trevoruptain / jest_solution

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BenchBnB- Frontend Tests

Today's Goals

  • Learn what Jest and Enzyme are
  • Do a bunch of examples
  • Lay a foundation for more independent testing

Today's expectation

  • Stay engaged!
  • Be ready!

Why test?

  • Prevents fear of refactoring
  • Documentation
  • Catches potential bugs
  • TDD


  • Jest
    • Facebook's JS testing framework
    • Great for React
    • Simple mocking of components, libraries, etc.


  • Set up
  • Practice
  • Reducers
  • Action Creators
  • Async Action Creators
  • React Component Testing


  • npm install --save-dev jest
  • npm install --save-dev redux-mock-store
  • Edit package.json to run jest when you run npm test
  • Add .babelrc file

.babelrc file

  "presets": [ "es2015", "react"]

Jest Test Naming Conventions

  • Put in a folder __tests__
  • Name it #{file-being-tested}-test.js


  • Set up a __tests__ folder in practice
  • Add a practice-test.js

Code Demo

  • Let's test the first practice function

Partner A teaches Partner B

  • Teach your partner what we just did
  • 30 seconds

Group Coding

  • Let's test the second practice function

Partner B teaches Partner A

  • Teach your partner what we just did
  • 30 seconds

Individual Coding

  • Test the last practice function on your own

Testing Redux

  • Relatively simple
  • Pure functions

Reducers Code Demo

  • Let's write some reducer tests!

Partner B teaches Partner A

  • Explain the code demo to your partner
  • 30 seconds

Group Coding

  • Let's set up another test together

Partner A teaches Partner B

  • Explain what we just did to your partner
  • 45 seconds

Individual Coding

  • Write tests for RECEIVE_BENCH
  • 4 minutes

RECEIVE_BENCH test solution

test("should handle RECEIVE_BENCH", () => {
  let action = {
    type: BenchActions.RECEIVE_BENCH,
    bench: newBench

  expect(BenchesReducer(testBenches, action)).toEqual(
    Object.assign({}, testBenches, { 3: newBench })

Action Creators

  • Still pretty straight forward
  • Only gets messy when asynchronous activity is involved

Group Coding

  • Let's write test for receiveBenches together

Partner B teach partner A

  • Explain how to write a test for simple action creator

Individual Coding

  • Write test for receiveBench
  • 2 minutes

receiveBench solution

test("receiveBench should create an action to receive one bench", () => {
  const expectedAction = {
    type: actions.RECEIVE_BENCH,
    bench: newBench


10 minute break

Async Action Creator Code Demo

  • Let's write a test for fetchBenches

With your partner

  • Write tests for fetchBench

fetchBench solution

test("fetchBench creates RECEIVE_BENCH after fetching new bench", () => {
  const store = mockStore({ benches: {} });
  const expectedActions = [{ type: actions.RECEIVE_BENCH, bench: newBench }];

  ApiUtil.fetchBench = jest.fn(() => {
    return Promise.resolve(newBench);

  return store.dispatch(actions.fetchBench()).then(() => {

Component Testing

  • Enzyme- Enzyme is a JavaScript Testing utility for React that makes it easier to assert, manipulate, and traverse your React Components' output.
  • jQuery like API on components
  • Test what's being rendered
  • Test that props being passed in are used correctly
  • Test events that happen on the component

Component Testing Set-up

  • npm install --save-dev enzyme
  • npm install --save-dev enzyme-adapter-react-15 react-test-renderer
  • add the setUpEnzymeAdapter.js file and reference it in package.json

Enzyme docs

Component testing demo

Where To Go From Here

  • Add tests to your FSP
  • Add tests to JS project
  • Add Jest to your resume
  • Add tests whenever possible on coding challenges!

Additional Resources



Language:Ruby 44.9%Language:JavaScript 41.9%Language:HTML 7.4%Language:CSS 4.6%Language:CoffeeScript 1.3%