travismillerweb / db-manage

Management Scripts for Databases

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

DBManage Scripts


This repo keeps track of [dbname] database.

So what's different about this repo and the old hooks?

  • Importing and exporting the db are separate steps from committing and pulling. As a result, pulling and pushing doesn't automatically modify your database. Life is safer.

  • Whenever you run the import script, your previous database is automatically saved to the "stashed_[project_id]_ux.sql" file. Life is safer.

  • The database changes are tracked in a completely separate repo, now updating the files doesn't require also force you to update the DB and put everybody else's db out of date. Life is safer.

  • The override feature should be used with caution! it primarily exists for easy updating and syncing with our content database.

Environment Setup FIRST!

Remember to setup the "mysql_config" options file! Specify an alternate MySQL host if it differs from "localhost" along with User and DB Credentials.

How To

To export the database, run ./export. To import the database, run ./import.

Or, more verbose:

To share your database changes, run:

git add -A
git commit -m "Description"
git push

To get the latest database, run:

git pull

Tagging A DB Version

git tag UAT-v1.0
git push origin UAT-v1.0

Adding the Database to the Git Workflow

Some notes (Unix):

  • if you need to commit a db update, but don't want to change files, run .git/hooks/pre-commit directly
  • remember, pre-merge not post-commit

In your .git/hooks folder add these file:

  • pre-commit
  • post-merge
  • mysql_config

In mysql_config write:

{{{ #!bash


path_to_binary='/Applications/MAMP/Library/bin/' mysql_user='root' mysql_pass='root' dbname='[project_id]_ux' # also used as the file name path_to_file='' # the path relative to the root git directory

rootdir=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) }}}

In pre_commit file write:

{{{ #!bash


Dumps the database and adds it the current commit

You may need to chmod +x .git/hooks/mysql_config

. .git/hooks/mysql_config

$path_to_binary"/mysqldump" --user=$mysql_user --password=$mysql_pass --skip-extended-insert $dbname > $rootdir/$path_to_file/$dbname.sql git add $rootdir/$path_to_file/$dbname.sql

echo "Dumped and added $dbname.sql to commit"


In the post-merge file write:

{{{ #!bash


Updates the existing database by

restoring from the mysqldump file in the commit that just happened

You may need to chmod +x .git/hooks/mysql_config

. .git/hooks/mysql_config

$path_to_binary"/mysql" --user=$mysql_user --password=$mysql_pass $dbname < $rootdir/$path_to_file/$dbname.sql

echo "Restored database from $dbname.sql to MySql" }}}

== The original article ==


Notes from initial source site:

Let’s start with pre-commit. The pre-commit hook will run a script directly before a commit is executed. To edit your pre-commit hook:

[your editor] /path/to/your/repo/.git/hooks/pre-commit

Now, lets write the pre-commit script. We are going to tell the system to dump our MySQL database to our git repository and add it to be committed. (make sure add to the top of the page, wont work at the bottom!)

#!/bin/sh mysqldump -u [mysql user] -p[mysql password] --skip-extended-insert [database] > /path/to/your/repo/[database].sql cd /path/to/your/repo git add [database].sql

Now, lets write the post-merge script. We are going to tell the system to restore the MySQL dump to the local database for the latest changes. Edit the post-merge hook with: [your editor] /path/to/your/repo/.git/hooks/post-merge

And write: #!/bin/sh mysql -u [mysql user] -p[mysql password] [database] < /path/to/your/repo/[database].sql

If you are experiencing issues with error messages saying files don't exist, trying going to phpMyAdmin and export a working copy of the MySQL database to get you started.

They are initially stored as .sample files, after adding the hooks to these files, remove the .sample and change these files to regular files

Do some testing to make sure it works and we should be good to go!


  • When exporting the initial database, be sure to include Drop Statements in the Initial Export, because you might get conflicts with Primary Keys Initially Existing.

  • Individual MySQL configurations should not affect how the hooks interact with git commands and the project Database

Main Source:


Management Scripts for Databases


Language:Shell 100.0%