travisgoodspeed / codeplugtool

KK4VCZ's tool for programming the Kenwood TH-D74 .

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Goodspeed's Codeplug Tool

Howdy y'all,

This is a CAT and memory programming library for the Kenwood TH-D72, TH-D74 and TH-D710 written in portable Java, with a command-line interface for use on desktop computers.

A matching frontend for Android is available in a separate git repo as CATTool, which calls this library as a dependency.

73 de Knoxville,

--Travis KK4VCZ


The jSerialComm library is used to provide a serial port connection for the CLI tool. It is embedded in the repo and statically linked into CodePlugTool.jar.

Code compiles with the latest Java, but Java 8 compatibility is strictly maintained for use in Android. TCP connections are supported, both for hardware network serial port servers and quick and dirty ones built with socat.


Development is performed in Eclipse, but it's easy to build from the command line with Apache Ant.

dell% ant clean jar
Buildfile: build.xml

   [delete] Deleting directory build

    [mkdir] Created dir: build/classes
    [unzip] Expanding: lib/jSerialComm-2.6.2.jar into build/classes
    [javac] Compiling 9 source files to build/classes

      [jar] Building jar: CodePlugTool.jar

Total time: 1 second

CLI Usage

The CLI is unstable at this point, but generally you provide a driver (d74) and a port name (ttyACM0) as your parameters, then a verb or to to direct the tool around. Run the tool with no parameters to see a list of available drivers, ports, and verbs.

Usage is presented when run without parameters.

dell% java -jar CodePlugTool.jar 
cpt [driver] [port/file] [verbs]

                d74 -- TH-D74 Tri-Band HT
                d710 -- TM-D710 Mobile
                991a -- Yaesu FT-991A
                csv -- Chirp's CSV format.
        ttyS0   -- Physical Port S0
        ttyS2   -- Physical Port S2
        ttyS1   -- Physical Port S1
        ttyUSB1 -- USB-to-Serial Port (cp210x)
        ttyUSB0 -- USB-to-Serial Port (cp210x)
        info             -- Prints the radio's info.
        dump             -- Dumps the radio's channels to the console.
        upload foo.csv   -- Uploads a CSV file from CHIRP to the radio.
        download foo.csv -- Downloads a CSV file from the radio.
        raw 'ME 000'   -- Runs a raw command and prints the result.

Viewing the radio settings,

dell% java -jar CodePlugTool.jar d74 ttyACM0 info
Model:       TH-D74,K,4
Version:     1.09
Serial:      B9A10175
Callsign:    NOCALL
Frequency:   224380000

Viewing the channels,

dell% java -jar CodePlugTool.jar d74 ttyACM0 dump
000 146.010000 MHz 
100 147.315000 MHz (TX +0.600000 MHz) 
101 146.895000 MHz (TX -0.600000 MHz) T100.000000
102 145.410000 MHz (TX -0.600000 MHz) T127.300000
103 147.240000 MHz (TX +0.600000 MHz) T114.800000
104 144.940000 MHz (TX 147.440000 MHz) 
105 146.925000 MHz (TX -0.600000 MHz) T114.800000
106 145.450000 MHz (TX -0.600000 MHz) T141.300000
107 146.790000 MHz (TX -0.600000 MHz) 
108 147.045000 MHz (TX -0.600000 MHz) T151.400000

Flashing a CSV file from Chirp to a Kenwood TH-D74,

dell% head knoxville.csv 
102,W4KEV,145.410000,-,0.600000,Tone,127.3,127.3,023,NN,FM,5.00,,"Greeneville, Bald Mtn",,,,
105,W4GZX,146.925000,-,0.600000,Tone,114.8,88.5,023,NN,Auto,5.00,,"Cleveland, CARC Clubhouse",,,,
107,N4AW,146.790000,-,0.600000,,88.5,88.5,023,NN,FM,5.00,,"Pickens, Sassafrass Mountain",,,,

dell% java -jar CodePlugTool.jar d74 ttyACM0 upload knoxville.csv             
000 146.010000 MHz 
100 147.315000 MHz (TX +0.600000 MHz) 
101 146.895000 MHz (TX -0.600000 MHz) T100.000000
102 145.410000 MHz (TX -0.600000 MHz) T127.300000
103 147.240000 MHz (TX +0.600000 MHz) T114.800000
104 144.940000 MHz (TX 147.440000 MHz) 
105 146.925000 MHz (TX -0.600000 MHz) T114.800000
106 145.450000 MHz (TX -0.600000 MHz) T141.300000
107 146.790000 MHz (TX -0.600000 MHz) 
108 147.045000 MHz (TX -0.600000 MHz) T151.400000
109 145.490000 MHz (TX -0.600000 MHz) T167.900000
110 147.240000 MHz (TX +0.600000 MHz) T151.400000

Developer Usage

See CommandLineInterface for quick examples of communicating with a radio. Better examples are on the way.


If you use this code, you owe me one India Pale Ale. If you complain that this isn't in the spirit of Free Software, you owe me a dozen of them.


KK4VCZ's tool for programming the Kenwood TH-D74 .


Language:Java 99.7%Language:Makefile 0.3%