trishalanglois / byob

Build Your Own Backend

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Build Your Own Backend - American Deaths Abroad


Build Your Own Backend is a backend project that takes data from two separate databases - countries and deaths in said countries - and combines them into one dataset. The database is built using PostgreSQL. From there, the data is seeded into two separate tables, which are used for endpoints that a frontend user can hit in order to gather and display the data. The data is hosted on a server built with Node.js and Express, which allows the user to interact with the data using GET, POST and DELETE.

Tech Stack

  • Node.js
  • Express
  • Knex
  • PostgreSQL

This app is also deployed to Heroku. Use the following endpoints listed in the Endpoints section of this README to view additional data.


  • Clone down this repo and run npm install
  • Run the server by using npm start

The server will run on http://localhost:3000. All endpoints are prefixed with /api/v1.

Data Model

A country is stored on the server and has an id, country_abbrev, name, created_at and updated_at. id, created_at and updated_at are automatically created when an object is created. Here is a sample country object:

  id: 5662,
  country_abbrev: "NG",
  country_name: "Nigeria",
  created_at: "2020-01-29T23:32:33.555Z",
  updated_at: "2020-01-29T23:32:33.555Z"

A death is stored on the server and has an id, date, cause_of_death, country_id that refers back to the country it belongs to, created_at and updated_at. id, country_id, created_at, updated_at are all automatically created when a user creates a death. Here is a sample death object:

  id: 5777,
  date: "4/29/13",
  cause_of_death: "Air Accident",
  country_id: 5501,
  created_at: "2020-01-29T23:32:33.818Z",
  updated_at: "2020-01-29T23:32:33.818Z"

The countries are stored in one table, and the deaths are stored in another table on the server. The data structure is set up with a one to many relationship, with a country holding many deaths (but each death only belonging to one country).


There are two sets of endpoints, as follows:


Purpose URL Verb Request Body Sample Success Response
Get all countries /api/v1/countries GET N/A All countries on the server: {countries: [{}, {}, ...]}
Get one country /api/v1/countries/:id GET N/A One country: { id: 5509, country_abbrev: "AQ", country_name: "Antarctica", created_at: "2020-01-29T23:32:32.908Z", updated_at: "2020-01-29T23:32:32.908Z" }
Add new country /api/v1/countries POST {country_abbrev: <String>, country_name: <String>} New country that was added: {country_abbrev: "ZZ", country_name: "SleepyCountry" }


Purpose URL Verb Request Body Sample Success Response
Get all deaths in a country /api/v1/countries/:id/deaths GET N/A All deaths for a country: [{}, {} ... ]
Get specific death in a country /api/v1/countries/:id/deaths/:id GET N/A Specific death: {id: 11455, date: "7/14/13", cause_of_death: "Homicide", country_id: 5738, created_at: "2020-01-29T23:32:36.101Z", updated_at: "2020-01-29T23:32:36.101Z"}
Create a death /api/v1/countries/:id/deaths POST {date: "7/14/13", cause_of_death: "Drank too many Croix Boyz"} {date: "7/14/13", cause_of_death: "Drank too many Croix Boyz"}
Delete existing death /api/v1/countries/:id/deaths/:id DELETE N/A All remaining deaths for that country: { remainingDeathsByCountry: [{}, {}...] }

Project Spec

This was a solo project completed over the course of one week at Turing School of Software and Design.

The project spec can be found here.

This project used GitHub Projects project board.


Build Your Own Backend


Language:JavaScript 100.0%