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Prediction Poisoning: Towards Defenses Against DNN Model Stealing Attacks (ICLR '20)

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Prediction Poisoning: Towards Defenses Against DNN Model Stealing Attacks, ICLR '20

Tribhuvanesh Orekondy1, Bernt Schiele1, Mario Fritz2

1 Max Planck Institute for Informatics
2 CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security

High-performance Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are increasingly deployed in many real-world applications e.g., cloud prediction APIs. Recent advances in model functionality stealing attacks via black-box access (i.e., inputs in, predictions out) threaten the business model of such applications, which require a lot of time, money, and effort to develop. Existing defenses take a passive role against stealing attacks, such as by truncating predicted information. We find such passive defenses ineffective against DNN stealing attacks. In this paper, we propose the first defense which actively perturbs predictions targeted at poisoning the training objective of the attacker. We find our defense effective across a wide range of challenging datasets and DNN model stealing attacks, and additionally outperforms existing defenses. Our defense is the first that can withstand highly accurate model stealing attacks for tens of thousands of queries, amplifying the attacker's error rate up to a factor of 85× with minimal impact on the utility for benign users.

tl; dr: We propose the first approach that can resist DNN model stealing attacks

Project webpage: url


You will need to first recursively clone the repository:

$ git clone --recursive
$ cd prediction-posioning


  • Python 3.7
  • Pytorch 1.4+

The base environment be set up as:

$ conda env create -f environment.yml   # anaconda; or
$ pip install -r requirements.txt       # pip

You will then need to locally install the Knockoff Nets package:

$ cd knockoffnets
$ pip install -e .


Some of the datasets (e.g., MNIST, CIFAR) used in the paper is automatically downloaded when running the experiments for the first time. However, the rest (e.g., Caltech256, CUB200, ImageNet) need to be downloaded manually -- please follow the instructions here.

Victim Models

The undefended victim models can be downloaded using the links below.

Dataset URL (size)
MNIST (LeNet-like) url (3.2M)
FashionMNIST (LeNet-like) url (3.2M)
CIFAR10 (VGG16-BN) url (105M)
CIFAR100 (VGG16-BN) url (106M)
CUB200 (VGG16-BN) url (965M)
Caltech256 (VGG16-BN) url (966M)


  • Each zipped file contains: params.json (hyperparameters used to train the model), train.log.tsv (train/test logs), and checkpoint.pth.tar (pytorch checkpoint file).
  • Source of the (F)MNIST model architecture: PyTorch example.

Attack Models

Surrogate Models

Our approach MAD involves an optimization objective with access to jacobians (from the FC-layer) of surrogate models. The surrogate models used are essentially randomly-initialized models exhibiting chance-level performance. They can be created using the command:

$ python knockoff/victim/ CIFAR10 vgg16_bn \
    --out_path models/victim/CIFAR10-vgg16_bn-train-nodefense-scratch-advproxy \
    --device_id 1 \
    --epochs 1 \
    --train_subset 10 \
    --lr 0.0

Note that the learning rate is set to 0.

Alternatively, you can download the models used in the paper using the links below:

Dataset URL (size)
MNIST (LeNet-like) url (3.2M)
FashionMNIST (LeNet-like) url (3.2M)
CIFAR10 (VGG16-BN) url (105M)
CIFAR100 (VGG16-BN) url (106M)
CUB200 (VGG16-BN) url (965M)
Caltech256 (VGG16-BN) url (966M)

Running Experiments

The instructions below will execute experiments with the following setting:

  • Defense = MAD
  • Attack = Knockoff
  • Dataset (Victim model) = MNIST
  • Queryset = EMNISTLetters (i.e., images queried by the attacker)

Most of these parameters can be changed by simply substituting the variables with the one you want.

Step 1: Setting up experiment variables

The configuration for experiments is provided primarily via command-line arguments. Since some of these arguments are re-used between experiments (e.g., attack and defense models), it's convenient to assign the configuration in shell variables and just reference them in the command-line arguments (which you will see in the next steps). To do this, copy-paste the block below into command-line.

### If you have multiple GPUs on the machine, use this to select the specific GPU
### Metric for perturbation ball dist(y, y'). Supported = L1, L2, KL
### Perturbation norm
### p_v = victim model dataset
### f_v = architecture of victim model
### queryset = p_a = image pool of the attacker 
### Path to victim model's directory (the one downloded earlier)
### No. of images queried by the attacker. With 60k, attacker obtains 99.05% test accuracy on MNIST at eps=0.0.
### Initialization to the defender's surrogate model. 'scratch' refers to random initialization.
### Path to surrogate model
### Output path to attacker's model
### Defense strategy
### Parameters to defense strategy, provided as a key:value pair string. 
### Batch size of queries to process for the attacker

It is vital to retain these variables when running the subsequent commands when executes the model stealing attack under the configured defense.

Step 2: Simulate Attacker Interactions

The command below constructs the attacker's transfer set i.e., images and their corresponding pseudo-labels (perturbed posteriors) obtained by querying the defended blackbox. The defense is configured by strat and defense_args variables.

$ python defenses/adversary/ random ${vic_dir} ${strat} ${defense_args} \
    --out_dir ${out_dir} \
    --batch_size ${batch_size} \
    -d ${dev_id} \
    --queryset ${queryset} \
    --budget ${budget}

The command produces a ${out_dir}/queries.pickle file containing the image-(perturbed) prediction pairs. Additionally, the file ${out_dir}/distancetransfer.log.tsv logs the mean and standard deviations of L1, L2, and KL between the original and perturbed predictions.

Step 3: Train + Evaluate Attacker

After the transfer set (i.e., attacker's training set) is constructed, the command below trains multiple attack models for various choices of sizes of transfer sets (specified by budgets). During training, the model is simulatenously evaluated during each epoch.

python knockoff/adversary/ ${out_dir} ${f_v} ${p_v} \
    --budgets 50,100,500,1000,10000,60000 \
    --log-interval 500 \
    --epochs 50 \
    -d ${dev_id}

The train and test accuracies of the attack model (against MAD defense@eps) are logged to ${out_dir}/train.<budget>.log.tsv.

Step 4: Evaluate Blackbox utility

The utility of the defended blackbox is evaluated by computing

  • the test-set accuracy (i.e., ) with perturbed predictions on the test image set
  • perturbation magnitude norms introduced as a result
python defenses/adversary/ ${vic_dir} ${strat} ${defense_args} \
    --out_dir ${out_dir} \
    --batch_size ${batch_size} \
    -d ${dev_id}

The utility metrics will be logged to ${out_dir}/bboxeval.<testsetsize>.log.tsv (test accuracies) and ${out_dir}/distancetest.log.tsv (perturbation magnitudes).


If you found this work or code useful, please cite us:

    TITLE = {Prediction Poisoning: Towards Defenses Against DNN Model Stealing Attacks},
    AUTHOR = {Orekondy, Tribhuvanesh and Schiele, Bernt and Fritz, Mario},
    YEAR = {2020},

    TITLE = {Knockoff Nets: Stealing Functionality of Black-Box Models},
    AUTHOR = {Orekondy, Tribhuvanesh and Schiele, Bernt and Fritz, Mario},
    YEAR = {2019},


In case of feedback, suggestions, or issues, please contact Tribhuvanesh Orekondy


Prediction Poisoning: Towards Defenses Against DNN Model Stealing Attacks (ICLR '20)

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%