tsen-dev / face-cropper

Crop out (and optionally remove background and correct roll of) faces in an image. Implements a custom pipeline using Mediapipe's FaceDetection and FaceMesh networks

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool








Implements the following pipeline for cropping out faces from an image:

  1. Retrieves bounding boxes and approximate eye coordinates for faces in the image, using MediaPipe's FaceDetection network:


  2. For faces with in-plane rotation (i.e. roll), the FaceDetection network gives bounding boxes that are smaller than the face, hence:

    1. The approximate roll of a face is found by calculating the angle between the line going through the eye coordinates and the horizontal
    2. The bounding boxes are inflated by a factor relative to the roll of the faces, to ensure bounding boxes include the full face under rotation


  3. The inflated bounding boxes are cropped from the image and passed to MediaPipe's FaceMesh network to retrieve face landmark coordinates


    • This stage of the pipeline can optionally be configured to also do either/both of the following:
      • Remove background: Set all non-face pixels (i.e. pixels outside the mesh formed by the face landmarks) to 0:


      • Correct roll (enabled by default): Calculate accurate roll angle using eye landmark coordinates of FaceMesh (like in step 2) and correct the roll of the face by rotating the image (and landmarks) in the opposite direction around the midpoint between the eyes:


  4. The image is then cropped to the minimum rectangle spanning all face landmarks:

    • Without roll-correction:


    • With roll-correction:


The eye coordinates from the FaceDetection network in step 1 are not used to correct the roll as they are not accurate enough and are only good enough for getting an approximate roll angle

FaceMesh has an integrated FaceDetection model. However, since the integrated network is configured to only run the short-range model, it can't detect faces further than 2 metres away. Having a separate FaceDetection model makes the pipeline more configurable to suit requirements

FaceMesh requires a maximum number of faces (max_num_faces) to be specified during initialisation, while FaceDetection does not have such limitation. Hence, Step 1 uses FaceDetection to get all potential faces, which are then verified with FaceMesh (max_num_faces = 1). I.e., if FaceMesh can detect landmarks in a potential face detected by FaceDetection, it is taken further in the pipeline


  • This module was created to apply a pre-processing step to accelerate the learning of face features from 'in the wild' (i.e. uncontrolled) images
  • The FaceDetection and FaceMesh networks are light-weight and can run in real-time, making this module also suitable for real-time applications (given the number of faces is less than ~3)
  • The demos show that these networks can handle 'in the wild' images. However, they will not work nearly as well as larger networks in e.g. more extreme lighting conditions, and may occasionally even fail to detect in some 'easy' conditions

User Guide

  1. Add the face_cropper.py module to your project

  2. Import the FaceCropper class from the face_cropper.py module: import FaceCropper from face_cropper.py

  3. Create a FaceCropper object with your required configuration: face_cropper = FaceCropper(min_face_detector_confidence=0.5, face_detector_model_selection=LONG_RANGE, landmark_detector_static_image_mode=STATIC_MODE, min_landmark_detector_confidence=0.5):

    • min_face_detector_confidence: From FaceDetection documentation: "Minimum confidence value ([0.0, 1.0]) for face detection to be considered successful. Defaults to 0.5.
    • face_detector_model_selection: From FaceDetection documentation: "0 (FaceCropper.SHORT_RANGE) or 1 (FaceCropper.LONG_RANGE). 0 to select a short-range model that works best for faces within 2 meters from the camera, and 1 for a full-range model best for faces within 5 meters". 1 works well as a general purpose model that detects both close and long range faces, whereas 0 is better for detecting close range faces with higher yaw, pitch, or 90+ degree roll. Defaults to 1.
    • landmark_detector_static_image_mode: From FaceMesh documentation: "Whether to treat the input images as a batch of static and possibly unrelated images, or a video stream. Should only be set to False (FaceCropper.TRACKING_MODE) if the images passed to this pipeline are from the same sequence, AND there is always the same one face in the sequence. Defaults to True (FaceCropper.STATIC_MODE)
    • min_landmark_detector_confidence: From FaceMesh documentation: "Minimum confidence value ([0.0, 1.0]) from the face detection model for the detection to be considered successful". Defaults to 0.5.
  4. Call the FaceCropper object's get_faces() method: faces = face_cropper.get_faces(image, remove_background=False, correct_roll=True)

    • image: A numpy.ndarray RGB image containing faces to be cropped
    • remove_background: Whether non-face (i.e. background) pixels should be set to 0. Defaults to False
    • correct_roll: Whether the roll in faces should be corrected. Defaults to True
    • Returns a list of numpy.ndarray RGB images containing the cropped faces


Crop out (and optionally remove background and correct roll of) faces in an image. Implements a custom pipeline using Mediapipe's FaceDetection and FaceMesh networks


Language:Python 100.0%