tronyx / autoscan-connectivity-checker

Simple Bash script to check for Autoscan connectivity issues

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Autoscan Connectivity Checker

CodeFactor made-with-bash GitHub


This script was written to catch the following error in the Autoscan log:

Not all targets are available, retrying in 15 seconds...

Despite Plex being online and, seemingly, fully operational with users actively streaming.

I have been seeing this a lot lately and it seems to correspond to the following error seen in the Plex Media Server log:

WARN - Need to be signed in and connected to the Internet to refresh a plex music library.

So it seems that any time I try to update music, maybe after a certain amount of time, this issue happens and restarting Plex fixes it. I just wrote this so I don't end up having Autoscan broken for several days, wondering why nothing is updating or getting added to my Plex Server.

Hopefully Plex fixes this issue soon.

Setting It Up

You'll just need to add your Discord webhook URL at the top of the script:

# Discord webhook URL

Message looks like this:

Discord Message


Now that you have it configured so that everything is working properly, you can use a cronjob to schedule the script to run automatically.

Here's an example of running the script every day at 4am:

# Run the Autoscan Connectivity Checker script
0 4 * * * /home/tronyx/scripts/


If you're running this on Unraid, like I am, you can use the User Scripts plugin to setup a cronjob for the script.


If you have any questions, you can find me on the Organizr Discord.


Simple Bash script to check for Autoscan connectivity issues

License:MIT License


Language:Shell 100.0%