s -u 1024'
  # It will be prepended to resulting wal-e execution in cron task

Example usage of cloud backup helper usage

$ /opt/wal-e/bin/postgresql_cloud_backup_helper.sh main 9.3 last
$ /opt/wal-e/bin/postgresql_cloud_backup_helper.sh main 9.3 count

Example of how to install extensions from postgresql-contrib NOTE: schema and version are optional parameters, but others are required

postgresql_extension 'cube' do
  in_version '9.4'
  in_cluster 'main'
  db 'test01'
  schema 'public'

Example of how to install extensions from http://pgxn.org/ NOTE: schema is an optional parameter, but others are required

pgxn_extension 'pg_lambda' do
  in_version '9.4'
  in_cluster 'main'
  db 'test01'
  version '1.0.2'
  stage 'stable'

License and Maintainer

Maintainer:: LLC Express 42 (cookbooks@express42.com) Source:: https://github.com/express42/postgresql_lwrp Issues:: https://github.com/express42/postgresql_lwrp/issues

License:: MIT


Express 42 postgresql cookbook

License:MIT License


Language:Ruby 96.4%Language:HTML 2.1%Language:Shell 1.5%