triptych / Fantasy-Fortune

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Fantasy Fortune App Project Documentation

1. Project Overview:
   The Fantasy Fortune App is a web-based application that generates random fantasy-themed fortunes for users. It allows users to click a button to receive a fortune, displays the generated fortune, and keeps track of the user's previously received fortunes. The app also includes a countdown timer to limit the fortune generation to once per day.

2. Project Structure:
   The project consists of the following files:
   - index.html: The main HTML file that defines the structure of the app.
   - styles.css: The CSS file that contains the styles for the app.
   - script.js: The JavaScript file that handles the app's functionality.
   - fortunes.json: The JSON file that stores the collection of fortunes.

3. HTML Structure (index.html):
   - The <header> section contains the app's title and a decorative sword SVG.
   - The <main> section is divided into three parts:
     - Fortune Generator: Includes a button to generate fortunes and a countdown timer.
     - Fortune Display: Displays the generated fortune message.
     - Fortune History: Shows a list of the user's previously received fortunes.
   - The <footer> section contains the app's copyright information and a hit counter.

4. CSS Styles (styles.css):
   - The app uses the 'Cinzel Decorative' font from Google Fonts for a fantasy-themed look.
   - The background has a linear gradient that cycles between dark purple and dark red.
   - The "Generate Fortune" button has a dark appearance with a slight shadow and hover/active states.
   - The generated fortune message is styled to resemble a strip of old paper.
   - The sword SVG rotates slowly along the x-axis in 3D, centered on the SVG.

5. JavaScript Functionality (script.js):
   - The script fetches the fortunes from the fortunes.json file.
   - It handles the generation of random fortunes, ensuring no duplicate fortunes are displayed.
   - The generated fortunes are stored in the user's browser storage to keep track of previously received fortunes.
   - The countdown timer limits the fortune generation to once per day.
   - The hit counter tracks the number of views and saves the count in localStorage.

6. Fortune Data (fortunes.json):
   - The fortunes.json file contains an array of fortune objects.
   - Each fortune object has an "id" property for unique identification and a "message" property containing the fortune text.
   - The file currently includes 50 fantasy-themed fortunes.

7. Usage:
   - Upon loading the app, users can click the "Generate Fortune" button to receive a random fortune.
   - The generated fortune is displayed in the "Your Fortune" section.
   - Previously received fortunes are listed in the "Previous Fortunes" section.
   - The countdown timer prevents users from generating a new fortune until 24 hours have passed since the last fortune generation.
   - The hit counter in the footer tracks the number of views of the app.

8. Customization:
   - The app's appearance can be customized by modifying the styles in the styles.css file.
   - Additional fortunes can be added to the fortunes.json file to expand the pool of available fortunes.
   - The JavaScript code in the script.js file can be extended to add more features or modify existing functionality.

This project documentation provides an overview of the Fantasy Fortune App, its structure, and how it works. It should give the new session a comprehensive understanding of the project, enabling them to assist with any further development or modifications.



Language:CSS 43.9%Language:JavaScript 39.8%Language:HTML 16.3%