trollepierre / square

Technical test in one hour

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Technical test in one hour

Build a small web page

Using only html, css and javascript, jquery is allowed.

When the page load, user sees a big colored square that fits into the window and that is positioned randomly into the window.

When user clicks on the square, this one splits into 4 squares of a quarter of the size and positioned randomly into the window. The 4 new smaller squares have different colors also picked randomly.

When user clicks on any square again, squares splits again into 4 smaller ones with different colors and different positions.

Careful, squares should never fall out of the window. They should always fit entirely into the window.

To add more fun, user can activate and deactivate crazy mode by double clicking on the page. In crazy mode, squares change position randomly every 2 seconds!

Note that simplicity is very appreciated for this exercise.

You have 1h, go go go!! :D

Have fun!


Technical test in one hour


Language:JavaScript 75.6%Language:HTML 24.4%