travislang / movie-sentiment

A movie information application that uses Twitter tweets to generate a movie rating based on sentimental analysis

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A full Stack movie information application that uses Twitter tweets to generate a movie rating based on sentimental analysis to give users a rating based on real peoples opinions. It also uses GraphQL for a baxckend API and has search and filter functionality along with generating similar and recommended movies.

Screen Shots




Built With

  • Node
  • Express
  • PostgreSQL
  • React
  • GraphQL
  • Apollo Server
  • Apollo Client
  • Styled-Components
  • sequelize


To view a live demo of the app please visit

It is hosted on heroku's free tier so please allow a few moments for the heroku server to spin up.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


Setting up the environment

Next you will need to create an .env file that has the following fields: TMDBAPI={YOUR_API_KEY TWITTER_BEARER_TOKEN={YOUR_0AUTH2 BEARER TOKEN}

TMDBAPI is a TMDB (similar to IMDB but has an API) api key that you will need to generate.

The TWITTER_BEARER_TOKEN is needed to get the tweet data from twitter. You will have to register for a developer account with twitter and then create an app. These steps will explain further

Completed Features

  • Search Movies
  • Filter Movies
  • Infinite scroll loading of movies
  • Twitter Rating
  • Similar & Recommended movies

Next Steps

  • work on improving code performance
  • Add more filter options


  • Travis Lang


  • Thanks to all of the developers of the open source software that was used


A movie information application that uses Twitter tweets to generate a movie rating based on sentimental analysis


Language:JavaScript 87.7%Language:CSS 11.1%Language:HTML 1.1%