tsanva / Anticede

Bangkit Capstone Project C22-PS229

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Bangkit Capstone Project C22-PS229

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Anticede is a voice profanity detection app to detect user's voice recorded sound. It can detect whether te sound sent is a hate speech, ethnical harassment, radicalism, and curse or swear words. By making this application, we want to make everyone aware that profanity can shape ourselves. Therefore, we included the law violation too.

Project Team Member

Nama Bangkit-ID Path
Muchammad Alfi Karom M7012F1248 Machine Learning
Martina Steffany Darmawan M2002G0035 Machine Learning
Vasant Paradissa Nuno Sakti C2214F1987 Cloud Computing
Muhammad Zaky Al Fatih C2012F1251 Cloud Computing
Rashid Adani Maulana Jatri A7214F1985 Mobile Development
Rio Risqi Akbar Herlambang A2214F1986 Mobile Development

Tech Stack

Tech Stack

Library used for Android Application

  1. RecyclerView
  2. Lifecycle
  3. Glide
  4. Retrofit 2
  5. Material Design
  6. Shared Preferences
  7. Datastore

Library used for Back-end System (Node.js with NPM)

  1. Express JS
  2. Mysql2
  3. Nanoid
  4. @google-cloud/storage
  5. fs-extra
  6. Multer
  7. JsonWebToken
  8. Bcrypt
  9. Fluent-ffmpeg
  10. @google-cloud/speeh
  11. Axios
  12. Dotenv
  13. Cors
  14. Cookie-parser


You can see it here.

How to use our app

You can install the APK to your phone by downloading it from here.

Deploying to GCP

For documentation on deploying to GCP, check this document.

API Documentation

You can check the API documentation on https://anticede.app

If the link above doesn't work, check here or here.

We also made a JSON document using OpenAPI Specification, check here.

Future Developments



Bangkit Capstone Project C22-PS229


Language:Jupyter Notebook 91.7%Language:Kotlin 6.8%Language:JavaScript 1.4%Language:Dockerfile 0.0%