tri97nguyen / tri97nguyen

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Hi! I'm Tri (like a tree) πŸ‘‹

I enjoy building fullstack application and focus particularly on the JavaScript MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.) In addition, I have experience in design patterns and working with MVC enterprise framework like ASP.Net Core.

Experience: Software Engineer Intern at Skipli

My responsibility is creating a React application for a Point Of Sale system. I implemented the UI from scratch with no dependency on third party library like Bootstrap, and worked in a team of three to deliver the application.

Project: Restaurant App (MERN stack and Google Firestore Serverless Technology) 🀟🀟

Restaurant Repo Card

CodeSandbox for Live code

My proudest project is a restaurant application where I had to do everything myself, from ideation to implementation. This application is the culmination of my self-taught journey in learning JavaScript fullstack ecosystem. It reflects my learning milestones. As I progress on the learning path, I have supplanted Redux with Context API, migrating class component to functional component using hooks. Most recently, I have detached from the backend to connect to Google Firestore to store and retrieve data.

Software Engineering Project working with real-world client (ASP.NET CORE) πŸ‘―

OIRA Repo Card

I have done a 2-semseter long project using ASP.Net Core to build a student assessment software for my university. I led a team of 4 to develop the foundational codebase for the system. Coming into the project, I'd never worked with .NET Core, so it was a steep learning experience but also a rewarding one.

Aside from teaching myself ASP.NET Core, the MVC pattern and MySQL afterclass, I had a chance to work in an AGILE fashion with my team and collaborate directly with a real-world client. The project not only taught me solid ASP.Net Core but I also learned to be a better team player.

Software Engineering Project focusing on Design Patterns (Java) ♨️

Design Pattern Repo Card

UML class design

This project is where I really had a chance to flex these design pattern skills. Through the Tower Defense game created by Java Swing library, I employed multiple classic "Gang of Four" design patterns to build scalable and maintainable application. Furthermore, I applied many object-oriented principles like encapsulation, abstraction, well-behaved class and organizing code into semantic packages to further streamline the maintainability.

Again, I had a chance to collaborate with 3 other wonderful classmates. We went from pair programming to "mob" programming and learn how to function as a team member. Without them, this project wouldn't have finished.

TriNguyen's github stats Top Langs

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Read my resume🧻
