tscosine / cparser

Get AST and the list of functioncall and variable from C code

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Get AST and the list of functioncall and variable from C code

AST Node

编号 节点类型 子节点(链接类型) 子节点(节点类型) 对应c表达式
00 cblock c代码块
01 expression c表达式
02 if condition expression if-else
ifbody cblock
else* else
03 else condition expression if-else
elsebody cblock
04 while condition expression while
loop cblock
06 for condition_init expression for
condition_end expression
condition_iteration expression
loop cblock
07 switch condition expression switch-case
case case
08 case condition* expression switch-case
body cblock
09 try body cblock try-catch
catch catch
10 catch exception expression try-catch
body cblock


编号 表达式 nodetype
11 = assign
12 丨= assign_or
13 ^= assign_xor
14 &= assign_and
15 >>= assign_shift
16 <<= assign_shift
17 -= assign_reduce
18 += assign_add
19 %= assign_remain
20 *= assign_mult
21 /= assign_except
22 ?: conditional_opt
23 丨丨 or
24 && and
25 or_bit
26 ^ xor
27 a&b and_bit
28 != equal
29 == not_equal
30 < compare
31 > compare
32 <= compare
33 >= compare
34 >> shift
35 << shift
36 - reduce
37 + add
38 * mult
39 / except
40 % remain
41 (int) typetrans
42 ++a ++
43 --a --
44 &a address_of
45 sizeof() sizeof
46 - negative
47 ! not
48 ~ ~
49 a-- descend
50 a++ ascend
51 -> choice_member(pointer)
52 . choice_member(object)
53 [] get_element
54 return return
55 goto goto
56 变量定义 variable_define
变量定义参数 isStruct
变量定义参数 isEnum
变量定义参数 isUnion
变量定义参数 isUnsigned
变量定义参数 isStatic
变量定义参数 isConst
变量定义参数 isEntern
变量定义参数 isRegister
变量定义参数 isArray
, parallel
57 函数调用 function_call
58 变量 variable
59 break break
60 continue continue
61 常量 constant
62 字符串 string

AST function







Other function




Get AST and the list of functioncall and variable from C code


Language:Python 100.0%