trevor-atlas / vor

Vör – Jira & Git made simple

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

📋 changelog

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Vör – Jira & Git made simple

In Norse mythology, Vör is the seeress. She is wise and of searching spirit, so that none can conceal anything from her. Her name means "awareness" or "to become aware of something", and she can be prayed to for intuitive information that cannot be acquired by normal means.

What is it?

Vor is a CLI tool that makes it really easy to connect jira and git/github it provides commands to create branches from a given jira ticket, github pull requests from that branch and makes it easy to view your assigned tickets - all without leaving the command line!


Create a branch for a specific jira issue

vor branch AQ-1234

creates a branch of the form {repo-name}/{issue-type}/{issue-number}/{issue-title} so for the aquicore repo issue 4753 would result in aquicore/story/AQ-4653/do-some-stuff-with-the-thing

Create a pr with my current branch

vor pull-request

list my issues in Jira

vor issues

View details of a specific issue

vor issue AQ-1234


Vör is project specific and usually requires a config at the root of that project (though this is not always true, it is recommended)

see an example config file here

The supported configuration options and their defaults are:

// output additional logging information at runtime
devmode: false

// the template to use for new branches
branchtemplate: {jira-issue-number}/{jira-issue-type}/{jira-issue-title}

// the path to your local git
    path: /usr/local/bin/git

    // the base branch to make pull requests against
    pull-request-base: master

author: your name
    orgname: <your company name, usually contained in the url or your jira install>
    username: <your jira username (sometimes an email)>
    apikey: <your jira api key from>
    owner: <the owner of the repository>
    apikey: <your github api key (get this from>

you can also export the config options in your bash_profile or elsewhere like so:

export JIRA_API_KEY={your jira api key}

Copyright © 2018 Trevor Atlas Vör is a command line tool to make working to Jira and Git/Github easier


Vör – Jira & Git made simple



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