troggy / goodreads-downloader

Given the exported list of books from Goodreads downloads a corresponding epub/pdf/mobi from libgen or flibusta

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Goodreads bulk downloader

NOTE: this software is for educational purposes only. Don't use it to download any copyrighted books.

Given the exported list of books from Goodreads downloads a ebook file. Tries to get book from libgen first, falls back to Flibusta if not found. Tries epub format first, falls back to pdf and mobi if not found


  1. Export your book list from Goodreads:

  2. Run script

yarn start <your file csv>

Notes: The software is very rough and experimental. It will take some time to process the list especially for Flibusta downloads since those are throttled a little (run with a delay). You can interrupt process at any point and resume later, the script will skip already downloaded books. If you want to redownload everything again, remove .store.json file. Downloaded books are in the out folder.


Given the exported list of books from Goodreads downloads a corresponding epub/pdf/mobi from libgen or flibusta

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 100.0%