trchudley / glacier-strain-tools

Tools for deriving surface-parallel strain rates from glacier velocity fields.

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Tools for deriving surface-parallel strain rates from glacier velocity fields.


This tool implements (i) a Python version of the matlab script presented in Alley et al. (2018) to calculate logarithmic strain rates from remotely sensed glacier surface velocity fields (in the x- and y- directions); (ii) code adapted from Chudley et al. (2021) to calculate the magnitude and directions of the surface-parallel principal strain rates; (iii) functions for determining further strain rate components (longitudinal, transverse, shear, effective).

After downloading, strain_tools can be installed from the top-level directory via pip install ..


This module was created using a conda installation of Python v3.7.11 with the following packages:

  • numpy v1.20.3
  • rasterio v1.2.6
  • numba v0.54.1

Other variations have not been tested.

Command line use

For simple testing and use on single fields, this tool can be used in the command line, although the implementation is crude and use within Python is prefered.

$ vx.tif vy.tif 750 --pixel_size 200 --no_data -9999.0

where the first three mandatory arguments are the x-velocity field geotiff, the y-velocity field geotiff, and the length scale (in distance units). Output strain fields are saved as *.tif files in the same directory as the input files. Optional flags are available -- see -h -- but particularly important ones are the spatial resolution (--pixel_size) as an integer (the script will try and determine this manually but will often throw an error, so it may be prefereable to manually set this), and the value of no_data pixels (--no_data) if this value will not automatically be loaded in as NaN values by rasterio.

Python functions

It is preferable to use this tool as an imported Python module. strain_tools can be installed from the top-level directory via pip install .. Following installation, it can be used in combination with numpy arrays of x and y velocities within a Python script:

import rasterio as rs
import numpy as np

import strain_tools

# Set variables
vx_fpath = "path/to/vx.tif"
vy_fpath = "path/to/vy.tif"
no_data = -9999.0   # pixel value of nodata cells, if applicable
pixel_size = 200    # metres
length_scale = 750  # metres

# Get vx and vy arrays with rasterio
with as src:
    vx =
with as src:
    vy =

# Set no data values to NaN
vx = np.where(vx == no_data, np.nan, vx)
vy = np.where(vy == no_data, np.nan, vy)

# Use strain_tools functions to calculate strain rate components
e_xx, e_yy, e_xy = strain_tools.log_strain_rates(vx, vy, pixel_size, length_scale)
angle = strain_tools.flow_direction(vx, vy)
e_1, e_1U, e_1V, e_2, e_2U, e_2V = strain_tools.principal_strain_rate_directions(e_xx, e_yy, e_xy)
e_lon, e_trn, e_shr = strain_tools.rotated_strain_rates(e_xx, e_yy, e_xy, angle)
e_E = strain_tools.effective_strain_rate(e_xx, e_yy, e_xy)

The U and V components of the principal strain rate fields can be visualised within a matplotlib quiverplot. See the included jupyter notebook for an example of this.


e_xx, e_yy, e_xy = log_strain_rates(vx, vy, pixel_size, length_scale, tol=10e-4, ydir=1)

Given vx and vy fields alongside the pixel size and desires length scale, returns the logarithmic strain rates (exx, eyy, exy) for a given glacier surface velocity field. Python adaptation of Alley et al. (2018) matlab script, itself based on principles from Nye (1959).


e_1, e_1U, e_1V, e_2, e_2U, e_2V = principal_strain_rate_directions(e_xx, e_yy, e_xy)

Given exx, eyy, and exy, return the magnitude and directions of principal strain rates as output by the logarithmic_strain function. Implementation of Python script from Chudley et al. (2021).


e_1, e_2 = principal_strain_rate_magnitudes(e_xx, e_yy, e_xy, angle)

Given exx, eyy, and exy, return principal surface-parallel strain rates following Nye (1959) and Harper et al. (1998) - i.e. not using eigenvectors. Quicker to compute, only returns magnitude values.


angle = flow_direction(vx, vy)

Calculates a grid of flow directions (in radians offset from x=0) so that the grid-oriented strain rates can be rotated to align with local flow directions


e_lon, e_trn, e_shr = rotated_strain_rates(e_xx, e_yy, e_xy, angle)

Given exx, eyy, and exy, returns longitudinal, transverse, and shear strain rates following Bindschadler et al. (1996).


e_E = effective_strain_rate(e_xx, e_yy, e_xy)

Given exx, eyy, and exy, returns effective strain rate following Cuffey & Paterson (2010, p.59).


Alley et al. (2018). Continent-wide estimates of Antarctic strain rates from Landsat 8-derived velocity grids. Journal of Glaciology, 64(244) 321–332.

Bindschadler et al. (1996). Surface velocity and mass balance of Ice Streams D and E, West Antarctica. Journal of Glaciology, 42(142), 461–475.

Chudley et al. (2021). Controls on water storage and drainage in crevasses on the Greenland Ice Sheet. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 126, e2021JF006287.

Cuffey & Paterson (2010). The Physics of Glaciers. Academic Press.

Harper et al. (1998). Crevasse patterns and the strain-rate tensor: A high-resolution comparison. Journal of Glaciology, 44(146), 68-76.

Nye, J. (1959). A Method of Determining the Strain-Rate Tensor at the Surface of a Glacier. Journal of Glaciology, 3(25), 409-419.


Tools for deriving surface-parallel strain rates from glacier velocity fields.

License:MIT License


Language:Jupyter Notebook 97.6%Language:Python 2.4%